


Key Action



Strategic Partnerships – Higher Education



Project duration

28 months

Start date


End date




Coordinating Institution

Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain

Partner Institutions

Universidad de Málaga, Spain

Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Presovska Univerzita V Presove, Slovakia

Kypriaki Mathimatiki Etaireia, Cyprus

Inthecity Project Development, the Netherlands

DYS-centrum Praha o.s., Czech Republic

Project description

The aim of this project is to develop and validate a computerised adaptive applications device for dynamic assessment (DA) and optimisation of executive functions (EF) in children with special educational needs SEN associated with neurodevelopmental and learning disorders (C-DAOEF). EFs constitute a set of skills involved in the control and regulation of cognitive functioning, and are determinants of learning, flexible behavioural adjustment, social functioning and academic success, especially in children with SEN. The C-DAOEF device will include different levels of difficulty and graduated aids associated with each item. Its essential feature is the dynamic adaptation of these elements to the progressive level of competence shown by the learner. The system shall allow the recording of the sequence of actions performed and the execution times. Its application will allow information to be obtained regarding both (a) the levels of difficulty shown during the resolution of different activities, and (b) the type and degree of support required to solve them successfully.

The consortium that will develop and validate this tool is composed of 6 organisations. The Artificial Intelligence Research and Applications team, from the University of Malaga, will contribute their knowledge in the field of construction and implementation of computerised adaptive tests.

Coordinating Professor UMA

Eduardo Guzmán De los Riscos (guzman@lcc.uma.es )