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Esteve, R., Barrado-Moreno, V., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., de la Vega, R., Ruiz-Párraga, G.T., Sainero-Tirado, G., Fernández Baena, Jensen, M.J, & López-Martínez, A.E. (2024). Psychological profiles and prescription opioid misuse, craving, and withdrawal in people with chronic pain. European Journal of Pain.


Esteve, R., Serrano-Ibáñez, E. R., Castillo-Real, S., Ramírez-Maestre, C., & López-Martínez, A. E. (2023). How do the activity patterns of people with chronic pain influence the empathic response of future health professionals: an experimental study. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 1-14.

Galán, S., de la Vega, R., Esteve, R., López-Martínez, AE., Fernández, M. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2023). Physicians’ perception about predictors of opioid abuse in patients with chronic non-cancer pain: a Delphi study.  Frontiers in Pain Research, 4:1269018.

López-Martínez, A. E., Sainero-Tirado, G., Esteve, R., Reyes-Pérez, Á., Ruiz-Párraga, G. T., de la Vega, R., Serrano-Ibáñez, E. R. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2023). Does pain catastrophizing and distress intolerance mediate the relationship between PTSD and prescribed opioid misuse in people with chronic noncancer pain? Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 15(3), 394-403.

López-Martínez, A.E., Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., Solís-Serrano, L., Ramírez-Maestre, C. & Esteve, R. (2023). Empathy among health science undergraduates toward the diagnosis of chronic pain: An experimental study. Nurse Education Today, 130, 105922.


Day, M. A., Ward, L. C., de la Vega, R., Ehde, D. M. & Jensen, M. P. (2022). Development of the Pain Responses Scale: A measure informed by the BIS-BAS model of pain. European Journal of Pain, 26, 505–521.

De la Piedra-Torres, A.J., López-Martínez, A.E. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2022). Information concealment in palliative patients: Development and pilot study of a new scale for caregivers. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30(6), e4504-e4512.

Domeyko-Prieto, M. M., Aracena, M, Vergés, A. & Gómez-Pérez, L. (2022). Antecedente de depresión, síntomas de estrés postraumático, apoyo social percibido: prediciendo la depresión posparto. Revista Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecología, 87(5), 325-332.

Esteve, R., Reyes-Pérez, A., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Gutiérrez-Extremera, A., Fuentes-Bravo, R., de la Vega, R., Ruiz-Párraga, G. T., Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R. & López-Martínez, A.E. (2022). Diagnostic and Predictive Capacity of the Spanish versions of the Opioid Risk Tool and the Screener and Opioid Assessment for patients with pain— revised: A preliminary investigation in a sample of people with noncancer chronic pain. Pain and Therapy, 11(2), 493–510.

López-Martínez, A.E., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., Ruiz-Párraga, G.T. & Esteve, R. (2022). Intolerance of uncertainty moderates the relationship between catastrophizing, anxiety, and perceived pain in people with chronic nononcological pain. Pain Medicine, 23(10), 1793-1799.

Murray, C., de la Vega, R., Murphy, L.K., Kashikar-Zuck, S. & Palermo, T. M. (2022, in press). The prevalence of chronic pain in young adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pain, 163(9), e972-e984.

Palermo, T.M, Law, E., Kim, A., de la Vega, R. & Zhou, C. (2022). Baseline Sleep Disturbances Modify Outcome Trajectories in Adolescents with Chronic Pain Receiving Internet-delivered Psychological Treatment. The Journal of Pain, 23(7), 1245-1255.

Reyes, A., López-Martínez, AE., Esteve, R. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2022). Spanish validation of the COMM scale to assess the misuse of prescription opioids in patients with chronic noncancer pain. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction  

Sainero-Tirado, G., Ramírez-Maestre, C., López-Martínez, A.E. & Esteve, R. (2022). Distress intolerance and pain catastrophizing as mediating variables in PTSD and chronic noncancer pain comorbidity. Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 23(2), 318-325.

Serrano-Ibáñez, E. R., Corrás, T., del Prado, M., Diz, J. & Varela, C. (2022). Psychological variables associated with post-traumatic stress disorder in firefighters: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 6, 1-18.

Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., Ramírez-Maestre, C. Ruiz-Párraga, G.T., Esteve, R. & López-Martínez, A.E. (2022). Pain Interference, Resilience, and Perceived Well-Being During COVID-19: Differences Between Women with and Without Trauma Exposure Prior to the Pandemic. International Journal of Public Health, 67,


Aguirre Cárdenas, C., Oñederra, M. C., Esparza Benavente, C, Durán, J., González Tugas, M. & Gómez-Pérez, L. (2021). Psychometric Properties of the Fibromyalgia Survey Questionnaire in Chilean Women with Fibromyalgia. Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, 27(6S): S284-S293,

Andreucci, A., Lund Straszek, C., Skovdal Rathleff, M., Guldhammer, C., de la Vega, R. & Palermo, T.M. (2021). Translation, validity and reliability of the Danish version of the Adolescent Insomnia Questionnaire. F1000Research, 9, 1029.

