residency rules
PhD studies at Málaga University
The residencyrules for PhD studies at Málaga University are contemplated in the following regulations:
- Article 11 of the Regulations of PhD Studies of the University of Málaga.
- Sections III and IV of the Good Practices Guide of the PhD Programmes of the University of Málaga.
These articles and sections are detailed below.
Specifically, Article 11 of the Regulations of PhD Studies of the University of Málaga establishes the following:
Article 11. Structure of studies and redicency requirements
1. The PhD studies are organised into Programmes and finish with the thesis defense. The thesis should incorporate original and innovative research results, had they been previously published or not.
2. The duration of the PhD studies should not be more than three years full time, from the admission of the doctorate to the programme until the defense of the thesis.
3. If the three years period expires and the application to defend the thesis has not been presented, the Academic Committee of the PhD Programme can authorise an extension of one year, which exceptionally can be extended a further year, according to the terms established in the corresponding PhD Programme.
4. PhD Programmes also contemplate the possibility for the doctorate to study part time, supposing that the Programme Academic Committee authorises this. In this case these studies will have a maximum duration of five years, starting from the admission to the programme until the presentation of the PhD thesis.
5. In the case of part time studies, the authorised extension can be of two years, which exceptionally, can be extended a further year.
6. When calculating the aforementioned period of time, any temporary suspension of study for illness or pregnancy is not counted, nor is any other reason covered by the existing regulations.
7. The modality chosen by each student is reflected in the Supervisory Agreement, signed by the doctorate, the supervisor and tutor, which can be changed if circumstances demand it.
8. The doctorate can apply to change from full time to part time studies. This application must be directed to and justified before the Academic Committee of the programme concerned, and it is they who decide whether or not to accept this application. The changes must be authorised by all partites concerned with the thesis, who sign the Supervisory Agreement, as detailed in this document.
9. A permanent change in working conditions or occupation of a part time PhD student so that they are no longer impeded from studying full time should be notified to the tutor, who will proceed with the necessary formalities to change the PhD modality.
10. Likewise the doctorate can apply for a temporary suspension of studies for a maximum period of a year, extendable for a further year. This application must be directed to and justified before the Academic Committee of the Programme, who will decide whether or not to approve the application.
11. Doctorates can be dismissed from a programme if they fail to pay the annual enrollment fees or if they do not pass the partial evaluations, as is contemplated in Article 16 in the current regulations.
Moreover, Sections III and IV of the Good Practices Guide of the PhD Programmes at the University of Málaga, establish the following:
III. PhD studies full time and part time
The PhD Programmes can accept doctorates full time or part time.
In general, a part time doctorate is considered to be someone who has a job or is involved in an activity (remunerated or not) which impedes them from dedicating more than 60% of their time to their PhD studies. To apply for enrollment as a part time doctorate on a PhD Programme, the candidate must provide proof of this situation, which will be evaluated and approved by the Academic Committee of the PhD Programme.
Every PhD Programme will make public on its website the maximum permitted percentage of part time doctorates, together with the rest of its entry requirements. Although it greatly depends on the field of knowledge concerned, the specific discipline, and the particularities of each Programme; in general the percentage of students enrolled as part time should not be greater than 30% of the total number of students enrolled.
IV. Residency Rules
Once admitted, the doctorate has to enrol annually on the PhD Programme until the thesis is defended. In exceptional cases, as is contemplated in RD 99/2011, the doctorate can apply for a suspension of studies from the programme for a maximum of a year, extendible for a further year. This application should be directed to and justified before the Academic Committee of the PhD Programme, who then decide whether or not to accept and approve the doctorate’s application.
Doctorates can be dismissed from the programme if they fail to pay the annual enrollment fees, or do not pass the partial evaluations, as is contemplated in paragraph XII of the present document.