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Hernández Blasi, C., Bjorklund, D. F., & Ruiz Soler, M. (2016). Children’s supernatural thinking as a signalling behaviour in early childhood. British Journal of Psychology, 108(3), 467-485.

Hernández-Blasi, C., Bjorklund, D.F. & Ruiz-Soler, M. (2015). Cognitive cues are more compelling than facial cues in determining adults’ reactions towards young children. Evolutionary Psychology, 13(2), 511-530.

Ruiz-Soler, M., & Beltran, F. S. (2012).The relative salience of facial features when differentiating faces based on an interference paradigm. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 36(3)  191-203

Ruiz-Soler, M., & Beltran, F. S. (2007). Facing visual tasks based on different cognitive architectures. In K. Delac & M. Grgic (Eds.), Face perception (pp. 487–494). Vienna: I-Tech.

Ruiz-Soler, M., & Beltran, F. S. (2006). Face perception: An integrative review of the role of spatial frequencies. Psychological Research, 70, 273–292.

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