Cózar, L., Reyes-Pérez, A., Núñez, C., López-Martínez, A.E., Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., Esteve, R., Marcos de Lima, E. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2021, aceptado). Variables psicológicas implicadas en el abuso o uso indebido de opioides en pacientes con dolor crónico no oncológico. Behavioral Psychology, 30 (2), 517-532.

Esteve, R., Bernardes, S. F., López-Martínez, A. E., Martín-Delgado, C. E. & Ramírez-Maestre,C. (2021). The Informal Social Support for Autonomy and Dependence in Pain Inventory Spanish version. Health & Social Care in the Community, 00, 1– 12.

Esteve, R., Marcos, E., Reyes-Pérez, Á., López-Martínez, A.E. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2021). Pain Acceptance Creates an Emotional Context That Protects against the Misuse of Prescription Opioids: A Study in a Sample of Patients with Chronic Noncancer Pain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 3054.

Ferreira-Valente, A., Solé, E., Sánchez-Rodríguez, E., Sharma, S., Pathak, A., Jensen, M.P., Miró, J. & de la Vega, R. (2021). Does pain acceptance buffer the negative effects of catastrophizing on function in individuals with chronic pain? Clinical Journal of Pain, 37(5), 339-348.

López-Martínez, A.E., Esteve, R., Ruiz-Párraga, G.T., Rueda-Serrano, C., Serrano-Ibáñez, E. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2021). Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale-20 (PASS-20-SV). Psicothema33 (2), 296-303.

López-Martínez, A.E. y Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R. (2021). Impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la salud mental. Escritos de Psicología/Psychological Writings14(2), 48-50.

Martí, L., Castarlenas, E., Solé, E., de la Vega, R. & Miró, J. (2021). Video-based pain education in schools: an effectiveness study with adolescents. Clinical Journal of Pain, 37(3), 199-205.

Martín-Valero, R., Pastora-Bernal, J.-M., Ortiz-Ortigosa, L., Casuso-Holgado, M.J., Pérez-Cabezas, V. & Ruiz-Párraga, G.T.  (2021). The Usefulness of a Massive Open Online Course about Postural and Technological Adaptations to Enhance Academic Performance and Empathy in Health Sciences Undergraduates. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(20), 10672.

Miró, J., Jensen, M. P., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R., López-Martínez, A. E. & de la Vega, R. (2021). The silhouettes fatigue scale: A validity study with individuals with physical disabilities and chronic pain. Disability and Rehabilitation,

Murphy, L. K., de la Vega, R., Kohut, S. A., Kawamura, J. S., Levy, R. L. & Palermo, T. M. (2021). Systematic Review: Psychosocial Correlates of Pain in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. 27(5), 697-710.

Palermo, T. M., Walco, G., Roy Paladhi, U., Birnie, K., Crombez, G., de la Vega, R., Eccleston, C., Kashikar-Zuck, S. & Stone, A. (2021). Core outcome set for pediatric chronic pain clinical trials: results from a Delphi poll and consensus meeting. Pain, 162(10), 2539–2547.

Rabbitts, J., Zhou, C., de la Vega, R., Aalfs, H., Murray, C. & Palermo, T.M. (2021). A digital health peri-operative cognitive-behavioral intervention to prevent transition from acute to chronic postsurgical pain in adolescents undergoing spinal fusion (SurgeryPalTM): Study protocol for a multisite randomized controlled trial. Trials, 22 (1),1 -12.

Ramírez-Maestre, C.; Esteve, R.; López-Martínez, AE.; Jensen; Miró, J. & de la Vega, R. (2021). The Impairment and Functioning Inventory Revised-Englishversion: A validation study in individuals with disabilities and bothersome pain. PM&R, 1-10.

Ramírez-Maestre, C., López-Martínez, A. E. & Esteve, R. (2021). Predictive variables of prescription opioid misuse in patients with chronic noncancer pain. Development of a risk detection scale: A registered report protocol. PLoS ONE, 16(5): e0251586.

Román, C., Cumsille, P. & Gómez-Pérez, L. (2021). Pain Intensity predicts Pain Catastrophizing during the Postpartum Period: A Longitudinal Random Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel study. Pain Medicine, 22(11):2542-2549.

Ruiz-Párraga, G.T., Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., Gómez-Pérez, L., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2021). The relevance of psychological strength for physical and psychological well-being in trauma-exposed women. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology62(3), 386-392.

Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., Esteve, R., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Ruiz-Párraga, G.T. & López-Martínez, A.E. (2021). Chronic pain in the time of COVID-19: Stress aftermath and central sensitization. British Journal of Health Psychology26, 544-552.

Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., Ruiz-Párraga, G.T., Gómez-Pérez, L., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2021). The relationship between experiential avoidance and posttraumatic stress symptoms: A moderated mediation model involving dissociation, guilt, and gender. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation22(3), 304-318.


Bromberg, M.H., de la Vega, R., Law, E.F., Zhou, C. & Palermo, T.M. (2020). Development and Validation of the Adolescent Insomnia Questionnaire. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 45(1), 61 – 71.

