Contract Regulations
The legal framework regulating companies' recruitment of teachers to carry out scientific, technological, or artistic projects is as follows:
1. Regulations of the University of Málaga for the contracting of work of a scientific, technical or artistic nature (Contracts Art. 83 LOU). Approved by Agreement of the Governing Council of the University of Málaga of 13 May 2015. Download
2. Manual of Contract Procedures Art.83 LOU. Approved by Agreement of the Governing Council of the University of Málaga of 26 July 2016. Download
3. Organic Law 2/2023, of March 22, of the University System (LOSU).- Art. 60
4. Insofar as it does not oppose the LOSU: Royal Decree 1930/1984, of 10 October, which develops Art. 45.1 of the L.R.U, and Royal Decree 1450/1989, of 24 November, which partially modifies the previous one.
5. Law 53/1984, of 26 December. Incompatibilities. Personnel in the service of the Public Administration.- Art. 4.3.
6. Royal Decree 598/1985, 30 April 1985, on incompatibilities of personnel in the service of the State Administration, the Social Security and dependent bodies, organisations and companies
- Art. 15.1.
7. Royal Decree 898/1985 of 30 April 1985 on the status of university teachers- Art. 9.2.
8. Statutes of the University of Málaga.Approved by Decree 464/2019, of 14 May and published in BOJA (Official Gazette of the Andalusian Regional Government) no. 93, of 17 May 2019.
- Art. 165, 166, 167, 168, 169 and 170.9. Resolution of 6 October 1998, of the University of Málaga on the call for participation of research groups in the Centre of the University of Málaga in the Andalusia Technology Park Annex I. General condition five.