The University Senate is the highest body representing the university community.
The competences of the University Senate are:
a) Total or partial reform of the University Statutes.
b) Debate as to the general operational guidelines for the University with regard to education, research and administration, to be established by the Council of Governance, and receipt of the report regarding the application thereof.
c) The extraordinary calling of elections for the position of Rector, in accordance with the regulations in force.
d) Oversight of the Rector and Vice-Rectors, through questions and interpellations under the terms of the Senate Regulation.
e) Appointment of Honorary Doctors of the University of Malaga.
f) Election of the Committee which is to rule on claims regarding competitive processes for the awarding of tenured teaching posts at the University, in accordance with Article 66.2 of the Organic Universities Act.
g) Approval and modification of its own regulation.
h) Any others attributed to it by virtue of these Statutes or any other regulatory provisions.