De la Vega, R., Ritterband, L. & Palermo, T.M. (2020). Assessing Digital Health Implementation for a Pediatric Chronic Pain Intervention: Comparing the RE-AIM and BIT Frameworks Against Real-World Trial Data and Recommendations for Future Studies. JMIR, 22(9), e19898.

Esteve, R., López-Martínez, A. E., Ruiz-Párraga, G. T., Serrano-Ibáñez, E. R. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2020). Pain Acceptance and Pain-Related Disability Predict Healthcare Utilization and Medication Intake in Patients with Non-Specific Chronic Spinal Pain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(15), 5556.

García-Encinas, M.A., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R. & López-Martínez, A.E. (2020). Predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms and perceived health after an acute coronary syndrome: the role of experiential avoidance, anxiety sensitivity, and depressive symptoms. Psychology & Health35 (12), 1497-1515.

Gómez-Pérez, L., Cumsille, P. & Román, C. (2020). Bidirectional relationship between physical health symptoms and depressive symptoms in the pre- and postpartum period. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 139

López-Martínez, A.E., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., Ruiz-Párraga, G.T., Peters, M.L. & Esteve, R. (2020).  Using vignettes to assess the contribution of goal adjustment in the adaptation to chronic musculoskeletal pain. Quality of Life Research29, 2137-2148.

Murray, C., de la Vega, R., Loren, D. & Palermo, T. M. (2020). Pain Moderators of internet-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy for adolescents with chronic pain: Who benefits from treatment? The Journal of Pain, 1(5-6), 603-615.

Murray, C., Groenewald, C., de la Vega, R. & Palermo, T.M. (2020). Long-term Impact of Adolescent Chronic Pain on Young Adult Educational, Vocational, and Social Outcomes. Pain, 161(2), 439 – 445.

Palermo T.M., de la Vega, R., Murray, C., Law, E.F. & Zhou, C. (2020). A digital health psychological intervention (WebMAP Mobile) for children and adolescents with chronic pain: Results of a hybrid effectiveness-implementation stepped wedge cluster randomized trial. Pain, 161(12), 2763–2774.

Pérez-González, M.; Ramírez-Maestre, C., Serrano-Ibáñez, E., López-Martínez,A.E., Ruiz-Párraga, G. & Esteve, R. (2020). El papel mediador de la gestión de las metas vitales entre el optimismo y el bienestar psicológico de una muestra de mujeres con fibromialgia, Psicología Conductual/Behavioral Psychology, 28 (2), 293-306

Racine, M., Sánchez-Rodríguez, E., de la Vega, R., Galán, S., Solé, E., Jensen, M.P., Miró, J., Moulin, D.E. & Nielson, W.R. (2020). Pain-related activity management patterns as predictors of treatment outcomes in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. Pain Medicine, 21(2), e191-e200.

Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R., López-Martínez, A. E., Miró, J., Jensen, M. P. & de la Vega, R. (2020). Beyond Pain Intensity and Catastrophizing: The Association between Self-Enhancing Humour Style and the Adaptation of Individuals with Chronic Pain. European Journal of Pain, 24, 1357 – 1367.

Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R., Serrano-Ibáñez, E. R., López-Martínez, A. E., Ruiz-Párraga, G. T. & Rivas-Moya, T. (2020) Psychometric characteristics and factorial structures of the Defensive Pessimism Questionnaire-Spanish Version (DPQ-SV). PLoS ONE 15(4): e0229695.

Ramírez-Maestre, C., Reyes-Pérez, A., Esteve, R., López-Martínez, A.E., Bernardes, S. & Jensen, M.P. (2020).  Opioid Pain Medication Prescription for Chronic Pain in Primary Care Centers: The Roles of Pain Acceptance, Pain Intensity, Depressive Symptoms, Pain Catastrophizing, Sex and Age. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (17), 6428.

Reyes-Pérez, A., Ruiz-Párraga, G. T., Serrano-Ibáñez, E. R., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2020). Intervención psicológica para el tratamiento del TEPT comórbido al dolor crónico: una revisión sistemática. Revista Mexicana de Psicología, 37, 77-91.

Roy, R., de la Vega, R., Jensen, M.P. & Miró, J. (2020) Neurofeedback for pain management: a systematic review. Frontiers in Neuroscience, section Perception Science, 14(671).

Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., Bendayan, R., Ramírez-Maestre, C., López-Martínez, A.E., Ruiz-Párraga, G.T., Peters, M.L. & Esteve, R. (2020). Exploring Changes in Activity Patterns in Individuals with Chronic Pain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17, 1-9.


Aaron, R.V., Fisher, E.A., de la Vega, R., Lumley, M.A. & Palermo, T.M. (2019). Alexithymia in Individuals with Chronic Pain and its Relation to Pain Intensity, Physical Interference, Depression and Anxiety: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Pain, 160(5), 994-1006.

De la Vega, R., Mendoza, M.E., Chan, J. F. & Jensen, M.P. (2019). Case study: cognitive restructuring hypnosis for chronic pain in a quadriplegic patient. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 61(4), 394 – 408.

