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The Royal Decree 1086/1989, of August 28th, on the salary of university teachers establishes that civil servants of University Teaching Bodies providing full-time service in Universities will receive a special allowance. This allowance is the result of adding up all the components, including those derived from teaching merits.

In this respect, university teachers can sumbit for evaluation their five-year full-time teaching period, or part-time teaching which amount to five years, to the University where they have carried out such activity.

In case of approval, an allowance will be paid for each period based on the teaching merits; the additional amount shall be updated each year in accordance with the provisions established by the State General Budget.

Under no circumstances shall the yearly amount of the special allowance for teaching merits surpass the equivalent of six approved evaluations.

The University will carry out the evaluation, which those interested shall request between November 1st and December 31st of the academic course to be evaluated.

The corresponding financial and administrative effects will begin January 1st of the following year.

First time applicants:

Application forms must be filled out and submitted to the University General Registry, including supporting documentation which certifies the teaching services provided which have not been documeted by UMA's Teaching and Research Staff Service.

See Order of November 3rd 1989 regarding the number of teaching years required for evaluation.

 * Application Form for Teaching Merits Evaluation

Teachers with a recognised teaching period:

Teaching wishing to sumbit further periods for evaluation, provided they comply with the six-period limit, will receive, via internal mail service, a personalised application form to fill out and submit to the University's General Registry. 



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