MA Programme: Master's in ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY | Organising Centre: School of Education - University of Málaga- | Type: Joint Degree Programme (Universiies of Málaga, Córdoba, Granada, Cádiz, huelva, Jaén, Almería and Pablo de Olavide) | Centre/s of Instruction: - University of Malaga: School of Education.
- University of Cadiz: Institute of Postgraduate, Specialization and Refresher Courses
- University of Almería: School of Education.
- University of Cirdoba: Institute of Postgraduate Studies
- University of Granada: School of Postgraduate Studies
- University of Huelva: School of Education
- University of Jaen: School of Humanities and Education
- University of Pablo de Olavide: Centre of Postgraduate Studies
Credit Load: 60 ECTS-1 year | Branch: Social and Legal Sciences | Learning Model: Blended Learning | Implementation Stage:It will be implemented for the first time in the 2023 academic year | Publication Date (BOE): to be published | Year of Introduction: 2023/2024 | Nº of Places: 80 (10 per University) | Language(s) of Instruction: Spanish |
The Master's in Environmental Education for Sustainability has been delivered by the Universities of Almeroa, Cadiz, Cordoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaen, Malaga and Pablo de Olavide as an Official Master's programme since the year 2023/2024 (in accordance with Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29th).
Further information on Official Master's Degree:
- Coordinating University: University of Granada.
- Universities Council Resolution –successful verification-: 18/07/2023.
- Council of Ministers Agreement –official nature of degree-: to be published
- Plan release in Regional Official Gazette (BOJA): to be published
- Degree Code according to the Spanish Registry of Universities, Centres and Qualifications (RUCT): 4318428.
- Master's Site:
- Interuniversity Agreement suscrito.
Academic Committee -UMA-:
Dr. Juan Carlos Tojar Hurtado (UMA).
Dr. Juan Jesús Martín Jaime (UMA).
Enrolment -UMA-:
Administration Office - School of Education (UMA).
School of Education
Teatinos University Campus
Tel- 952 13 11 16