Listado de publicaciones recientes de los investigadores del IMECH:
Quislant R.; Fernandez I.; Gutierrez E.; Plata O.
Time series analysis acceleration with advanced vectorization extensions
(2023) Journal of Supercomputing, 79(9), 10178-10207
Hidalgo-López J.A.
A simple digital readout circuit for differential resistive or capacitive sensors
(2023) Measurement Science and Technology, 34(8), -
Hendrix E.M.T.; Pauls-Worm K.G.J.; de Jong M.V.
On Order Policies for a Perishable Product in Retail
(2023) Informatica (Netherlands), 34(2), 271-283
Rubio-Hernández F.J.; Rubio-Merino J.; García-López E.
Rheological Characterization of Gofio and Aloe Vera Blended Juice
(2023) Processes, 11(12), -
Gongora A.; Monroy J.; Rahbar F.; Ercolani C.; Gonzalez-Jimenez J.; Martinoli A.
Information-Driven Gas Distribution Mapping for Autonomous Mobile Robots
(2023) Sensors, 23(12), -
Corti F.; Reatti A.; Pugi L.; Lozito G.M.; Trivino-Cabrera A.; Luchetti L.; Zini G.
Evaluation of Additive Manufacturing for Wireless Power Transfer Applications
(2024) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 71(5), 4586-4595
Triviño A.; Casaucao I.; Quirós J.C.; Pérez P.; Rojas A.
Novel sustainable magnetic material to improve the wireless charging of a lightweight drone
(2023) RSC Advances, 13(16), 10556-10563
Garcia-Manrique J.; Furlong C.; Gonzalez-Herrera A.; Cheng J.T.
Numerical model characterization of the sound transmission mechanism in the tympanic membrane from a high-speed digital holographic experiment in transient regime
(2023) Acta Biomaterialia, 159(), 63-73
Lora-Rivera R.; Oballe-Peinado Ó.; Vidal-Verdú F.
Proposal and Implementation of a Procedure for Compliance Recognition of Objects with Smart Tactile Sensors
(2023) Sensors, 23(8), -
Guerrero-Pérez M.O.; Berenguer R.; Ford M.E.; Wachs I.E.
Carbon-supported VPO catalysts with fibrous structure: A new family of catalysts for partial oxidation reactions
(2023) Catalysis Today, 423(), -
Navas-González R.; Oballe-Peinado Ó.; Castellanos-Ramos J.; Rosas-Cervantes D.; Sánchez-Durán J.A.
Practice Projects for an FPGA-Based Remote Laboratory to Teach and Learn Digital Electronics †
(2023) Information (Switzerland), 14(10), -
Abatta-Jacome L.; Lima-Rodriguez A.; Gonzalez-Herrera A.; Garcia-Manrique J.M.
Numerical Study of the Plastic Zone at the Crack Front in Cylindrical Aluminum Specimens Subjected to Tensile Loads
(2023) Materials, 16(20), -
Contreras C.; Quirós J.C.; Casaucao I.; Triviño A.; Villagrasa E.; Aguado J.A.
STATCOM Switching Technique Based on a Finite-State Machine †
(2023) Electronics (Switzerland), 12(6), -
Garcia-Salguero M.; Gonzalez-Jimenez J.
Certifiable Solver for Real-Time N-View Triangulation
(2023) IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8(4), 1999-2005
Lora-Rivera R.; Oballe-Peinado O.; Vidal-Verdu F.
Texture Detection With Feature Extraction on Embedded FPGA
(2023) IEEE Sensors Journal, 23(11), 12093-12104
Hidalgo-López J.A.
Direct interface circuits for resistive sensors affected by lead wire resistances
(2023) Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 218(), -
Rosas-Cervantes D.; Fernández-Ramos J.
Simulation Tool for Assessing Driving Strategies for Electric Racing Vehicles
(2023) World Electric Vehicle Journal, 14(8), -
Hu Y.-D.; Fernández-García E.; Caballero-García M.D.; Pérez-García I.; Carrasco-García I.M.; Castellón A.; Pérez del Pulgar C.; Reina Terol A.J.; Castro-Tirado A.J.
The burst observer and optical transient exploring system in the multi-messenger astronomy era
(2023) Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10(), -
Granados-Ortiz F.-J.; Gómez-Merino A.I.; Jiménez Galea J.J.; Santos-Ráez I.M.; Fernández-Lozano J.J.; Gómez de Gabriel J.M.; Ortega Casanova J.
Multidimensional quantitative analysis of a 360-degree feedback surveyed in practical industrial engineering sessions; [Estudo quantitativo multidimensional da experiência de avaliação 360 inquirida em aulas práticas de engenharia industrial]; [Estudio cuantitativo multidimensional de la experiencia de evaluación 360 encuestada en prácticas de ingeniería industrial]
(2023) RELIEVE - Revista Electronica de Investigacion y Evaluacion Educativa, 29(1), -
Espejo-Reina A.; Prado-Novoa M.; Espejo-Baena A.; Estebanez B.; Perez-Blanca A.
Improved tibiofemoral contact restoration after transtibial reinsertion of the anterior root of the lateral meniscus compared to in situ repair: a biomechanical study
(2023) International Orthopaedics, 47(10), 2419-2427
Peña-Trabalon A.; Perez-Blanca A.; Moreno-Vegas S.; Estebanez Campos M.B.; Prado-Novoa M.
Age influence on resistance and deformation of the human sutured meniscal horn in the immediate postoperative period
(2023) Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 11(), -
Godoy-Calvo J.; Lin-Yang D.; Vázquez-Martín R.; García-Cerezo A.
Dynamic entropy-based method for exploring frontiers in unknown environments; [Exploración dinámica de fronteras en entornos desconocidos basada en la entropía]
(2023) RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial, 20(2), 213-223
Luperto M.; Monroy J.; Moreno F.-A.; Lunardini F.; Renoux J.; Krpic A.; Galindo C.; Ferrante S.; Basilico N.; Gonzalez-Jimenez J.; Borghese N.A.