De la Vega, R., Miró, J., Esteve, R., Ramírez-Maestre, C., López-Martínez, A. & Jensen, M.P. (2019). Sleep disturbances in individuals with physical disabilities and chronic pain: The role of physical, emotional and cognitive factors. Disability and Health Journal, 12(4), 588 – 593.

De la Vega, R., Molton, I.R., Miró, J., Smith, A.E. & Jensen, M.P. (2019). Changes in perceived social support predict changes in depressive symptoms in adults with physical disability. Disability and Health Journal, 12(2), 214 – 219.

De la Vega, R., Racine, M., Castarlenas, E., Solé, E., Roy, R., Jensen, M.P., Miró, J. & Cane, D. (2019). The role of sleep quality and fatigue on the benefits of an interdisciplinary treatment for adults with chronic pain. Pain Practice, 19(4), 354-362.

Flores López, M., Serrano-Ibáñez, E. R., Ramírez-Maestre, C., López-Martínez, A. E., Ruiz-Párraga, G. T. & Esteve, R. (2019). Pesimismo Defensivo, Optimismo y Adaptación al Dolor Crónico, Psicología Conductual, 27, 325-340.

Galán, S., Roy, R., Solé, E., Racine, M., de la Vega, R., Jensen, M.P. & Miró, J. (2019). Committed action, disability and perceived health in individuals with Fibromyalgia. Behavioral Medicine, 45(1):62-69.

López Martínez, A.E., Algarra Costela, M., Serrano Ibáñez, E.R., Ruiz Párraga, G.T., Ramírez Maestre, C. & Esteve, R. (2019). El malestar emocional como síntoma de estrés postraumático. Salud(i)Ciencia23(1), 512-518.

López-Martínez, A.E., Reyes-Pérez, Á, Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., Esteve, R. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2019). Chronic pain, posttraumatic stress disorder, and opioid intake: A systematic review. World Journal of Clinical Cases, 7 (24), 4254-4269. DOI:

Miró, J., de la Vega, R., Gertz, K., Thong, I., Jensen, M.P. & Engel, J.M. (2019). Do commonly used measures of pain intensity only reflect pain intensity in youths with bothersome pain and a physical disability? Frontiers in Pediatrics, 7, 229.

Pérez‐Aranda, A., Hofmann, J., Feliu‐Soler, A., Ramírez‐Maestre, C., Andrés‐Rodríguez, L., Ruch, W. & Luciano, J. V. (2019). Laughing away the pain: A narrative review of humour, sense of humour and pain. European Journal of Pain, 23(2), 220-233.

Ramírez-Maestre, C., de la Vega, R., Sturgeon, J. A. & Peters, M. (2019). Resilience Resources in Chronic Pain Patients: The Path to Adaptation. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.

Sánchez-Rodríguez, E., de la Vega, R., Racine, M., Roy, R., Jensen, M.P. & Miró, J. (2019). Support for the Spanish version of the CPAQ-8 as a measure of chronic pain acceptance. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 5(5), 881-888.

Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., López-Martínez, A.E., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R. & Jensen, M.P. (2019). The behavioral inhibition and activation systems and function in patients with chronic pain. Personality and Individual Differences, 138, 56-62.

Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R. & López-Martínez, A.E. (2019). The Behavioral Inhibition System, Behavioral Activation System, and Experiential Avoidance as Explanatory Variables of Comorbid Chronic Pain and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms. European Journal of Psychotraumatology10, 1-13.

Solé, E., Galán, S., de la Vega, R., Castarlenas, E., Sánchez-Rodríguez, E., Jensen, M.P. & Miró, J. (2019). Psychometric properties of the Functional Disability Inventory for assessing pain-related disability in children from the community. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41(20), 2451-2458.


De la Vega, R., Groenewald, C., Bromberg, M.H., Beals-Erickson, S.E. & Palermo, T. M. (2018). Chronic pain prevalence and associated factors in adolescents with and without physical disabilities. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 60(6), 596-601.

De la Vega, R., Roset, R., Galán, S. & Miró, J. (2018). Fibroline: a mobile app for improving the quality of life of young people with fibromyalgia. Journal of Health Psychology. 23(1), 67-78.

Esteve, R., López-Martínez, A.E., Peters, M.L., Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., Ruiz-Párraga, G.T. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2018). Optimism, Positive and Negative Affect, and Goal Adjustment Strategies: Their Relationship to Activity Patterns in Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Pain Research and Management.

Fernández, C., Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., Ruiz-Párraga, G.T., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R. & López Martínez, A.E. (2018). Effective therapies for the treatment of complex posttraumatic stress disorder: A qualitative systematic review. Salud Mental41(2), 81-90.

Gómez-Pérez, L.; Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R.; Ruiz-Parraga, G.T.; Ramirez-Maestre, C.; Esteve, R. & López-Martínez, A.E. (2018). Avoidance Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Feeling of Guilt, and Emotional Regulation among Individuals Exposed to Different Types of Traumatic Experiences. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 25, S71-S72.

López-Martínez, A. E., Serrano-Ibáñez, E. R., Ruiz-Párraga, G. T., Gómez-Pérez, L., Ramírez-Maestre, C. & Esteve, R. (2018). Physical Health Consequences of Interpersonal Trauma: A Systematic Review of the Role of Psychological Variables. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 19(3),305-322.

