National Plan
Services provided by OTRI under the National Plan
OTRI is in charge of managing R&D collaborative projects between research groups and companies (Avanza, INNPACTO, INNTERCONECTA, INNPRONTA, INNFLUYE). In order to help the researcher manage these projects, a protocol of action was developed.
The NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION PLAN for 2013-2016 allows for the simultaneous and continuous of actions plans aimed at promoting and coordinating R&D and innovation process, from the very conception of an idea until its implementation in the form of a product, thus improving the quality of life, social welfare, and contributing to the economic development. The plan is aimed at agents within the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation who are responsible for: (a) carrying out research, development and innovation activities; (b) managing research, development and innovation acivities; and (c) providing R&D and innovation services for the scientific, technological and innovation advancements within the Spanish economic and social sphere.
The nature of this NATIONAL PLAN is that of a Strategic Plan, referred to in Article 8.1 under the General Subsidies Law 38/2003, of November 17, facilitating the implementation of policies of promotion and management of R&D and innovation activities launched by the State General Administration. Therefore, the allocation of public funds will be done through a competitive process; the criteria for selection is based on the proposals scientific and technological relevance and, where applicable, its technological, economic, and commercial feasibility in accordance with international standards, as well as standardised and transparent assessment procedures issued by assessment committees.
Furthermore, the development of the NATIONAL PLAN has coincided with the current debate over and drafting of the Action Framework for European R&D and innovation, «Horizonte 2020» (Horizon 2020); therefore, it has also arrived at a time of reflection of great challenges and oportunities for common policies relating to R&D as well as Member States.
In this manner, State General Administration policies promoting R&D are in line with EU policies on the same topic, thus allowing the NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION PLAN FOR 2013-2016 to determine the actions requiring funding by the state and the priorities set out in the SPANISH STRATEGY FOR SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND INNOVATION (2013-2020).
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
Subprogramme INNPACTO: This programme comprises high-level budget activities and their strategic actions cover all production sectors.
a) Quantity: The minimum budget for this projects is set to € 500.000.
b) Duration: They must be multi-year projects.
c) Participation: The group of entities involved in the project must be represented by a company. The project shall be conducted by a minimum of two entities and one of these must be a public or private research institute.
Call for CDTI:
This subprogramme has a budget of € 120 million meant for large pre-competitive projects of a technological nature (Minimum of €15 million per project for 4 years) led by companies in a consortium. At least 15 % of the budget must go to reasearch bodies or institutes. It allows for the option of prefinancing the multi-annual grant. Fills the gap of CENIT programme.
These grants support integrated projects of experimental development. The beneficiaries are company and economic interest groupings and should involve the participation of, at least, one research institute which shall receive 15% minimum of the total budget as a subcontractor of the project.
Subprogramme INNFLUYE:The aim of this subprogramme is to promote the creation and maintenance of technological platforms such as public-private working groups, thus encouraging smooth bilateral exchange of information and allowing for collaboration in a given sector or technological field.
Ministry of Industry, Energy, and Tourism
Plan Avanza de I+D+i (Advance R&D and innovation Plan): Aimed at the ICT sector (Telecommunications and Information Society). These projects are led by companies and Universities may take part in them as partners or subcontractors.
Experimental development project and international projects.
a) The future Internet.
b) Systems and devices.
c) ICT company solutions.
d) Security.
e) Health and social welfare.
f) Public Administration.