Seeking at-home long-term autonomy of assistive mobile robots through the integration with an IoT-based monitoring system
(2023) Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 161(), -
Martinez-Cesteros J.; Medrano-Sanchez C.; Castellanos-Ramos J.; Sanchez-Duran J.A.; Plaza-Garcia I.
Creep and Hysteresis Compensation in Pressure-Sensitive Mats for Improving Center-of-Pressure Measurements
(2023) IEEE Sensors Journal, 23(23), 29585-29593
Bello-Millán F.J.; Palacios J.; Gutierrez-Castillo P.; Parras L.
Simulations of a tornadic supercell event in the south of Spain: Sensitivity to initial and boundary conditions and microphysics parameterizations
(2024) Atmospheric Research, 300(), -
Diaz-del-Pino S.; Trelles-Martinez R.; González-Fernández F.A.; Guil N.
Artificial intelligence to assist specialists in the detection of haematological diseases
(2023) Heliyon, 9(5), -
Galeote-Luque A.; Ruiz-Sarmiento J.-R.; Gonzalez-Jimenez J.
GND-LO: Ground Decoupled 3D Lidar Odometry Based on Planar Patches
(2023) IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8(11), 6923-6930
Sánchez-Ibáñez J.R.; Pérez-Del-Pulgar C.J.; Serón J.; García-Cerezo A.
Optimal path planning using a continuous anisotropic model for navigation on irregular terrains
(2023) Intelligent Service Robotics, 16(1), 19-32
Zambrana P.; Fernández-Quijano J.; Mayorga Rubio P.M.; Fernandez-Lozano J.J.; García-Cerezo A.
Development and Evaluation of Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Improving Performance of Wind Turbines on Semi-Submersible Platforms under Different Wind Scenarios
(2023) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13(4), -
Galán–García J.L.; Rodríguez–Cielos P.; Galán–García M.Á.; le Goff M.; Padilla–Domínguez Y.; Rodríguez-Padilla P.; Atencia I.; Aguilera–Venegas G.
SODES: Solving ordinary differential equations step by step
(2023) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 428(), -
Vargas H.F.; Muñoz V.; Vivas A.
Automated suturing: sharp wound recognition and planning with surgical robot
(2023) Advanced Robotics, 37(14), 900-912
Gómez-de-Gabriel J.M.; Fernández-Madrigal J.-A.; Rey-Merchán M.D.C.; López-Arquillos A.
A Safety System based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to prevent the misuse of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) in construction
(2023) Safety Science, 158(), -
Sanmiguel-Rojas E.; Perona J.L.; Fernandez-Feria R.
Force and torque reactions on a pitching flexible aerofoil
(2023) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 961(), -
Aguilera-Venegas G.; López-Molina A.; Rojo-Martínez G.; Galán-García J.L.
Comparing and tuning machine learning algorithms to predict type 2 diabetes mellitus
(2023) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 427(), -
Romero F.; Bandera G.; Romero J.; Romero L.F.
A countless variant simulation-based toolkit for remote learning and evaluation
(2023) Cogent Engineering, 10(1), -
Guillén-Arenas F.J.; Fernández-Ramos J.; Narvarte L.
An Automatic PI Tuning Method for Photovoltaic Irrigation Systems Based on Voltage Perturbation Using Feedforward Input
(2023) Energies, 16(21), -
Sevillano-Perez E.; Prado-Novoa M.; Postigo-Pozo S.; Peña-Trabalon A.; Guerado E.
L4 fixation is not necessary in L5-Iliac spinopelvic fixation after trauma, but coadjutant transilio-transsacral fixation is
(2024) Injury, 55(3), -
Quiros J.C.; Guerrero E.V.; Sangeno J.K.; Trivino A.
Magnetic Integration of Circular Pads and LCC-LCC for EV Wireless Charging Tolerant to Misalignment
(2023) IEEE Access, 11(), 98558-98565
Granados-Ortiz F.-J.; Morales-Higueras P.; Ortega-Casanova J.; López-Martínez A.
Two-Dimensional-Based Hybrid Shape Optimisation of a 5-Element Formula 1 Race Car Front Wing under FIA Regulations
(2023) Machines, 11(2), -
Quislant R.; Gutierrez E.; Plata O.
Exploring multiprocessor approaches to time series analysis
(2024) Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 188(), -
Romero J.C.; Navarro A.; Rodríguez A.; Asenjo R.
SkyFlow: Heterogeneous streaming for skyline computation using FlowGraph and SYCL
(2023) Future Generation Computer Systems, 141(), 269-283
Muts P.; Bruche S.; Nowak I.; Wu O.; Hendrix E.M.T.; Tsatsaronis G.
A column generation algorithm for solving energy system planning problems
(2023) Optimization and Engineering, 24(1), 317-351
Pinto-Salamanca M.L.; Castellanos-Ramos J.; Pérez-Holguín W.J.; Hidalgo-López J.A.
An estimation of triaxial forces from normal stress tactile sensor arrays
(2023) Mechatronics, 96(), -
Fernandez-Feria R.
Effects of inertia on the time-averaged propulsive performance of a pitching and heaving foil
(2023) Journal of Fluids and Structures, 120(), -
Aguilera-Venegas G.; Roanes-Lozano E.; Rojo-Martínez G.; Galán-García J.L.
A proposal of a mixed diagnostic system based on decision trees and probabilistic experts rules
(2023) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 427(), -
Casado L.G.; G.-Tóth B.; Hendrix E.M.T.; Messine F.
Local search versus linear programming to detect monotonicity in simplicial branch and bound
(2023) Journal of Global Optimization, (), -
Urdiales C.; Guzmán E.
An automatic and association-based procedure for hierarchical publication subject categorization
(2024) Journal of Informetrics, 18(1), -
Sánchez M.; Morales J.; Martínez J.L.
Waypoint Generation in Satellite Images Based on a CNN for Outdoor UGV Navigation
(2023) Machines, 11(8), -
Castro F.M.; Delgado-Escaño R.; Hernández-García R.; Marín-Jiménez M.J.; Guil N.
AttenGait: Gait recognition with attention and rich modalities
(2024) Pattern Recognition, 148(), -
Guerrero-Pérez M.O.; Lapina O.B.; Rasmussen S.B.; Bañares M.A.