Miró, J., Castarlenas, E., de la Vega, R., Galán, S., Sánchez-Rodríguez, E., Jensen, M.P. & Cane, D. (2018). Pain catastrophizing, activity engagement and pain willingness as predictors of the benefits of multidisciplinary cognitive behaviorally-based chronic pain treatment. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 41(6), 827-835.

Miró, J., de la Vega, R., Roset, R., Castarlenas, E. & Sánchez-Rodríguez, E. (2018). Painometer v2®: Una aplicación móvil certificada para monitorizar a los pacientes con dolor. Revista de la Sociedad Española de Dolor, 25(2), 112-120.

Palermo T. M., de la Vega, R., Dudeney, J., Murray, C. B. & Law, E.F. (2018). Mobile health intervention for self-management of adolescent chronic pain (WebMAP mobile): Protocol for a hybrid effectiveness-implementation cluster randomized controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 74, 55-60.

Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, E., López-Martínez, A. E., Serrano-Ibáñez, E. R., Ruiz-Párraga, G.T. & Peters, M. (2018). Goal Adjustment and Well-Being: The Role of Optimism in Patients with Chronic Pain. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(7), 597-607.

Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., López-Martínez, A.E., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Ruiz-Párraga, G.T. & Esteve, R. (2018). El papel de los sistemas de aproximación e inhibición conductual (SAC/SIC) en la adaptación psicológica al dolor crónico. Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor, 25(1), 29-35.

Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., Ramírez-Maestre, C., López-Martínez, A.E., Esteve, R., Ruiz-Párraga, G.T. & Jensen, M.P. (2018). Behavioral Inhibition and Activation Systems, and Emotional Regulation in Individuals with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 1-10.

Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., Ruiz-Párraga, G.T., Esteve, R., Ramírez-Maestre, C. & López-Martínez, A.E. (2018). Validation of the Child PTSD Symptom Scale (CPSS) in Spanish adolescents. Psicothema, 30(1), 130-135.


Bendayan, R., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Ferrer, E. López-Martínez, A.E. & Esteve, R. (2017). From acute to chronic back pain: Using linear mixed models to explore changes in pain intensity, disability, and depression. Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 16, 45-51.

Correa, M., Sánchez, S., Esteve, R., Ruiz-Párraga, G., Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., López-Martínez, A. E. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2017). Relación entre la plenitud, la resiliencia y la adaptación de los pacientes con dolor crónico. Revista Mexicana de Psicología, 34(2), 91-100.

Esteve, R., Bendayan, R., López-Martínez, A. E. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2017). Resilience and Vulnerability Factors When Pain is Acute as Predictors of Disability: Findings From a Two-Year Longitudinal Study. Pain Medicine, 18, 2116-2125.

Esteve, R., López-Martínez A. E., Peters, M. L., Serrano-Ibáñez, E. R., Ruíz-Párraga, G. T., González-Gómez, H. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2017). Activity Pattern Profiles: Relationship With Affect, Daily Functioning, Impairment, and Variables Related to Life Goals. Journal of Pain, 18(5), 546-555.

Gómez-Pérez, L., Wessa, M. & Flor, H. (2017). Posttraumatic stress, physical health and chronic pain: the role of hyperarousal and depressive symptoms. Journal of Traumatic Stress Disorders & Treatment, 6(2).

Ramírez-Maestre, C.; Correa, M.; Rivas, T.; López-Martínez, AE.; Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R. & Esteve, R. (2017). Psychometric Characteristics of the Flourishing Scale-Spanish Version (FS-SV). The factorial structure in two samples: Students and patients with chronic pain. Personality and Individual Differences, 117, 30-36.

Sánchez-Rodríguez, E., Castarlenas, E., de la Vega, R., Roset, R. & Miró, J. (2017). On the electronic measurement of pain intensity: can we use different pain intensity scales interchangeably? Journal of Health Psychology, 22(13), 1658-1667.

Soubrier, E., Esteve, R. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2017). Adaptación de las escalas” Tenacious Goal Pursuit and Flexible Goal Adjustment” y” Goal Disengagement and Goal Reengagement”. Escritos de Psicología, 10, 103-115.


De la Vega, R., Racine, M., Sánchez-Rodríguez, E., Solé, E., Castarlenas, E., Jensen, M.P., … & Engel, J. (2016). Psychometric properties of the short form of the Children’s depression inventory (CDI-S) in young people with physical disabilities. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 90, 57–61.

De la Vega, R., Racine, M., Sánchez-Rodríguez, E., Tomé-Pires, C., Castarlenas, E., Jensen, M.P. & Miró, J. (2016). Pain extent, pain intensity, and sleep quality in adolescent and young adults. Pain Medicine. 17(11), 1971-1977.

Esteve, R., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Peters, M. L., Serrano-Ibáñez, E. R. Ruiz-Párraga, G. T. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2016). Development and Initial Validation of the Activity Patterns Scale in Patients with Chronic Pain. The Journal of Pain, 17 (4), 451-461.

Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2016). Construir ante la adversidad. Escritos de Psicología, 9, 1-3.

Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R. Ruiz-Párraga, G.T., Gómez-Pérez, L. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2016). The Key Role of Pain Catastrophizing In The Disability Of Patients With Acute Back Pain. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 24(2), 239-248.

Sánchez Espinar, S., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Correa-Guerra, M., Ruiz-Párraga, G. T., Serrano Ibáñez, E. R., López-Martínez, A. E. & Esteve, R. (2016). El humor como estrategia de afrontamiento en dolor crónico. Revista de Psicología de la Salud (New Age), 4 (1), 93-129.


De la Vega, R., Tomé-Pires, C., Solé, E., Racine, M., Castarlenas, E., Jensen, M.P. & Miró, J. (2015). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: validity and factor structure in young people. Psychological Assessment, 27(4), e22-7.

López-Martínez, A. E. (2015). The overlap of PTSD and chronic pain: a challenge for rehabilitation interventions. Physical Therapy Reviews, 20, 59-61.

Ramírez-Maestre, C. & Esteve, R. (2015). A New Version of the Impairment and Functioning Inventory for Patients With Chronic Pain (IFI-R). Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation7(5), 455-465.

Ruiz-Párraga, G. T. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2015). The Role of Experiential Avoidance, Resilience and Pain Acceptance in the Adjustment of Chronic Back Pain Patients Who Have Experienced a Traumatic Event: a Path Analysis. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 49, 247–257.

Ruiz-Párraga, G. T., López-Martínez, A. E., Esteve, R., Ramírez-Maestre, C. & Wagnild, G. (2015). A confirmatory factor analysis of the Resilience Scale adapted to chronic pain (RS-18): new empirical evidence of the protective role of resilience on pain adjustment. Quality of Life Research, 24, 1245-1253.

Sánchez-Rodríguez, E., de la Vega, R., Castarlenas, E., Roset, R. & Miró, J. (2015). An App for the Assessment of Pain Intensity: Validity Properties and Agreement of Pain Reports When Used with Young People. Pain Medicine, 16(10), 1982-92.


De la Vega, R. & Miró, J. (2014). mHealth: a strategic field without a solid scientific soul. A systematic review of pain-related apps. Plos One, 9(7).

De la Vega, R., Roset, R., Castarlenas, E., Sánchez-Rodríguez, E., Solé, E. & Miró, J. (2014). Development and testing of Painometer: a Smartphone application to assess pain intensity. Journal of Pain, 15(10):1001-7.

Esteve, R., Marquina-Aponte, V. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2014). Postoperative Pain in Children: Association Between Anxiety Sensitivity, Pain Catastrophizing, and Female Caregivers’ Responses to Children’s Pain. The Journal of Pain, 15, 157-168.

López-Martínez, A. E., Ramírez-Maestre, C. & Esteve, R. (2014). An examination of the structural link between post-traumatic stress symptoms and chronic pain in the framework of fear-avoidance models. European Journal of Pain, 18, 1129-1138.

Ramírez-Maestre, C. & Esteve, R. (2014). The Role of Sex/Gender in the Experience of Pain: Resilience, Fear, and Acceptance as Central Variables in the Adjustment of Men and Women With Chronic Pain. The Journal of Pain, 15, 608-618.

Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R. & López-Martínez, A. (2014). Fear-Avoidance, Pain Acceptance and Adjustment to Chronic Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study on a Sample of 686 Patients with Chronic Spinal Pain. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 48, 402-410.

Ruiz-Párraga, G. T. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2014). The Contribution of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms to Chronic Pain Adjustment. Health Psychology, 33, 958-967.


De la Vega, R. & Miró, J. (2013). The assessment of sleep in pediatric chronic pain sufferers. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 17(3), 185-192.

Esteve, R. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2013). Pain Fear Avoidance and Pain Acceptance: A Cross-Sectional Study Comparing Their Influence on Adjustment to Chronic Pain across Three Samples of Patients. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 46, 169–180.

Esteve, R. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2013). El Modelo de Miedo-evitación del dolor: propuesta inicial y evolución. Revista de Psicología de la Salud (New Age), 1, 45-73.

Esteve, R., Ramírez-Maestre, C. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2013). Empirical Evidence of the Validity of the Spanish Version of the Pain Vigilance Awareness Questionnaire. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 20, 59-68.

Gómez-Pérez, L., Abrams, M. P., López-Martínez, A. E. & Asmundson, G.G. (2013). Trauma Exposure and Health: The Role of Depressive and Hyperarousal Symptoms. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 25, 641–648.

Gómez-Pérez, L. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2013). Association of Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Experimental Pain Response in Healthy Young Women. Clinical Journal of Pain, 29, 425-434.

Gómez-Pérez, L., López-Martínez, A. E. & Asmudnson, G. J. G. (2013). Predictors of trait dissociation and peritraumatic dissociation induced via cold pressor. Psychiatry Research, 210, 274-280.

Ramírez-Maestre, C. & Esteve, R. (2013). Disposition and Adjustment to Chronic Pain. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 17, 312-323.

