
Material support resources available for doctoral students

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Resources of the Faculty of Law at the University of Málaga (UMA)

·       Classrooms. The Faculty has its own building, where three undergraduate degrees and five master’s degrees are currently taught. The Faculty of Law building has fifteen medium or large capacity classrooms, which can accommodate up to 1942 students simultaneously. Additionally, with dimensions more suited to the program’s needs, it has four seminar rooms with a capacity of 40 students each. Most of the classrooms and seminar rooms have movable furniture, allowing them to be arranged in the most convenient way for each activity (“class” for lectures, “assembly” for academic debates and discussions, “court” for simulations, etc.).

·       Computer Rooms. Several computer and teaching rooms are equipped with ICT resources for teaching practice (single-user computers, electronic whiteboards, etc.). Additionally, all classrooms and seminar rooms have image projectors, the possibility of using the Center’s laptops for faculty (up to 12 laptops simultaneously), and WiFi internet access through the UMA network.

·       Degree Room, Aula Magna, and Judicial Room. The Faculty has a Degree Room specially prepared for doctoral thesis defenses. It also has a Judicial Room specially equipped for both real oral hearings and doctoral thesis defenses. Finally, the Faculty has an Aula Magna with a capacity for 500 people, allowing for large congresses and other activities.

·       Honoris Causa Room and Lex Flavia Malacitana Room. The first has a capacity of 35 people and the second 28. These spaces are very suitable for seminars and other training activities. Both rooms have ambient cameras and microphones to broadcast the events held there.

·       Library. Of particular importance to the program are the research resources of the Center itself, notably the Professor Alejandro Rodríguez Carrión Library, which, along with the General Library of UMA and the libraries of its other centers, plays a decisive role in supporting the research of the program’s doctoral students. The Professor Alejandro Rodríguez Carrión Library of the Faculty of Law currently has a collection of 89,902 monographs and 1954 subscribed journals (online and in print), in addition to providing access to the most renowned legal databases. It has a total of 323 reading seats, 12 public computers, and a laptop loan system for users. It is an undergraduate and postgraduate library, but program students can benefit from access to a research room exclusively for postgraduates. It also has a Group Work Room and the Dr. Antonio Ortega Carrillo de Albórnoz Old Collection Room, where collections from the 16th to 19th centuries are housed. The library offers services such as: a. Document access: room consultation, loans, renewals and reservations, access to electronic resources, interlibrary loan service, intercampus loan (among the various UMA libraries), and loan between Andalusian public university libraries. b. Information and user support: catalog and other information resource searches, information and reference service, and user training. c. Other teaching and research support services, such as the publication of newsletters and recommended bibliographies.

·       Research Rooms. The Faculty of Law Library also has two Research Rooms with a total of 17 workstations, accessible only to authorized researchers, exclusively for the use of doctoral program students and the master’s programs taught at the Faculty. Like the rest of the Library, the Room has internet access via network points and WiFi and personal lockers for researchers.

·       Virtual Campus Student Room of UMA. Students enrolled in the doctoral program in Legal and Social Sciences have a Student Room available on the UMA Virtual Campus, where all the doctoral program information is uploaded and used for direct communication between the Coordination, students, and faculty of the programs.

·       Novel Research Room, Law. The Novel Research Room is an organ of the Faculty of Law at the University of Málaga, whose establishment was approved by the Faculty Board in 2011. The Room was created due to an evident institutional deficit, manifested in the lack of resources, information, and connections among the researchers of our Faculty. It is an initiative that aims to bring together a currently dispersed group, such as postgraduate students working on a master’s thesis, those who have already started their dissertation, those working on their doctoral thesis, and those who have achieved the degree of doctor. Link to the Novel Research Room website: Aula de Investigación Novel

General Facilities of UMA. In addition to the material resources of the Faculty of Law, program students can also benefit from all the common services of the University, such as videoconferencing and virtual classrooms, Central Research Support Services, etc. All of them offer excellent experimental means available for the training of UMA Doctoral Program students. A list of these can be seen at this link.

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