
Research Group

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The Malaga Urban Vernacular Research Group (MUV) is coordinated by Juan Andrés Villena-Ponsoda and have carried out several research projects since 1993, focusing primarily on urban varieties. Even though we are interested in the study of every language component, we have particularly focused our work on phonology, lexicon and syntax.

In the frame of the international research project on Castilian and American Spanish (PRESEEA-Project), a spoken corpus from Malaga town has been collected, digitalised and published (El español hablado en Málaga. Málaga: Sarriá, 3 vols.), alongside with several other publications deriving from the same project (see Villena-Ponsoda and Ávila-Muñoz 2012).

We have also carried out several studies on the Malaga available lexicon. On the one hand, a first approach to the available vocabulary from Malaga pre-graduate students was carried out by Ávila-Muñoz (2006) in the frame of the international research project on lexical availability in Spain and in the Spanish speaking Americas (H. López Morales). On the other hand, a pioneering research project on the lexical availability of an entire town (Ávila-Muñoz and Villena-Ponsoda 2010).

Main research topics:

  • Sociolinguistics
  • Social Network
  • Corpus Linguistics
  • Quantitative analysis
  • Analysis of speech and conversation
  • Cognitive Processes
  • Terminology
  • Lexicon resources
  • Linguistic variation
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