Thibodeau, M. A., Carleton, R. N., Gómez-Pérez, L. & Asmundson, G. J. G. (2013). “What if I make a mistake?" Intolerance of uncertainty is associated with poor behavioral performance. Journal of nervous and mental disease, (9):760-6.


Bendayan, R., Esteve, R. & Blanca, M. J. (2012). New empirical evidence of the validity of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire: The differential influence of activity engagement and pain willingness on adjustment to chronic pain. British Journal of Health Psychology, 17, 314-326.

Esteve, R. & Marquina-Aponte, V. (2012). Children’s pain perspectives. Child: Care, Health and Development, 38, 441-452.

Esteve, R., Ramírez-Maestre, C. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2012). Experiential avoidance and anxiety sensitivity as dispositional variables and their relationship to the adjustment to chronic pain, European Journal of Pain, 16, 718-726.

Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R. & López, A. E. (2012). The path to capacity: Resilience and spinal chronic pain. Spine, 37, E251-E258.

Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R. & López, A. E. (2012). The role of optimism and pessimism in chronic pain patients adjustment. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 15, 286-294.

Ruiz-Párraga, G. T. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2012). Resiliencia psicológica y dolor crónico. Escritos de Psicología, 5, 1-11.

Ruiz-Párraga, G. T., López-Martínez, A. E. & Gómez-Pérez, L. (2012). Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Resilience Scale in a Spanish Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Sample. Journal of Pain, 13, 1090-1098.

Thibodeau, M. A., Gómez-Pérez, L. & Asmundson, G. J. G. (2012). Objective and perceived arousal during performance of tasks with elements of social threat: The influence of anxiety sensitivity. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 43, 967-974.


Gómez-Pérez, L., López-Martínez, A.E. & Ruiz-Párraga, G.T. (2011). Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Verion of the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK). Journal of Pain, 12, 407-415.

Masedo, A. I., Esteve-Zarazaga, M. R. & Van-Damme, S. (2011). The Role of Anxiety Sensitivity, Fear of Pain and Experiential Avoidance in Experimental Pain. Psychology, 2, 817-823.


Jurado-Martín, M. A., Esteve-Zarazaga, R. & Villalba-Merchán, O. (2010). Causas de sufrimiento en enfermos oncológicos al final de la vida. Medicina Paliativa, 17 (2), 90-95.


Álvarez, N. & Esteve-Zarazaga, M. R. (2009). Deshabituación en drogodependientes y dolor crónico. Psicothema, 21, 204-210.

Jurado-Martín, M. A. & Esteve-Zarazaga, R. (2009). Dolor y sufrimiento en enfermos oncológicos al final de la vida: El papel del conocimiento de la enfermedad. Medicina Paliativa, 16 (4), 229-234.

López-Martínez, A. E., Gómez-Pérez, L. & Ruiz-Párraga, G. T. (2009). Trastorno de estrés postraumático y dolor crónico: Nexos entre psico y pato(logía). Escritos de Psicología, 3 (1), 8-19.


Esteve, R. & Camacho, L. (2008). Anxiety sensitivity, body vigilance and fear of pain. Behavior Research and Therapy, 46, 715-727.

Gómez-Pérez, L. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2008). Variables psicológicas implicadas en la percepción de mejoría en pacientes con dolor. Revista Mexicana de Psicología, 25 (2), 283-293.

Herrero, A., Ramírez-Maestre, C. & González, V. (2008). Personality, cognitive appraisal and adjustment in chronic pain patients. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 11 (2), 531-542.

López-Martínez, A. E., Esteve-Zarazaga, R. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2008). Perceived social support and coping responses are independent variables explaining pain adjustment among chronic pain patients. The Journal of Pain, 9 (4)373-379.

Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R. & López, A. E. (2008). Cognitive appraisal and coping in chronic pain patients. European Journal of Pain, 12, 749-756.

Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve-Zarazaga, M. R. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2008). Desarrollo de un inventario para medir la evaluación cognitiva en pacientes con dolor crónico. Psicología Conductual, 16 (1), 55-68.


Esteve, R., Ramírez-Maestre, C. & López-Martínez, A.E. (2007). Adjustment to chronic pain: the role of pain acceptance, coping strategies and pain-related cognitions. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 33, 179-188.

González, V., Ramírez-Maestre, C. & Herrero, A. (2007). Inteligencia emocional, personalidad y afrontamiento en pacientes con dolor crónico. Revista Mexicana de Psicología, 24 (2), 185-195.

Masedo, A. I. & Esteve, M. R. (2007). Effects of suppresion, acceptance and spontaneous coping on pain tolerance, pain intensity and distress. Behavior Research and Therapy, 45, 199-209.

Masedo, A. I. & Esteve-Zarazaga, M. R. (2007). Presentación de la versión en español de la “Escala de Reacciones Emocionales”. Psicología Conductual, 15, 95-112.