Combined Operando XANES and NMR and ESR Spectroscopies for the Determination of VPO Dynamic States
(2023) Topics in Catalysis, 66(15-16), 1161-1170
Salguero-Caparrós F.; Rubio-Romero J.C.
Evaluation and comparison of selected methodologies to investigate occupational accidents
(2023) Work, 74(3), 1077-1089
Paz-Delgado G.J.; Sanchez-Ibanez J.R.; Dominguez R.; Perez-Del-Pulgar C.J.; Kirchner F.; Garcia-Cerezo A.
Combined Path and Motion Planning for Workspace Restricted Mobile Manipulators in Planetary Exploration
(2023) IEEE Access, 11(), 78152-78169
Loscertales I.G.; Rivero-Rodríguez J.; Higuera F.J.; Hijano A.J.
Axisymmetric inertialess model for the capture of airborne microparticles using an electrospray
(2024) Journal of Aerosol Science, 175(), -
Lopez-Tello P.E.; Fernandez-Feria R.; Sanmiguel-Rojas E.
Efficient self-propelled locomotion by an elastically supported rigid foil actuated by a torque
(2023) Applied Mathematical Modelling, 116(), 236-253
Atencia I.; Galán-García M.Á.; Aguilera-Venegas G.; Galán-García J.L.
A non markovian retrial queueing system
(2023) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 431(), -
Garcia J.M.; Martinez J.L.; Reina A.J.
Bridge Crane Monitoring using a 3D LiDAR and Deep Learning
(2023) IEEE Latin America Transactions, 21(2), 207-216
Sanchez-Laulhe E.; Fernandez-Feria R.; Ollero A.
Unsteady Propulsion of a Two-Dimensional Flapping Thin Airfoil in a Pulsating Stream
(2023) AIAA Journal, 61(10), 4391-4400
Espinosa E.; Bautista R.; Fernandez I.; Larrosa R.; Zapata E.L.; Plata O.
Comparing assembly strategies for third-generation sequencing technologies across different genomes
(2023) Genomics, 115(5), -
Fernandez de Canete J.; Roman M.; De Santiago R.
Artificial neural networks for adaptive control of profiled haemodialysis in patients with renal insufficiency
(2023) Expert Systems with Applications, 232(), -
Trivino A.; Villagrasa E.; Corti F.; Lozito G.M.; Reatti A.
Effective Electrical Model of a Beverage Can as a Foreign Object in EV Wireless Charging
(2023) IEEE Access, 11(), 134887-134898
Paz-Delgado G.J.; Pérez-del-Pulgar C.J.; Azkarate M.; Kirchner F.; García-Cerezo A.
Multi-stage warm started optimal motion planning for over-actuated mobile platforms
(2023) Intelligent Service Robotics, 16(3), 247-263
Calzado-Delgado M.; Guerrero-Pérez M.O.; Yeung K.L.
Dissolvable Topical Formulations for Burst and Constant Delivery of Vitamin C
(2023) ACS Omega, 8(14), 12636-12643
Vu V.-B.; Ramezani A.; Trivino A.; Gonzalez-Gonzalez J.M.; Kadandani N.B.; Dahidah M.; Pickert V.; Narimani M.; Aguado J.
Operation of Inductive Charging Systems Under Misalignment Conditions: A Review for Electric Vehicles
(2023) IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 9(1), 1857-1887
Jaenal A.; Ruiz-Sarmiento J.-R.; Gonzalez-Jimenez J.
MachNet, a general Deep Learning architecture for Predictive Maintenance within the industry 4.0 paradigm
(2024) Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 127(), -
Hidalgo-Lopez J.A.
Direct Interface Circuit for Capacitive Sensors Affected by Parasitic Series Resistances
(2023) IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 72(), -
Alcalde-Morales S.; Valenzuela L.; Serrano-Aguilera J.J.
Heat losses in a trapezoidal cavity receiver of a linear Fresnel collector: A CFD approach
(2023) Heliyon, 9(8), -
Sánchez M.; Morales J.; Martínez J.L.
Reinforcement and Curriculum Learning for Off-Road Navigation of an UGV with a 3D LiDAR
(2023) Sensors, 23(6), -
Hidalgo-López J.A.; Castellanos-Ramos J.
Two proposals to simplify resistive sensor readout based on Resistance-to-Time-to-Digital conversion
(2023) Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 213(), -
Rubio-Hernández F.J.; Naranjo-Herrera L.F.; Páez-Flor N.M.; Velázquez-Navarro J.F.
Time-dependent viscous behaviour of shear-thinning/shear-thickening cement pastes
(2023) Advances in Cement Research, 35(11), 506-514
Jebali M.; Colangelo G.; Gómez-Merino A.I.
Green Synthesis, Characterization, and Empirical Thermal Conductivity Assessment of ZnO Nanofluids for High-Efficiency Heat-Transfer Applications
(2023) Materials, 16(4), -
Castellano-Quero M.; Castillo-López M.; Fernández-Madrigal J.-A.; Arévalo-Espejo V.; Voos H.; García-Cerezo A.
A multidimensional Bayesian architecture for real-time anomaly detection and recovery in mobile robot sensory systems
(2023) Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 125(), -
Murillo R.; Hormigo J.; Barrio A.A.D.; Botella G.
HUB Meets Posit: Arithmetic Units Implementation
(2024) IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 71(1), 440-444
Ambrosio-Cestero G.; Ruiz-Sarmiento J.-R.; Gonzalez-Jimenez J.
The Robot@Home2 dataset: A new release with improved usability tools
(2023) SoftwareX, 23(), -
Herrera-López J.M.; Galán-Cuenca Á.; García-Morales I.; Rollón M.; Rivas-Blanco I.; Muñoz V.F.
Cyber-physical framework for laparoscopic surgery; [Entorno de trabajo cíber-físico para cirugía laparoscópica]
(2024) RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial, 21(1), 69-80
Perez-Wohlfeil E.; Trelles O.; Guil N.
Irregular alignment of arbitrarily long DNA sequences on GPU
(2023) Journal of Supercomputing, 79(8), 8699-8728
Jaenal A.; Moreno F.-A.; Gonzalez-Jimenez J.
