
Local Cooperation

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The Civic Constellation Project



Relying on previous cooperation began in 2011, the project recast it through a program of joint activities with Málaga City Council’s Area of Civic Participation, Immigration and Development Cooperation.

A prioritized attention is paid to the integration chances of the left-behind, mostly non-immigrant Roma community. Ironically, like in other parts of Europe, most immigrant communities thrive as compared to the failing history of the Roma community. Its social position is unique, not being entirely an immigrant group, but socially perceived as if it were because of its segregational geographical location in town, and in most places elsewhere. The inquiry elaborates on the project’s wider perspective on inclusion/exclusion issues and on minority rights. The recognition of the exclusion of non-citizens and of unrepresented citizens is also an acknowledgement of their civic capability.

The city’s framework for civil associations, immigration-related community services, and more specifically volunteerism and initiatives for local democracy, enhanced by its partnership with, for example, the International Observatory of Participatory Democracy and the European Union’s EuroPetition Project, to the School for Citizenship, to name just the central local agencies, provides a proper testing ground for the project’s practical ends through the participation of its members.

Below please find a selection of Local Cooperation activities held since 2012


José María Rosales, Democracia, transparencia y participación ciudadana, public talk on the occasion of the European Neighbours' Day, organized by the European Federation of Local Solidarity and co-sponsored by the European Union's Committee of the Regions and the CECODHAS and EUROCITIES Programmes, 31 May 2013


Sarita Friman-Korpela, University of Jyväskylä and the Finnish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Finland’s Roma Community: Minority Status, Policies and Structures, in cooperation with Málaga City Council’s Area of Civic Participation, Immigration and Development Cooperation, and with Fundación Secretariado Gitano, in the framework of the Escuela de Ciudadanía y Convivencia, Jornada La Comunidad Gitana: Análisis Transnacional, 14 June 2012

José María Rosales, El buen gobierno, contribution to the I Specialized Course Claves para la cooperación España-Marruecos: hacia un modelo de buena gobernanza, organized by Málaga City Council through the Centro de Estudios Hispano-Marroquí, and the European Union’s Programa de Cooperación Transfronteriza, 14 and 16 May 2012

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