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The G-CrimTEC was created in 2013 as an interdisciplinary research group that operates in the Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology (UMA).

The main objective of this interdisciplinary study group presented is the analysis of the application of new technologies in the commission, detection, prosecution, prevention and control of crime, and these are our main areas of investigación. About Commiting crimes, it´s necessary to emphasize the rapid and unstoppable development of Internet use, the information and communications technology, social networks, and especially the new virtual relationships that are being generated. All this has led to a definite improvement of our quality of life, but at the same time has created new dynamics and mechanisms of execution of crimes. We wonder whether the traditional criminal models are sufficient to adequately punish these criminal acts or if instead it is necessary to formulate new criminal provisions that allow address these behaviors in a more appropriate and proportional manner.

In addition to crimes against property network, ie, computer scams, working through Internet scams, domestic piracy, pshising, computer sabotage, damage or attacks on data integrity or system, our interest is focused in the study of cyber crimes affecting personal privacy or sexual indemnity, which in recent years seem to be having a significant proliferation in our society, especially in certain groups such as children. We refer to child pornography, grooming, sexting, cyberbullying or cyberstalking.

Regarding the control of criminals we want to know the effectiveness of electronic monitoring, which is known as electronic bracelets, which in Spain is being used more and more frequently and that applies to inmates who are in third grade or paroled. And in restraining orders, whether as a precautionary measure or as a sentence in cases of gender violence.
Finally, it is increasingly frequent use of new technologies for the prevention of crime; watermarks to prevent counterfeiting, the BCID labels against shoplifting, protecting our critical infrastructure ... We especially proliferation in our cities the use of surveillance cameras on public roads under the excuse that serve to reduce street crime.
We have carried out at the Institute of Criminology, a pioneer in our country study on the effectiveness of these surveillance cameras to reduce crime. In March 2007 they were put into operation 17 cameras in some streets of the historic center of Malaga. And in conclusion, we can say that as in other neighboring countries, camcorders but serves to deter the commission of crimes occurring at the same time a clear effect of movement of criminals to other areas of the city where there are no cameras.

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