
Transcript of records

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Transcript of Records


The Transcript of Records is a certificate that contains all the information about yourgrades and ECTS credits obtained. The Transcript of Records will (TOR) be uploaded in digitalformat (pdf) in our online Nomination Tool with intent to accelerate our procedure andprovide access to this document. It is an original document with official validity.

Therefore, our institution will not issue the printed version of this document by post.International Offices of sending institutions will be informed as soon as any TOR has been uploaded.

Nevertheless, partner institutions have access to our Nomination Tool and will be able to download the Transcript of Records from our online platform after the dates mentioned above. Students will not have access to our Nomination Tool.

When will the Transcript of Records be uploaded?

First Semester students: after the 25th March 2022

Second Semester and Full year students: after the 25th July 2022




  • The Transcript of Records will include only bachelor or master courses that has been enrolled in EMI. Therefore, any other course will not be included in this document.  
  • The Transcript of Records will be only available when professors have uploaded all the grades and the General Secretary of the Universidad de Málaga has signed this document. 

What to do if the grades are needed before the aforementioned dates?

If you need to submit your grades before the previous dates, you can access the section “Expediente” in EMI to download a provisional document which includes the updated grades provided by professors. This document is not the official Transcript of Records but includes our stamp and the grade scale equivalence.




Grading system


The grading system used by Spanish universities is based on specific attainment levels, rather than on a numerical scale. This is the equivalence with the ECTS grading system:



Matrícula de Honor (MH) – 10 con mención especial*

Distinction (A)

Sobresaliente (SOB) 9-10

Excellent (A)

Notable (NOT) 8-8’99

Very Good (B)

Notable (NOT) 7-7’99

Good (C)

Aprobado (APR) 6-6’99

Satisfactory (D)

Aprobado (APR) 5-5’99

Sufficient (E)

Suspenso (SUS) 0-4’99

Fail (Fx-F)

No presentado (N.P.)

Absent from Exam


Notice that the grade “Matrícula de Honor” is rarely given

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