Hanley, M., Masedo, A. I., Jensen, M. P., Cardenas, D. D. & Turner, J. A. (2006). Pain interferences in persons with spinal cord injury: Classification of mild, moderate, and severe pain. The Journal of Pain, 7(2), 129-133. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpain.2005.09.011

Vinaccia, S., Arango, C., Cano, E.J., Tobón, S., Moreno, E. & López, A. E. (2006). Evaluación del patrón de conducta Tipo C y su relación con la cognición hacia la enfermedad en pacientes colostomizados con diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal. Universitas Psychologica, 5, 575-583.


Esteve, R., Ramírez-Maestre, C. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2005). General versus specific indices in the assessment of chronic pain. Psychology in Spain, 9, 49-56.

Masedo, A. I., Hanley, M., Jensen, M. P., Ehde, D. & Cardenas, D. D. (2005). Reliability of a self-report FIM (FIM-SR) in persons with amputation or spinal cord injury and chronic pain. American Journal of Physical and Medical Rehabilitation, 84(03), 167-176.

Muñoz, M. & Esteve, R. (2005). Reports of memory functioning by patients with chronic pain. Clinical Journal of Pain, 21, 287-291.


Esteve, R., Ramírez-Maestre, C. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2004). Índices generales vs. específicos en la evaluación del afrontamiento al dolor crónico. Psicothema, 16, 421-428.

Ramírez-Maestre, C., López-Martínez, A. E. & Esteve-Zarazaga, M. R. (2004). Personality characteristics as differential variables of the pain experience. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 27, 147-165.


Ramírez-Maestre, C. & Valdivia, Y. (2003). Evaluación del funcionamiento diario en pacientes con dolor crónico. Psicología Conductual, 11, 283-291.

Ruiz, V.M., Berrocal, C., López. A.E. & Rivas, M.T. (2003). Autoeficacia en el control de la conducta de ingesta. Adaptación al castellano de la Eating Self-Efficacy Scale. Psicothema, 15, 36-40.


Camacho, L., Anarte, M. T. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2002). Variables cognitivas y estados de ánimo relacionados con el dolor crónico en pacientes de diferentes servicios médicos. Revista de Psicología de la Salud, 14, 3-17.

López, A. E., Ramírez, C., Esteve, R. & Anarte, M. T. (2002). El constructo Tipo C: una contribución a su definición a partir de datos empíricos. Psicología Conductual, 10, 229-249.

Masedo, A. I. & Esteve, M. R. (2002). On the affective nature of chronic pain. Psicothema, 14, 511-515.

Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2002). El papel de las características personales en la experiencia del dolor y en el proceso de afrontamiento. Revisión teórica. Escritos de Psicología, 6, 40-52.

Ruiz, V.M., Berrocal, C., López. A.E. & Rivas, M.T. (2002). Factor analysis of the Spanish Versioin of the Weight Efficacy Life-Style Questionnaire. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 62, 537-553.


Anarte, M. T., Esteve-Zarazaga, M. R., Ramírez-Maestre, C., López-Martínez, A. E. & Amorós, F. J. (2001). Adaptación al castellano de la escala Courtlaud de control emocional en pacientes con cáncer. Psicothema, 13(4), 636-642.

Anarte, M. T., Ramírez-Maestre, C., López-Martínez, A. E. & Esteve, R. (2001).  Evaluación de estrategias de afrontamiento, nivel de funcionamiento y edad en personas con dolor crónico oncológico y benigno. Revista de la Sociedad Española de Dolor, 8, 102-110.

Esteve, R., López-Martínez, A. E. & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2001). Dolor crónico, emoción y afrontamiento. Revista de Psicología de la Salud, 13 (1), 47-62.

Ramírez-Maestre, C. Esteve-Zarazaga, R. & López-Martínez, A. E. (2001). Neuroticismo, afrontamiento y dolor crónico. Anales de Psicología, 17 (1), 129-137.

Ramírez-Maestre, C., Esteve, R., López-Martínez, A. E. & Anarte, M. T. (2001). Diferencias en la percepción del dolor relacionadas con las variables sexo y edad. Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor, 8, 562-568.

Rodríguez, C., Godoy, A. & Esteve, R. (2001). Attributional Style and Social-Skill Deficits as Predictors of dysphoric States and Response to Treatment. Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 29, 179-194.


Anarte, M. T., López-Martínez, A. E., Ramírez-Maestre, C. & Esteve, R. (2000). Evaluación del patrón de conducta Tipo C en pacientes crónicos. Anales de Psicología, 16(2), 133-141.

López Martínez, A.E. (2000). Psicología y salud. Escritos de Psicología4, 9-33.

Masedo, A. & Esteve, R. (2000).  Some empirical evidence regarding the validity of the Spanish Version of the McGill Pain Questionnaire. Pain, 85, 451-456.

Masedo, A. I. & Esteve, M. R. (2000). El lenguaje del dolor. Análisis y Modificación de Conducta, 26, 419-438.

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Esteve, R., San Martín, J. & López. A. E. (1999). Grasping the meaning of leisure: developing a self-report measurement tool. Leisure Studies, 18, 79-91.


López, A. E., Esteve, R., Ramírez, C. & Anarte, M. T. (1998). Dimensionalización del constructo de personalidad Tipo C. Psykhe, 7 (1), 3-12.


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