Sequential Monte Carlo localization in topometric appearance maps
(2023) International Journal of Robotics Research, 42(13), 1117-1132
Díaz-Boladeras M.; Llanas X.; Fernandez-Carmona M.; Català A.; Urdiales C.; Musté M.; Pérez E.; Barco À.
Perceived distress in assisted gait with a four-wheeled rollator under stress induction conditions
(2023) Cogent Engineering, 10(1), -
Herrera-Pérez V.; Salguero-Caparrós F.; Pardo-Ferreira M.D.C.; Rubio-Romero J.C.
Key Factors in Crane-Related Occupational Accidents in the Spanish Construction Industry (2012–2021)
(2023) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(22), -
Granados-Ortiz F.-J.; Gómez-Merino A.I.; Jiménez-Galea J.J.; Santos-Ráez I.M.; Fernandez-Lozano J.J.; Gómez-de-Gabriel J.M.; Ortega-Casanova J.
Design and Assessment of Survey in a 360-Degree Feedback Environment for Student Satisfaction Analysis Applied to Industrial Engineering Degrees in Spain
(2023) Education Sciences, 13(2), -
Hidalgo-Lopez J.A.
A Simple Method for a Digital Readout of Randles Impedances
(2024) IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 73(), 1-9
Bez R.F.; Salla J.S.; Amorim S.M.; Rodríguez-Castellon E.; Guerrero-Pérez M.O.; Winiarski J.P.; Krambrock K.; Moreira R.F.P.M.; Peralta R.A.
Construction and characterization of intramolecular tri-s-triazine heterostructures
(2023) Journal of Materials Science, 58(28), 11500-11526
Pérez J.; Alcázar M.; Sánchez I.; Cabrera J.A.; Nybacka M.; Castillo J.J.
On-line learning applied to spiking neural network for antilock braking systems
(2023) Neurocomputing, 559(), -
Lopez-Tello P.E.; Fernandez-Feria R.
Effect of flexibility on the self-propelled locomotion by an elastically supported stiff foil actuated by a torque
(2023) Physical Review Fluids, 8(6), -
Toscano-Moreno M.; Mandow A.; Martínez M.A.; García-Cerezo A.
DEM-AIA: Asymmetric inclination-aware trajectory planner for off-road vehicles with digital elevation models
(2023) Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 121(), -
Hidalgo-Lopez J.A.
A Simple Front-End for Pulse Oximeters With a Direct Light-to-Time-to-Digital Interface Circuit
(2024) IEEE Sensors Journal, 24(1), 346-354
Castilla-Arquillo R.; Mandow A.; Perez-Del-Pulgar C.J.; Alvarez-Llamas C.; Vadillo J.M.; Laserna J.
Thermal Imagery for Rover Soil Assessment Using a Multipurpose Environmental Chamber Under Simulated Mars Conditions
(2024) IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 73(), 1-12
Juan C.G.; Bronchalo E.; Potelon B.; Quendo C.; Muñoz V.F.; Ferrández-Vicente J.M.; Sabater-Navarro J.M.
On the Selectivity of Planar Microwave Glucose Sensors with Multicomponent Solutions
(2023) Electronics (Switzerland), 12(1), -
Morales J.; Castelo I.; Serra R.; Lima P.U.; Basiri M.
Vision-Based Autonomous Following of a Moving Platform and Landing for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
(2023) Sensors, 23(2), -
Martinez J.L.; Morales J.; Garcia J.M.; Garcia-Cerezo A.
Analysis of Tread ICRs for Wheeled Skid-Steer Vehicles on Inclined Terrain
(2023) IEEE Access, 11(), 547-555
Carabias E.; Cabrera J.A.; Castillo J.J.; Pérez J.; Alcázar M.
Non-intrusive determination of shock absorber characteristic curves by means of evolutionary algorithms
(2023) Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 182(), -
Salguero-Caparrós F.; Martínez-Rojas M.; Pardo-Ferreira M.D.C.; Rubio-Romero J.C.
Performance of barrier systems and functions in the construction industry
(2023) International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 29(1), 376-385
Badehbakhsh S.; Saadatkhah N.; Mahboub M.J.D.; Guerrero-Pérez O.; Patience G.S.
Morphological changes of vanadyl pyrophosphate due to thermal excursions
(2023) Catalysis Today, 407(), 301-311
Trivino-Cabrera A.; Quiros J.C.; Gonzalez-Gonzalez J.M.; Aguado J.A.
Optimized Design of a Wireless Charger Prototype for an e-Scooter
(2023) IEEE Access, 11(), 33014-33026
Hidalgo-Lopez J.A.; Castellanos-Ramos J.
Simplifying Capacitive Sensor Readout Using a New Direct Interface Circuit
(2023) IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 72(), -
Contreras C.; Trivino A.; Aguado J.A.
A Game-Theoretic Approach for the Effective Distributed Coordination of STATCOMs
(2023) IEEE Access, 11(), 27730-27738
Guerrero-García P.; Hendrix E.M.T.
Experiments with Active-Set LP Algorithms Allowing Basis Deficiency
(2023) Computers, 12(1), -
Vera-Ortega P.; Vázquez-Martín R.; Fernandez-Lozano J.J.; García-Cerezo A.; Mandow A.
Enabling Remote Responder Bio-Signal Monitoring in a Cooperative Human–Robot Architecture for Search and Rescue
(2023) Sensors, 23(1), -
Tierra-Arévalo J.M.; del Carmen Pardo-Ferreira M.; Herrera-Pérez V.; Rubio-Romero J.C.
Qualities of the Alternative Approach of the Functional Resonance Analysis Method and the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Review
(2024) Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 492(), 825-835
Lombardi I.; Buono M.; Muñoz Martínez V.F.; Senese V.P.; Capece S.
Neuroergonomic Models and Tools Compared to Evaluate and Improve Human-Machine Interaction in Manufacturing
(2024) Springer Series in Design and Innovation, 35(), 555-568
Torrecilla-García J.A.; Skotnicka A.G.; Rubio-Romero J.C.; Herrera-Pérez V.
