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According to Article 18 of UMA's Statutes, the Governing Council has the power to approve the norms regulating the selection process, contracting, and promotion of the teaching and research staff.

The Governing Council, following a proposal from the Vice Rectorate with specific competences regarding teaching staff, will determine the source for staffing and apply the modifications to the List of Posts for the Teaching and Research Staff. This without prejudice to the regulations concerning the development, execution and control of the Budget of the University of Malaga.

The Teaching Staff Management Plan contains basic criteria for the allocation of posts (Section VI) in order to aid decision-making regarding teaching staff. See regulation.

Within the regulations of the University of Malaga concerning competitive examinations, the standardisation in the selection and staffing procedure for civil servant teaching and contract teaching posts is also established. 

Requests, Proposals and Placements in University Teaching Bodies 


Placement Requests for Contract Teachers

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