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Download the Anuual Action Plan of the Social Council of the Universityof Malaga 2014/2015


Annual Action Plan 2014/2015 Social Council University of Malaga



1. Introduction

2. Basic Principles

3. General Objectives

4. Implementation of the Plan

5. Information

6. Framework for Action

6.1 In the area of the supervisory funtions of the University's economic activities 

6.2 In the area of the performance monitoring functions of the University services 

6.3 In the area of the cooperation of society in funding the University 

6.4 In the area of the relations between the University and its social environment in oreder to improve the quality of university activities

6.5 In the area of relations between the Universityand its cultural environment in order to improve the quality of university activities 

7. Monitoring of the Action Plan

8. Assessment of the Action Plan

1. Introduction

Article 14 of the Organic Law 6/2001 of Universities, modified by Organic Law 4/2007 of the Social Councils attributed the ability to monitor the economic activities of the university and the performance of its services and to promote the cooperation of society in funding the university.  For that purpose it was added that an annual action plan will be approved to promote relations between the university and its cultural, professional, economic and social links, in order to improve the quality of university activities.

Also, in the Preamble of the Rules of Organization and Operation of the Social Council, it is stated that the Social Council  is configured as the body which ensures the relationship between the university and society and is a role considered essential if the University of Malaga, the institution better prepared to take on the challenge of scientific and technological advancement in the province, is to be incorporated permanently to the group of the most advanced universities, also acting as an engine of economic, social and cultural development of the environment.

The Social Council is therefore key to bridging the gap between society and the University, defining relationships of permanent cooperation and establishing a system of shared responsibility between society and the University, respecting the autonomy of the University and guaranteeing its capacity to govern, but still able to project an image of a modern, forward-looking institution responsible for training men and women in free thought and critical spirit.


2. Basic Principles

In order to comply with this rule and to establish a general framework for  a time schedule of activities, which this body , as a representative of social interests,  must undertake annually, the Social Council of the University of Malaga, after appropriate deliberation at a plenary session, approves this "Annual Action Plan 2014/2015", which shall conform to the following principles:

1 Respect for the powers attributed to the Social Council and the governing bodies of the University.

2 The ongoing collaboration of the Council with the governing bodies and management of the University of Malaga.

3 The promotion of relations between the university and society in all areas.

According to these principles, the Social Council approved an action plan aimed at:

a) Developing the functions of monitoring the economic activities of the University.

b) Promoting the functions of monitoring the performance of the University services.

c) Promoting the cooperation of society in funding the University.

d) Strengthening relations between the university and its cultural, professional, economic and social links to improve the quality of university activities.

The actions of the Plan fall within the following areas:

- Programming and Management University.

- Economic, Budgetary and Heritage.

- With regard to Sectors of the University Community and the society of which it forms part.


3. General Objectives

- Improve the relations of the University of Malaga with its cultural, economic, professional and social environment.

- Analyse the opinion that society and citizens have of their University to improve its functioning and its external image.

- Adapt training to the needs of society and the social and productive environment.

- Improve the performance of the university services.

- Analyse the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement of the University.

- Enhance the image of the academic institution as a leader in the transfer of knowledge and technology, the spread of culture and academic and vocational training.


4. Implementation of the Plan

The implementation of the Social Council's plan of actions is the competence of the Social Council. It is to be managed by the management bodies of the Council, with the technical support of the administrative unit and with the cooperation when necessary of the administrative and technical bodies of the University, who will give assistance and advice in accordance with the specialty of the issues in hand.

The actions which make up the Plan will be established by the respective working committees: Social Relations, Economic-Financial, Academic, Cultural, and Relations with the Business World, coordinated by the Executive Committee and ratified by the Plenary of the Social Council.


5. Information

To facilitate the work of making proposals and planning activities corresponding to the management bodies of the Council, the University of Malaga, through their management and administration bodies will provide the necessary information in the areas and matters within the competence of the Social Council and with respect to the regulations on the protection of personal data.


6. Framework for Action

Therefore, the following actions are proposed:

6.1. In the area of the supervisory functions of the economic activities of the University:

- Prior knowledge by the Social Council of the general guidelines for the drawing up of the budget of the University and the general principles for the development of multi-year economic plans, if any.

- Information on linking budgetary items to the lines of action of the Institutional Strategic Plan of the University.

- Knowledge transmitted by the Committee on Economic Affairs of the criteria for the preparation of the annual financial report and audit reports of an external nature.

The above points shall be governed by the provisions of the Protocol on Economic Information, approved by the Plenary of the Social Council of the University of Málaga.

6.2. In the area of ​​performance monitoring functions of university services:

- Participation in the strategic planning of the University.

- Promoting of the institutional evaluation of the University, as the main instrument for analysing the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the University of Malaga and as a comparison with the situation of other academic institutions of higher education.

- Intervention in internal evaluation processes of university services, as representatives of social interests.

- Knowledge of the mechanisms and evaluation processes of university services.

- Information on the development of Citizen Charters in the administrative and technical units of the University of Malaga, performance indicators and fulfillment of commitments.

- Knowledge of the Certification of University Services of greatest social impact.

- Organization of excellence awards for best management practice of university services.

- Knowledge of the results of teacher evaluation processes and measures to improve employee productivity.

6.3. In the area of the cooperation of society in funding the University.

- Promotion of patronage and sponsorship activities of the University.

- Strengthen the technological offer of the University in society.

- Carrying out of activities aimed at increasing the number of collaborative research agreements with companies.

- Organization of information / training actions for companies to publicize the tax incentives provided by collaboration with the University.

- Promotion of donated goods to the University.

6.4. In the field of relations between the university and its social environment, in order to improve the quality of university activities.

- Presentation of specialization and Master’s courses to professional companies to improve the knowledge and capacity of its employees.

- Sponsorship of academic, administrative and scientific events organized by the University of Malaga.

- Studies on the demand for university qualifications in the productive sector.

- Conducting surveys of user satisfaction of university users (suppliers, students, contractors, professional associations).

- Participation of the University of Malaga in foundations, institutes and legal entities for social, academic, cultural, economic and professional purposes.

- Promoting activities of social responsibility.

6.5. In the field of relations between the university and its cultural environment, the service in order to improve the quality of university activities.

- Establishment of a range of cultural activities of the Social Council addressing the university community and society in general.

- Promotion of literary prizes and works of excellence in research.

- Sponsorship of cultural events organized by the University of Malaga.


7. Monitoring the Action Plan

It is the responsibility of the Executive Committee, composed of representatives of social interests and the university communities, to monitor the action plan, verify information systems and promote initiatives aimed at enhancing the necessary cooperation between university structures and the Social Council and the collaboration between the University and Society.


8. Assessment of the Action Plan

It is the responsibility of the Plenary of the Social Council to approve the Annual Report on the implementation of planned activities and the success of the objectives outlined in the Plan.

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