The Emergent Perspective of Applied Observability in Occupational Health and Safety. The Exploratory Scoping Review for the Future Framework
(2024) Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 492(), 837-845
Torrecilla-García J.A.; del Pardo-Ferreira M.C.; Skotnicka A.G.; Herrera-Pérez V.; Rubio-Romero J.C.
IoT as an Enabler of Emergent Manufacturing-as-Service Business Model in the Precision Electronics Components Industry: The Exploratory Case Study of Two European Companies
(2023) Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 160(), 419-424
Tierra-Arévalo J.M.; del Carmen Pardo-Ferreira M.; Herrera-Pérez V.; Rubio-Romero J.C.
FRAM in the Construction Sector
(2023) Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 160(), 473-477
Tierra-Arévalo J.M.; del Carmen Pardo-Ferreira M.; Rubio-Romero J.C.; Herrera-Pérez V.
The Resilience Assessment Grid in Day-To-Day Work
(2023) Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 449(), 41-53
Cubero N.; Castro F.M.; Cózar J.R.; Guil N.; Marín-Jiménez M.J.
Multimodal Human Pose Feature Fusion for Gait Recognition
(2023) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14062 LNCS(), 389-401
Ruiz-Barroso P.; Castro F.M.; Guil N.
Real-Time Unsupervised Object Localization on the Edge for Airport Video Surveillance
(2023) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14062 LNCS(), 466-478
Perez-Bazuelo A.-J.; Ruiz-Sarmiento J.-R.; Ambrosio-Cestero G.; Gonzalez-Jimenez J.
Towards a Voxelized Semantic Representation of the Workspace of Mobile Robots
(2023) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14135 LNCS(), 194-205
Ballesteros J.; Fernandez-Carmona M.; Urdiales C.
NITRO: A Gadget to Transform Standard Rollators into Smart Rollators for Monitoring User Conditions
(2023) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 841 LNNS(), 25-35
Mandow L.; Pérez De La Cruz J.L.
Improving Bi-Objective Shortest Path Search with Early Pruning
(2023) Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 372(), 1680-1687
Hernandez-Garcia R.; Salazar-Jurado E.H.; Barrientos R.J.; Castro F.M.; Ramos-Cozar J.; Guil N.
From Synthetic Data to Real Palm Vein Identification: A Fine-Tuning Approach
(2023) 2023 IEEE 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems, ICPRS 2023, (), -
Hormigo-Jimenez M.; Hormigo J.
High-Throughput DTW accelerator with minimum area in AMD FPGA by HLS
(2023) 2023 38th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2023, (), -
Lupión M.; Romero F.; Romero L.F.; Sanjuan J.F.; Ortigosa P.M.
Edge IoT System for Wearable Devices: Real-Time Data Processing, Inference, and Training for Activity Monitoring and Health Evaluation
(2023) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 842 LNNS(), 131-142
Rivas-Blanco I.; Del-Pulgar C.J.P.; Mariani A.; Tortora G.; Reina A.J.
A surgical dataset from the da Vinci Research Kit for task automation and recognition
(2023) International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering, ICECCME 2023, (), -
Fernandez-Carmona M.; Ballesteros J.; Gómez-de-Gabriel J.M.; Urdiales C.
On Stability Assessment Using the WalkIT Smart Rollator
(2023) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14135 LNCS(), 376-387
Sánchez-Montero M.; Toscano-Moreno M.; Bravo-Arrabal J.; Serón Barba J.; Vera-Ortega P.; Vázquez-Martín R.; Fernandez-Lozano J.J.; Mandow A.; García-Cerezo A.
Remote Planning and Operation of a UGV Through ROS and Commercial Mobile Networks
(2023) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 589 LNNS(), 271-282
Fernandez-Carmona M.; Verdezoto G.; Ballesteros J.; Gómez-de-Gabriel J.M.; Urdiales C.
Smart Rollators as a Cost-Effective Solution for Personalized Assistance Healthcare Ecosystem in Elderly Communities
(2023) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 594 LNNS(), 449-461
Ojeda P.; Ruiz-Sarmiento J.-R.; Monroy J.; Gonzalez-Jimenez J.
GadenTools: A Toolkit for Testing and Simulating Robotic Olfaction Tasks with Jupyter Notebook Support
(2023) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 590 LNNS(), 166-177
2021 M. Luperto, J. Monroy, J. Renoux, F. Lunardini, N. Basilico, M. Bulgheroni, A. Cangelosi, M. Cesari, M. Cid, A. Ianes, J. Gonzalez-Jimenez, A. Kounoudes, D. Mari, V. Prisacariu, A. Savanovic, S. Ferrante, N.A. Borghese, "Integrating Social Assistive Robots, IoT, Virtual Communities and Smart Objects to Assist at-Home Independently Living Elders: the MoveCare Project", International Journal of Social Robotics, 2022, (Cuartil JCR Q1)
D. Fernandez-Chaves, J.R. Ruiz-Sarmiento, A. Jaenal, N. Petkov, J. Gonzalez-Jimenez, "ViMantic, a distributed robotic architecture for semantic mapping in indoor environments", International Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems, pp. 107440, 2021. (Cuartil JCR Q1) .
