Marta Postigo
The Civic Constellation Project Members’ Website
Marta Postigo
Associate Professor of Moral and Political Philosophy at the University of Málaga. She teaches courses in applied ethics, methodology of the history of ideas and political thought, and gender theory. An associate researcher at the Centre of Political Thought and Conceptual Change (University of Jyväskylä, Finland), she has been visiting research associate at The Centre for the Study of Democracy, Westminster University, from June to September 2004; visiting scholar at the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Political Thought and Conceptual Change, University of Jyväskylä, from October 2007 to September 2008; and visiting scholar at the New School for Social Research, between July and September 2011. Her research interests encompass issues of applied ethics, gender theory, post-national identities, cosmopolitanism, and the study of the European Union’s integration and democratization processes.
She is author of two books, Género y ciudadanía: el discurso feminista en la ciudadanía liberal (Málaga: University of Málaga, 2007), and Igualdad, ciudadanía y género. Las mujeres en el discurso moral y político (Palencia: Ayuntamiento de Palencia, 2009); editor of the special issue ‘Justicia y género: La teoría Nancy Fraser’, Arenal: Revista de Historia de las Mujeres, 19:2 (2012); and author of papers such as ‘Las mujeres, la guerra y la paz’, in Elena Delgado Cabezas, ed., ‘Las mujeres, la guerra, la paz’, special issue, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, 6 (2011), 117-35; ‘El género y las dimensiones de la justicia: reflexiones sobre la teoría tridimensional de Nancy Fraser’, Cuadernos Kóre: Revista de Historia y Pensamiento de Género, 1:5 (2011), 44-79; ‘A Political-Philosophical Analysis of the EU Legal Order and European Integration: Federal and Cosmopolitan Perspectives’, in Ulla Neergaard and Ruth Nielsen, eds., European Legal Method – Towards a New European Legal Realism? (Copenhagen: DJØF Publishing, 2013), 37-54; ‘Beyond the Nation-State: The European Union as a Post-National Cosmopolitan Community’, in Jan Harald Alnes and Manuel Toscano, eds., Varieties of Liberalism: Contemporary Challenges (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014),172-190; 'Ética y feminismo en España: 1960-2010', in Las fronteras de la Ética en España, José María García Gómez-Heras, coord., La Albolafia: Revista de Humanidades y Cultura, 2 (2014), 107-27; 'The European Union as a Cosmopolitan Civic Space: Conceptual Backgrounds and Contemporary Challenges', in 'Ideas and Realities of Democracy. Meeting the Challenges of Contemporary Citizenship', Marta Postigo and Rosario López, eds., Contrastes. Revista Internacional de Filosofía. Suplemento 20 (2015), 201-20.
E-mail: martapostigo (at)