
Project Applications

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Procedural rules to participate in internationalisation projects


The Vice-rectorate for Mobility and International Cooperation of the University of Málaga, through its International Projects Unit and in its intention to give better support to all those people in our university community who wish to apply for an international project or join a proposal to which they are invited from other universities or organisations, presents the current procedural regulations.

Information and training

1. The International Projects Unit undertakes to disseminate on its website, social networks, and by email to the university community, the main calls for international projects in the field of education, training, youth and sport, as well as to provide general information seminars, or at the request of Centres, so that all researchers interested in applying can access the calls with a greater chance of success.

Assistance in the preparation of proposals

2. The applicant must study the proposal and assess his/her availability to carry out the required tasks as well as the appropriateness of the budget allocated to them.

3. Subsequently, the applicant must contact this Unit and send all available information on his/her project (activities, budget, signature documents, etc.) at least 15 days before the deadline for submission of proposals, in order to receive technical advice and guidelines for the improvement of the proposal, as well as to carry out the necessary assessment prior to the management of signatures, mandates, etc. by the academic authorities.

4. All information received in relation to the projects will be treated with absolute confidentiality in both directions.

Project management

5. Once the project has been awarded, the International Projects Unit will administratively support (management and dissemination of mobility calls, help in the preparation of financial reports, help in dealing with incidents with the Project Officer or with the other partners, advice in the preparation of reports and audits, etc.). A part of the budget allocated to the implementation of the project will be earmarked for this purpose. As a general rule, 15% of the project will revert to the unit and the rest will remain at the disposal of the researcher to implement his/her project.

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