M. Garcia-Salguero, J. Gonzalez-Jimenez. "A Sufficient Condition Of Optimality For The Relative Pose Problem Between Cameras". SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1617--1634, 2021. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
K. Goreishi, A. Fernandez-Gutierrez, F. Fernandez-Hernandez, L. Parras (2021) Retrofit planning and execution of a mediterranean villa using on-site measurements and simulations, J. Build. Eng. (35) 102083. (2020 IF=5.318, 13/137 Engineering, Civil Q1, D1). (Cuartil JCR Q1)
Garcia-Salguero, M., Gonzalez-Jimenez, J. Fast and Robust Certifiable Estimation of the Relative Pose Between Two Calibrated Cameras (2021) Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 63 (8), pp. 1036-1056. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
G-Tóth, B., Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Messine, F. (2021), On new methods to construct lower bounds in simplicial Branch and Bound based on Interval Arithmetic, Journal of Global Optimization, 80, 4, 779-804, (Cuartil JCR Q1)
Lorenzo Mandow, José Luis Pérez de la Cruz, Nicolás Pozas, Multi-Objective Dynamic Programming with Limited Precision, Journal of Global Optimization (2021). JCR-Q1 (2020) (Cuartil JCR Q1)
M. García, J. A. Cabrera, A. Bataller, S. Postigo & J. J. Castillo 3D kinematic mandible model to design mandibular advancement devices for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea, Bio-Design and Manufacturing Q1 (16/90) Engineering, Biomedical (Cuartil JCR Q1)
Rizki, Z., Janssen, A.E.M., Hendrix, E.M.T., van der Padt, A., Boom, R.M. and Claassen, G.D.H. (2021), Design optimization of a 3-stage membrane cascade for oligosaccharides purification using mixed integer non-linear programming, Chemical Engineering Science, 231, 116275, (Cuartil JCR Q1)
Ortega-Casanova, J., Ortega-Cortes, M., Cortes-Carretero, P., & Ortega-Cortes, J. (2021). A primitive method for cooling water: does the shape matter?. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 26, 101022. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
Montserrat Simarro, Juan J. Castillo, Juan A. Cabrera, S. Postigo (AC). 2021. Evaluation of the influence of the speed, preload and span length on the contact forces in the interaction between the pantograph and the overhead conductor rail. Engineering Structures 243, 112678. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
M. Castellano Quero, J.A. Fernandez-Madrigal, A. Garcia-Cerezo, "Improving Bayesian inference efficiency for sensory anomaly detection and recovery in mobile robots", Expert Systems With Applications, vol. 163, 2021, (Cuartil JCR Q1)
J.C. Romero, A. Navarro, A. Vilches, A. Rodriguez, F. Corbera, R. Asenjo. Efficient Heterogeneous Matrix Profile on a CPU + High Performance FPGA with Integrated HBM,Future Generation Computer Systems Vol. 125, December 2021, pp. 10-23 (Cuartil JCR Q1)
J.J. Serrano-Aguilera, F.J. Blanco-Rodriguez, L. Parras (2021).Global stability map of the flow in a horizontal concentric cylinder forced by natural convection. Int. J. Heat Mass Tran. 172, 121151 (2020 IF=5.584, 10/133 Engineering, Mechanical, Q1,D1, 9/135 en MechanicsQ1,D1)
Granados-Ortiz, F. J., & Ortega-Casanova, J. (2021). Passive mechanical heat/mass exchange enhancement by semi-confined laminar parallel wall jets. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 206, 106623. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
Granados-Ortiz, F. J., Jimenez-Salas, M., & Ortega-Casanova, J. (2021). Application of shear-thinning and shear-thickening fluids to computational fluid mechanics of high-Reynolds impinging turbulent jets for cooling engineering. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 162, 106753. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
P. Gutierrez-Castillo, J. Aguilar-Cabello, S. Alcalde-Morales, L.Parras, C. del Pino (2021). On the lift curve slope for rectangular flat plate wings at moderate Reynolds number, J. Wind. Eng. Ind. Aero. 208, 104459 (2020 IF=4.082, 25/137 Engineering, Civil Q1, 27/135 Mechanics Q1). (Cuartil JCR Q1)
AI Gómez-Merino, JJ Jiménez-Galea, MH Spillman-Daniele, FJ Rubio-Hernández. Experimental assessment on rheological and termal properties of fumed silica in PPG400 nanofluids. Journal of Molecular Liquids 341 (2021) 117358. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
Javier Pérez Fernández, Manuel Alcázar Vargas, Juan M. Velasco García, Juan A. Cabrera Carrillo, and Juan J. Castillo Aguilar. 2021. A biological-like controller using improved spiking neural networks. Neurocomputing, 2021 Q1 (30/139) Comuter Science, Artificial Intelligence (Cuartil JCR Q1)
E. Sanmiguel-Rojas y R. Fernandez Feria (2021). Propulsion enhancement of flexible plunging foils: Comparing linear theory predictions with high-fidelity CFD results. Ocean Eng., 235, 109331. HTTPS://WWW.DOI.ORG/ 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109331 (ENGINEERING, MARINE, 1/25, Q1) (Cuartil JCR Q1)
R. Fernandez Feria y J. Alaminos Quesada (2021). Analytical results for the propulsion performance of a flexible foil with prescribed pitching and heaving motions and passive small deflection. J. Fluid Mech., 910, A43-1-25. (MECHANICS, 20/153, Q1) (Cuartil JCR Q1)
A. J. Sanchez-Fernandez, L. F. Romero, G. Bandera & S. Tabik (2021) A data relocation approach for terrain surface analysis on multi-GPU systems: a case study on the total viewshed problem, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 35:8, 1500-1520, HTTPS://WWW.DOI.ORG/ 10.1080/13658816.2020.1844207 (Cuartil JCR Q1)
J. Alaminos-Quesada y R. Fernandez Feria (2021). Propulsion performance of tandem flapping foils with chordwise prescribed deflection from linear potential theory. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 6, 013102.. (PHYSICS, FLUIDS and PLASMAS, 11/34, Q2) (Cuartil JCR Q1)
