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Juan Andrés Villena Ponsoda

Juan Andrés Villena-Ponsoda

Full Professor of General Linguistics and Permanent Seminar Director at the University of Malaga. He is Responsible for the Research Group Malaga Urban Vernacular Research Group, MUV (HUM392), and has carried out several national and regional research projects focused on sociolinguistics, linguistic variation and corpus linguistics.

He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Series: Studies in Language Variation (John Benjamins) and part of the scientific committee and advisory board to several language and linguistics journals and magazines, such as Oralia, ELUA, Revista de Filología, Entreculturas. He is also a member of the scientific committee for the International Conference on Language Variation and Change (ICLaVE) and has taken part in the steering committee of the European Science Foundation (ESF) network on social dialectology (Convergence and Divergence of dialects in Europe). He was the local organizer of the international Summer School on Convergence and Divergence of Dialects held in Malaga (1998).

He is the author of several articles in magazines (Sociolinguistica, IJSL) and bookchapters in University textbooks (Mouton de Gruyter, CUP) in Germany, Great Britain...

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Francisco Díaz Montesinos

Francisdo Díaz-Montesinos

Senior Teacher and Lecturer in Spanish Linguistics at the University of Malaga. Bachelor in Romance Philology (1975) and PhD in Romance Philology at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (1983); he has also been fellow of the Research Training Staff (CSIC) and Senior Teacher and Lecturer at the Complutense University of Madrid. He is a member of the Research Group Vernáculo Urbano Malagueño (VUM), which has carried out several research projects on the urban variety from Malaga, and is currently developing the Research Project Patrones Sociolingüísticos del Español de España (FFI201129189-C05-01).

He has co-directed several PhD. Thesis about linguistic variation and sociolinguistics of the Spanish variety spoken in Malaga.

Among his most important publications are included: Léxico de Los hechos del condestable Miguel Lucas de Iranzo, Editorial Universidad Complutense, 3 vols., Madrid, 1985; “¿Me gusta leer o me gusta de leer? Fundamentación gramatical e histórica de la variación preposicional en estructuras biactanciales estativas”, in J. Villena y A. Ávila, Estudios sobre el español de Málaga, editorial Sarriá, Málaga, 2012, pp. 353-382: and, in colaboration with J. Villena, “Condicionamientos internos en la variación de los pronombres personales átonos en Los hechos de Don Miguel Lucas de Iranzo”, RFE, 84, 2004, pp. 95-127. He has been the translator of Semántica General, Madrid, 1993, written by B. Pottier.

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Gloria Guerrero Ramos

Gloria Guerrero-Ramos

PhD in Spanish Studies and Linguistics, is a Senior Teacher and Lecturer of General Linguistics at the University of Malaga (UMA). She obtained the Elio Antonio Nebrija International Research Prize for her PhD thesis.

She is a founding member of the Sociedad Andaluza de Lingüística General (Andalusian Society of General Linguistics) and of the Spanish Association of Terminology (AETER). She has also been member of the Malaga team for the development of the First Automatized Spanish Dictionary published by VOX Press.

She has been a representative of the Malaga University, alongside with Senior Teacher Manuel Fernando Pérez-Lagos, to the SAIC (Spanish Agency of International Cooperation) granted Terminology Network ALETERM for Spain and Latin America   from 2000 to 2002. This project included the participation of Universities both from Spain (Malaga, Pompeu Fabra from Barcelona and Salamanca) and from Latin America (University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), University of Valle (Colombia) and University of Brasilia (Brazil).

She has been a member of the Research Group Lexicography and Lexicology (Regional Government of Andalusia, HUM 0106) and is currently member of the Research Group Vernáculo Urbano Malagueño (VUM, HUM392).

She also is a member of the Network of Observatories of Spanish Neologisms (NEOROC) and coordinates the team at the University of Malaga, Neouma.

She is evaluator for the ANEP (National Evaluation and Foresight Agency) and for several national and international prestigious magazines. She is a member of the scientific committee of Terminology, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication focused on neology in specialized communication. She is also a member of the scientific committee of the RITerm volume (Ibero-american Network of Terminology) dedicated to Terminology in the XXI century.

Her publications are focused on her principal research areas such as lexicography, lexicology, terminology and neology.

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Antonio Manuel Avila Munoz

Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz

PhD in Spanish Studies and Linguistics, is a Senior Teacher and Lecturer of General Linguistics at the University of Malaga (UMA), Spain. He gives courses on General Linguistics, Linguistic Variation and Corpus Linguistics.

He is a member of a Research Group, Vernáculo Urbano Malagueño VUM (HUM392), and has taken part in several regional, national and international research projects. His interest in Sociolinguistic studies has mainly been focused on works and publications about several sub-disciplines such as social dialectology, linguistic variation, corpus linguistics, cognitive sociolinguistics and lexical statistics. He has published several books on sociolinguistics and lexical analysis, as well as specific works in periodical publications and magazines (such as Review of Cognitive Lingüistics, ELUA, Oralia, among others) and chapters in different books (John Benjamins; Honoré Champion).

