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Article 20. Fellowships on the basis of Contracts or Grant Agreements.

When collaboration is required of first-cycle or second-cycle university students to perform complementary or support tasks that are key to the Contract or Agreement; these fellowships are awarded according to the following requirements and procedure:

  1. Eligible candidates for this fellowship are first-cycle or second-cycle university students enrolled in a school/centre at UMA, providing that conditions are met regarding incompatibility with other grants or labour contracts. Furthermore, holders of a Univesity degree are also eligible candidate for the fellowship, providing that the legal terms established are met.
  2. The duration of the fellowship cannot exceed the term of the contract/agreement. Exceptionally, it may be extended until the research project adequately concludes. Nonetheless, the duration of the fellowship can be shorter than the duration of the contract/agreement, which can be renewed until the project's completion.
  3. If these exceptional cases apply, the fellowship contract will automatically conclude when the contract/agreement terminates; in no case is the beneficiary entitled to compensation or any other entitlements with respect to the University.
  4. The same individual may be hired via a research contract for maximum period of four years.
  5. The proposed candidadate shall be notified to the Director of OTRI by the main researcher of the project; in addition to the proposal, the researcher should also provide information on the purpose, amount, and duration of the fellowship, complying with Annex XI.
  6. Fellows shall receive the credential without this entailing a labour or professional link with the University.
  7. Students fellows signed by UMA Main Researchers on the basis of a contract or grant agreement, will benefit from Student Insurance in compliance with the current legislation. In all cases, student fellows must sign a combined insurance covering accidents and, if applicable, medical care based on what the Office of the Vice-President for Research and PhD Studies establishes; insurance signing shall take place after the University's General Manager approves.
  8. Based on this Article, student fellows acquire the following rights and duties:

    a) The right to the fellowship grant, as stipulated in the contract/agreement; under no circumstances shall this quantity adopt the form of a salary.
    b) The right to receive support from the company or institution in carrying out the assigned task(s).
    c) Rights provided in future Calls as well those included in the contract clauses.
    d) The right to annual leave, if the duration of the fellowship exceeds a twelve-month period (includind extended periods).
    e) Compliance with the working day schedule and tasks specified in the corresponding Contract Annex.
    f) The right to a paid leave of absence, license or permit to perform unavoidable public duties, as stipulated in the corresponding Contract Annex.


Article 21. Collaboration grants with Public bodies.

  1. Fellowships awarded by the National Ministry of Education and Science, the Regional Ministry of Education, or any other Public body shall comply with the incompatibility conditions established by each call.
  2. Collaboration will take place without undermining the grantee's academic schedule; furthermore, in no case shall this collaboration entail a professional or labour link with the institution.
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