E. Sanmiguel-Rojas y R. Fernandez Feria (2021). Numerical study of the propulsive performance of two- dimensional pitching foils at very high frequencies: Scaling laws and turbulence effects. Int. J. Num. Meth. Heat Fluid Flow (pub. online). (MATHEMATICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS, 12/108, Q1) (Cuartil JCR Q1)
Paoletti, M.E., Haut, J.M., Alipour-Fard, T., Roy, S.K., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Plaza, A. (2021), Separable Attention Network in Single&Mixed precision Floating-point for Land-cover Classification of Remote Sensing Images, to appear in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, (Cuartil JCR Q1)
J. P. Fernández, M. A. Vargas, J. M. V. García, J. A. C. Carrillo and J. J. C. Aguilar, "Coevolutionary Optimization of a Fuzzy Logic Controller for Antilock Braking Systems Under Changing Road Conditions," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 1255-1268, Feb. 2021 Q1 (32/273) Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Q1 (7/37) Transportation Science & Technology Q1 (15/91) Telecommunications (Cuartil JCR Q1)
Morales, J., Vázquez-Martín, R., Mandow, A., Morilla-Cabello, D., García-Cerezo, A. The UMA-SAR Dataset: Multimodal data collection from a ground vehicle during outdoor disaster response training exercises (2021) The International Journal of Robotics Research, (Cuartil JCR Q1)
R. Fernandez Feria y J. Alaminos Quesada (2021). Energy harvesting and propulsion of pitching airfoils with passive heave and deformation. AIAA Journal (pub. online). (ENGINEERING, AEROSPACE, 7/48, Q1) (Cuartil JCR Q1)
Gea-García, G. M., Fernández-Vicente, C., Barón-López, F. J., & Miranda-Páez, J. (2021). The Recreational Trail of the El Caminito del Rey Natural Tourist Attraction, Spain: Determination of Hikers’ Flow. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), 1809. MDPI AG. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
J. Bravo-Arrabal, J.J. Fernandez Lozano, J. Serón, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, A. Garcia-Cerezo. 2021. Development and Implementation of a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network of Low Power and Long Range for Urban Environments. Sensors. Vol. 21(2): 567. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
M. Alcázar; J. Pérez; J. M. Velasco; J. A. Cabrera and J. J. Castillo. A novel method for determining angular speed and acceleration using sin-cos encoders Sensors 2021 Q1 (14/64) Instruments & Instrumentation Q2 (82/273) Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Q2 (26/83) Chemistry, analytical(Cuartil JCR Q1)
S. Baltanas, J.R. Ruiz-Sarmiento, J. Gonzalez-Jimenez, " Improving the Head Pose Variation Problem in Face Recognition for Mobile Robots", MDPI Sensors, (Cuartil JCR Q1)
P. Ojeda, J. Monroy, J. Gonzalez-Jimenez. “A Simulation Framework for the Integration of Artificial Olfaction into Multi-Sensor Mobile Robots”. MDPI Sensors, 2021. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
V. F. Muñoz et al., Collaborative robotic assistant platform for endonasal surgery: Preliminary in-vitro trials, Sensors, vol. 21, no. 7, p. 2320, Apr.. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
A. Jaenal, F.A. Moreno, J. Gonzalez-Jimenez. “Appearance-Based Sequential Robot Localization Using a Patchwise Approximation of a Descriptor Manifold”. MDPI Sensors, 21(7), 2021. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
Khatib, E. J., Perles Roselló, M. J., Miranda-Páez, J., Giralt, V., & Barco, R. (2021). Mass Tracking in Cellular Networks for the COVID-19 Pandemic Monitoring. Sensors, 21(10), 3424. MDPI AG. Retrieved from (Cuartil JCR Q1)
Tachiquin, Ricardo, Ramiro Velázquez, Carolina Del-Valle-Soto, Carlos A. Gutiérrez, Miguel Carrasco, Roberto De Fazio, Andrés Trujillo-León, Paolo Visconti, and Fernando Vidal-Verdú. 2021. "Wearable Urban Mobility Assistive Device for Visually Impaired Pedestrians Using a Smartphone and a Tactile-Foot Interface" Sensors 21, no. 16: 5274. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
Trujillo-León, Andrés, Arturo de Guzmán-Manzano, Ramiro Velázquez, and Fernando Vidal-Verdú. 2021. "Generation of Gait Events with a FSR Based Cane Handle" Sensors 21, no. 16: 5632. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
Morales, J., Martínez, J.L., García-Cerezo, A.J. A redundant configuration of four low-cost GNSS-RTK receivers for reliable estimation of vehicular position and posture (2021) Sensors, 21 (17), art. no. 5853. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
J. Bravo-Arrabal, M. Toscano-Moreno, J.J. Fernandez Lozano, A. Mandow, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, A. Garcia-Cerezo. 2021. The Internet of Cooperative Agents Architecture (X-IoCA) for Robots, Hybrid Sensor Networks, and MEC Centers in Complex Environments: A Search and Rescue Case Study. Sensors. Vol. 21(23): 7843. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
Remache-Vinueza, Byron, Andrés Trujillo-León, Mireya Zapata, Fabián Sarmiento-Ortiz, and Fernando Vidal-Verdú. 2021. "Audio-Tactile Rendering: A Review on Technology and Methods to Convey Musical Information through the Sense of Touch" Sensors 21, no. 19: 6575. (Cuartil JCR Q1)
P. Mayoral; M. Garcia; A. Bataller;J. A. Cabrera and M. O. Lagravère. Craniofacial morphology/phenotypes influence on mandibular range of movement in the design of a mandibular advancement device. BMC Oral Health, Vol. 21, 2021. (Q2) (Cuartil JCR Q2)
R. Fernandez Feria y J. Alaminos Quesada (2021). Propulsion and energy harvesting performances of a flexible thin airfoil undergoing forced heaving motion with passive pitching and deformation of small amplitude. J. Fluids Structures, 102, 103255. (MECHANICS, 43/153, Q2) (Cuartil JCR Q2)
J. Alaminos-Quesada y R. Fernandez Feria (2021). Propulsion performance of tandem flapping foils with chordwise prescribed deflection from linear potential theory. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 6, 013102.. (PHYSICS, FLUIDS and PLASMAS, 11/34, Q2) (Cuartil JCR Q2)