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Manuel Fernando Pérez-Lagos

Senior Teacher and Lecturer of General Linguistics at the University of Malaga (UMA). He has been a member of the editorial staff of the Lexicography Vox Centre, created in Malaga to produce monolingual dictionaries to be published by Vox Press.

He has been a representative of the Malaga University, alongside with Senior Teacher Gloria Guerrero-Ramos, to the SAIC (Spanish Agency of International Cooperation) granted Terminology Network ALETERM for Spain and Latin America   from 2000 to 2002. This project included the participation of Universities both from Spain (Malaga, Pompeu Fabra from Barcelona and Salamanca) and from Latin America (University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), University of Valle (Colombia) and University of Brasilia (Brazil).

He has been a member of the Research Group Lexicography and Lexicology (Regional Government of Andalusia, HUM 0106) and is currently member of the Research Group Vernáculo Urbano Malagueño (VUM, HUM392). He is also a member of the Network of Observatories of Spanish Neologisms (NEOROC).

His publications are mainly focused on lexicography, lexicology, terminology and neology.

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Matilde Vida Castro

Matilde Vida-Castro

PhD in Spanish Philology (Malaga University), is currently a member of the Malaga Urban Vernacular Research Group (MUV), and has also taken part in several research projects on sociolinguistics, social dialectology and linguistic variation such as the international PRESEEA project.

Her major contribution is her book on final syllable /s/ variation in Malaga town (2005). She has also published several papers and chapters on socio-phonological variation in urban Malaga and has edited the first volume of the PRESEEA-MA spoken corpus and taken part in the edition of the second (2007) and third (2008) one. She currently works on the acoustic and perception analysis of /s/ variants among Malaga speakers.

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Juan Gavilán Macías

Juan Gavilán-Macías

Professor in Philosophy from 1982 to 2012, has published El olvido del logos (Oblivion of the Logos, 1997), El legado de Ortega (The legacy of Ortega, 1998), Breve Historia de la Filosofía (A brief treatise of Philosophy, 1999) and De los límites de la razón a la razón de los límites (From the reason’s limits to the reason of limits, 2001). He began to collaborate in 1998 with the Department of General Linguistics at the University of Malaga. He wrote his PhD Thesis under the direction of Prof. Dr. Juan Andrés Villena-Ponsoda, entitled La producción del lenguaje: teoría multidisciplinar sobre el conocimiento lingüístico y el saber glotológico (The production of language: A multidisciplinary theory on linguistic and glottological knowledge).

He currently teaches Anthropology in the Open University (UNED) and is engaged in different research projects focused on cognitive processes of language.  He has published several books on this issue, among others: Lenguaje y creación: las raíces cerebrales del procesamiento lingüístico (Language and creation: Brain roots of language processing, 2008), El laberinto de la hominización: el origen del lenguaje en el proceso de formación de la mente (The hominisation labyrinth: The origin of human language in the process of mind formation, 2010) and Cerebro mente y conciencia: mecanismos cerebrales de la identidad personal (Brain, mind and conscience: brain mechanisms of personal identity, 2012).

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María de la Cruz Lasarte Cervantes

María de la Cruz Lasarte-Cervantes

PhD in Spanish Philology and currently teaches Spanish language and literature at the secondary level since 2010. She has taken part in several research projects focused on sociolinguistics, dialectology and lexicology. She was pre-doctoral fellow (FPI) on the CONSOLEX Research Project, from 2006 to 2010, and made research stays in the Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios del Colegio de México and in the Hermann Paul Centrum für Linguistik at the University of Fribourg.

She submitted her Ph.D. thesis in 2010 entitled Variación y cambio lingüístico en una comunidad de inmigrantes rurales en Málaga. Estudio estratificacional, reticular e individual de las consonantes obstruyentes sibilantes (Linguistic variation and change among immigrant rural speakers from a Malaga community. Social stratification, network and individual analysis of obstruent sibilant consonants) and directed by Prof. Dr. Villena Ponsoda and Dr. Díaz Montesinos.

She co-edited two of the volumes of the PRESEEA-MA spoken corpus (Lasarte-Cervantes et al. 2009 and Ávila-Muñoz, Lasarte-Cervantes et al. 2008). She has also published articles in periodical publications and magazines (such as Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, Oralia, Interlingüística).

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Raquel Palomo Rodríguez

Raquel Palomo-Rodríguez

PhD in Hispanic Philology (University of Malaga) and postgraduate expert on diagnosis and education of high-linguistic capacitated students. She teaches Spanish language and literature at the secondary level since 2004. She has also taught Spanish as a foreign language in the University of Malaga and has been supervisor (2007) of the curriculum and the educational process of the pre-university students at Staffordshire University (Stoke on Trent). She is currently a member of the Research Group Vernáculo Urbano Malagueño VUM (HUM392).


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