The Annual DOCTORAL AWARDS recognise the best theses defended at the University of Málaga in each academic year.
According to the PhD Regulations of Málaga University, from the course 2013/14 onwards, each PhD Programme regulated by Royal Decree 99/2011, will award a "PhD Award" to one of the PhD theses defended in the corresponding academic year, among those that have been awarded the mention “cum laude” that year.
Only one thesis can receive the award per Programme and call. (If, in an academic year, there have been fewer than ten theses awarded the mention “cum laude” in a PhD programme, the corresponding applications for “Extraordinary PhD Award” can be held over to subsequent courses. In this case, the files with the corresponding applications will be sent, without changes, to the next calls, always with the express approval, in writing, of the applicants).
The calls for all PhD Awards are annual and simultaneous. All the PhD programmes convene a call in May of each year. Doctors who wish to apply for an PhD Award, must choose a PhD programme where their thesis will be sent for evaluation. Note that each thesis can be sent to only one PhD programme for evaluation.
The first call will take place in May 2014, corresponding to the course 2013-14. Those theses defended in the course 2012-13 may compete in this call. It is also possible for PhD programmes convening this call in May 2014, to include theses defended in courses prior to 2012-13 in the case that the corresponding centres have not previously convened a call for them.
The theses that are included in a call should have been defended in the previous academic year, although this does not apply to those which, having been presented in a previous call, have been held over because the requisite number of candidates was not met.
The call process and selection process of these awards are regulated in the PhD Regulations of Málaga University. It is advisable that applicants consult this regulation, and the basic rules of the call for each Programme, for further information.
The scoring will be expressed as a maximum total of 100 points and includes the following sections: A. Scientific production related to the thesis topic: up to 65 points. B. International mention: 10 points. C. Co-supervised thesis: 10 points. D. Stays at research centers other than the University of Málaga, not considered for the international mention or the co-supervised thesis: up to 5 points. E. Participation in research projects and contracts: up to 5 points. F. Industrial mention: 5 points.
All merits related to the thesis provided by each applicant, obtained from their enrollment in the doctoral program until the end of the application submission period for this call, will be evaluated.
For further information please refer to: