Summer Programmes
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Los Summer Programmes son diferentes programas culturales que organizan las Universidades Socias de la UMA, con interesantes oportunidades académicas y formativas para los estudiantes.
Cada programa es diferente, en algunos casos encontrarás programas basados en el debate y el intercambio de ideas; otros, te ofrecerán clases del idioma oficial en cuestión dependiendo del nivel de cada estudiante y otros te permitirán explorar temas de interés de diferentes campos mediante presentaciones, talleres, conferencias y actividades.
23 de Mayo de 2022
ISIT Paris is pleased to inform you that the Pre-PhD Summer School 2022 in Translation and Intercultural Communication will take place from 27 June to 13 July 2022 at ISIT's campus in Paris.
23 de Mayo de 2022
We invite you to promote this year’s univie: summer school programmes among your students:
univie: summer schools are short programmes (one to four weeks) between July – September 2022.
They are open to international and local students, with a focus on those studying towards a master’s or doctoral degree.
23 de Mayo de 2022
Real area of democratic exchange, summer workshop of the college of Cluny suggests to students and young professionals from all over Europe, the opportunity discussing their future, exchanging with other European young people and realizing a common project through an approach established on respect and listening.
23 de Mayo de 2022
13th Summer Academy and the 3-Month Research Program
23 de Mayo de 2022
The Summer School will take place between the 10th and the 16th of July 2022 and it may be joined by jurists, health professionals and students of all levels (undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral ones). The lectures will take place in hybrid format (on-site and remotely via ZOOM platform
13 de Mayo de 2022
Esta institución coreana ofrece la posibilidad de presentar a un/a estudiante de la UMA seleccionado/a por nuestra oficina internacional y a otro/a candidato/a para participar en este curso, en las fechas indicadas, abonando solo los gastos de transporte (vuelos).
9 de Mayo de 2022
9 de Mayo de 2022
7 de Mayo de 2022
We are now offering them the opportunity to attend our new summer programme: Paris and the Keys to Luxury Business from July 3, 2022, to July 13, 2022.
2 de Mayo de 2022
Date: 20 June – 8 July, 2022The virtual component will take place from 20 June to 1 July, 2022.