Comisión de Investigación y Transferencia
The Research Committee of the University of Malaga
The Research Committee is the body responsible for the planning, coordination and monitoring of research at the University of Malaga. The competences of the committee are the following:
- Present proposals to the Governing Council regarding the distribution of university funds for research.
- Approve projects and evaluate research undertaken with research funds. The evaluation of research will give preference to publications, patents and other objective findings.
- Develop internal rules, which must be approved by the Governing Council.
- Propose a University of Malaga Research Plan to the Governing Council.
- The granting of aid or scholarships included in the university research programmes, in accordance with the criteria approved by the Governing Council.
In discharging its duties, the committee may consider it necessary to consult with those deemed qualified.
The research commission of the UMA will be chaired by the Chancellor or delegate and shall consist of one PhD professor per centre among those who have at least six years research activity and who shall be elected by the entire group of PhD professors from each Centre. The Chancellor shall have the power also to appoint a university professor and associate professor, to ensure the interdisciplinary nature of the Commission.
The Secretariat of the Committee on Research will correspond to one of its members, or a member of the university administration service, chosen by the Commission and proposed by its president. In the latter case, they will have the right to speak but not to vote.
The commission will meet at regular and special meetings, when convened by the Vice Chancellor of Research and Technological Development, on its own initiative or one third of its members.
The agenda will be set by the president and must include those issues that are backed by a third of its members. Both the preparation of minutes and approval, as well as the adoption of agreements or calls shall be governed by the provisions of the internal rules of procedure of the commission and additionally by the Public Administration and General Administrative Procedures Law 30/ 1992
This is regulated in Title V of the Statutes of the University of Malaga