
Iber-Red 2030 Agenda

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Logos Agenda Iber-Red 2030

Ibero-American Network for the study of the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030

The Ibero-American space in the face of the challenges of the Agenda 2030: Spain, Portugal and Latin America, aims to promote a multidisciplinary space for research that serves to foster relations between teachers, researchers and national and international experts from different areas of knowledge, ranging from Cultural Studies, International Studies, Communication, International Relations, Law or Political Science, etc.., whose nexus of union is the study of the Ibero-American space and specifically the challenge for Spain and Portugal to meet the challenges of the Agenda 2030 in Latin America, as well as multilateral relations with the rest of the countries on the other side of the Atlantic that make up this great conglomerate.

In our opinion, there is an unavoidable academic and scientific need, which is the reconstruction of international relations in a scenario of balance and solidarity, capable of facing the current crises and regional imbalances, as well as the challenges of globalization and new technologies, and the dangers that threaten us today. The university can play here an important role, by getting closer to the real world, being proactive and resolute, qualities that are directly related to the function of transferring knowledge to society. Today, more than ever, it is necessary to rethink the Euro-American and Ibero-American space, without forgetting the relations that derive from this axis towards other geographical areas and the history that has been built underneath them. The Agenda 2030 provides us with the keys to begin this work.

The Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) require all countries to make an effort in the design and implementation of their development and international cooperation policies, thus establishing a roadmap for collective action. Spain and Portugal, as twinned countries that share a common territory in the Iberian Peninsula, a parallel history on the other side of the ocean, and which are also the gateway from the Atlantic to Europe and the link with the rest of the Ibero-American countries, must turn this preferential position into an opportunity to lead the present and future lines of action in terms of cooperation and international relations.

The 17 challenges posed by the Agenda 2030 pursue equality for all human beings, the protection of the planet and its resources, and prosperity as an objective and common good, a global social contract that leaves no one behind. Within the SDGs, we pay special attention to the following, without undermining the study of the entirety of the Agenda 2030:

  • 4. Quality education
  • 5. Gender equality
  • 10. Reducing inequalities
  • 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Network subsidized by the University of Malaga, Vice-rectorate for Research and Transfer, Plan Propio, call 5.- Ayudas para la constitución de redes temáticas 2021.  

Network Objectives

Researchers who are members of the Network

Research groups associated with the Network

Social networks of Agenda Iber-Red 2030

Jornada virtual Agenda Iber-Red 2030 2021/2022 (held in June 2022)

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