
Supervisión de Tesis

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Each student enrolled in the PhD Program has a Research Activities Record (in Spanish "Documento de actividades del Doctorando" [DAD]) where details of their own progress are registered in accordance with Spanish Regulations (artículo 2.5 del R.D. 90/2011). The DAD includes the records of all the activities completed by the PhD student according to the PhD requirements established by the University of Malaga, the PhD School, or the Academic Committee. For DAD consultation and data entry, access is granted to the PhD student, their tutor, director, Academic Committee, administration departments related to PhD Programs and studies, and the Graduate Committee. The records entered by the PhD student will be authorized and certified by their tutor and director. The tutor and thesis director will record their yearly reports, and the Academic Committee will record their yearly evaluations of the student. The Activities Document for all doctoral students will be created, updated, and maintained electronically, using the software application of the Doctoral School (link

Before the end of the first year in the Doctoral Program, the doctoral student will prepare a training plan. This plan will include a forecast of the various training activities that will be carried out during the doctoral thesis (courses, seminars, mobility actions, etc.). This document can be improved and detailed throughout their stay in the program and must be endorsed by the Director and the tutor. The research plan that was submitted during the pre-enrollment in the doctoral program, with any improvements made, must also be uploaded to the DAD in the same or a different file. Each year, when requesting the evaluation, the training plan, the research plan or project, as well as the work document or publications required each year, will be presented in a single file. Both the training plan and the research plan, along with the work documents and publications, will allow us to evaluate the progress of the students enrolled in the program.

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