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The Royal Decree 1086/1989, of August 28th, on the salary of university teachers establishes that civil servants of University Teaching Bodies providing full-time service in Universities will receive a productivity bonus (sexenium).

In this sense, university teachers can submit six-year periods of research activity for evaluation.

In case of approval, the amount of the productivity bonus received will be subject to what is annually established by the State General Budget.

Those changing teaching bodies or position within a teaching body will preserve the productivity bonus pertaining to the previous situation, which further evaluations will be added to.

Under no circumstances shall the yearly amount of the productivity bonus surpass the equivalent of six approved evaluations.

Assessment will be performed once a year by National Assessment Committe for Research Activity (CNEAI), allowing those interested to sumbit their applications before the 31st of December of the academic year subject to assessment. At the end of each year, the Spanish Official State Gazette publishes the submission period for such applications.

The corresponding financial and administrative effects will begin January 1st of the following year, even if assessment takes place after that date.

Warning: UMA's General Registry and subsidiary registries are not valid for the purposes of application submission.

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