J. A. Hidalgo-López, Ó. Oballe-Peinado, J. Castellanos-Ramos, J. C. Tejero-Calado and F. Vidal-Verdú, "Wide Range Calibration Method for Direct Interface Circuits and Application to Resistive Force Sensors," in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 20, pp. 22956-22966, 15 Oct.15, 2021,. (Cuartil JCR Q2)
D.A. Constantinescu, A. Gonzalez-Navarro, F. Corbera, J.A. Fernandez-Madrigal, R. Asenjo-Plaza, "Efficiency and Productivity for Decision Making on Low-Power Heterogeneous CPU+GPU SoCs", Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 77, pp. 44-65, 2021, (Cuartil JCR Q2)
J.A. Fernandez-Madrigal, A. Gonzalez-Navarro, R. Asenjo-Plaza, A. Cruz-Martin, "Efficient Geometrical Clock Synchronization for Pairwise Sensor Systems", IEEE Sensors, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 838-846, 2021, (Cuartil JCR Q2)
M.C. Rey-Merchan, J.M. Gomez de Gabriel, A. Lopez Arquillos, J.A. Fernandez-Madrigal, "Virtual fence system based on IoT paradigm to prevent occupational accidents in the construction sector", MDPI International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 2021, no. 18, pp. 6839 - 6856, 2021, (Cuartil JCR Q2)
E Sevillano-Perez, S Postigo Pozo, E Guerado, P Zamora-Navas, M Prado-Novoa. 2021. Biomechanical models of in vitro constructs for spinopelvic osteosynthesis. Injury 52S4 (2021) S16–S21. (Cuartil JCR Q2)
Muts, P., Nowak, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2021), On decomposition and multiobjective-based column and disjunctive cut generation for MINLP, to appear in Optimization and Engineering, (Cuartil JCR Q2)
Muts, P., Bruche, S., Nowak, I., Wu, O., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Tsatsaronis G. (2021), A Column Generation Algorithm for Solving Energy System Planning Problems, to appear in Optimization and Engineering, (Cuartil JCR Q2)
A. J. Sanchez-Fernandez, L. F. Romero, G. Bandera and S. Tabik, "VPP: Visibility-Based Path Planning Heuristic for Monitoring Large Regions of Complex Terrain Using a UAV Onboard Camera," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 15, pp. 944-955,. (Cuartil JCR Q2)
E. Sanmiguel-Rojas, P. Gutierrez-Castillo and J.A. Auñón Hidalgo. Numerical study of a solar-powered Stirling engine with a transparent top cover, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol 143, 041012, 2021 (Cuartil JCR Q2)
J.R. Ruiz-Sarmiento, S. Baltanas, J. Gonzalez-Jimenez, " Jupyter Notebooks in Undergraduate Mobile Robotics Courses: Educational Tool and Case Study", Applied Sciences, 2021. (Cuartil JCR Q2)
David Zuñiga-Noël, Francisco-Angel Moreno, Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez “An Analytical Solution to the IMU Initialization Problem for Visual-Inertial Systems”. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. Vol. 6, No. 3, July 2021. (Cuartil JCR Q2)
Gomez-De-Gabriel, J.M., Wurdemann, H.A. Adaptive Underactuated Finger with Active Rolling Surface(2021) IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6 (4), art. no. 9516957, pp. 8253-8260. (Cuartil JCR Q2)
J. Fernandez de Canete, P. del Saz-Orozco, J. Gómez-de-Gabriel, R. Baratti, A. Ruano, and I. Rivas-Blanco, Control and soft sensing strategies for a wastewater treatment plant using a neuro-genetic approach, Comput. Chem. Eng., vol. 144, p. 107146, Jan. (Cuartil JCR Q2)
Tamimi, I., Ballesteros, J., Lara, A.P., Tat, J., Alaqueel, M., Schupbach, J., Marwan, Y., Urdiales, C., Gomez-de-Gabriel, J.M., Burman, M., Martineau, P.A. A Prediction Model for Primary Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Using Artificial Intelligence (2021) Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 9 (9). (Cuartil JCR Q2)
Pastor, F., Garcia-Gonzalez, J., Gandarias, J.M., Medina, D., Closas, P., Garcia-Cerezo, A.J., Gomez-De-Gabriel, J.M. Bayesian and Neural Inference on LSTM-Based Object Recognition from Tactile and Kinesthetic Information (2021) IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6 (1), art. no. 9261100, pp. 231-238. (Cuartil JCR Q2)
Ruiz-Ruiz, F.J., Gandarias, J.M., Pastor, F., Gomez-de-Gabriel, J.M. Upper-Limb Kinematic Parameter Estimation and Localization Using a Compliant Robotic Manipulator (2021) IEEE Access. (Cuartil JCR Q2)
P. Ojeda, J. Monroy, J. Gonzalez-Jimenez. “Information-Driven Gas Source Localization Exploiting Gas and Wind Local Measurements for Autonomous Mobile Robots”. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 6 (2), 1320-1326. (Cuartil JCR Q2)
M. Garcia-Salguero, J. Briales, J. Gonzalez-Jimenez. “Certifiable relative pose estimation”. Image and Vision Computing. Vol. 109, May 2021. (Cuartil JCR Q2)
Enrique-Manuel Garcia-Merida, Alejandro Arcas-Cobos & Joaquin Ortega-Casanova (2021) Numerical Analysis of the Cooling of a Flat Plate Using Nanofluids at Low and High Reynolds Numbers, Heat Transfer Engineering, 42:19-20, 1648-1662, (Cuartil JCR Q2)
Granados-Ortiz, F. J., & Ortega-Casanova, J. (2021). Machine learning-aided design optimization of a mechanical micromixer. Physics of Fluids, 33(6), 063604. (Cuartil JCR Q2)
M.O. Guerrero-Pérez, M.A. Bañares, G. S. Patience “Experimental methods in Chemical Engineering: Raman Spectroscopy”, Canadian J. Chem. Eng. 99 (1), 97-107 (2021) (Cuartil JCR Q2)
I. Rivas-Blanco, C. J. Perez-Del-Pulgar, I. Garcia-Morales, V. F. Munoz, and I. Rivas-Blanco, A Review on Deep Learning in Minimally Invasive Surgery, IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 48658−48678, 2021,. (Cuartil JCR Q2)
Granados-Ortiz, F. J., & Ortega-Casanova, J. (2021). Passive mechanical heat/mass exchange enhancement by semi-confined laminar parallel wall jets. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 206, 106623. (Cuartil JCR Q3)
Perles Roselló, M. J., Sortino Barrionuevo, J. F., Cantarero Prados, F. J., Castro Noblejas, H., De la Fuente Roselló, A. L., Orellana-Macías, J. M., Reyes Corredera, S., Miranda Páez, J., & Mérida Rodriguez, M. (2021). Potential of hazard mapping as a tool for facing COVID-19 transmission: the geo-COVID cartographic platform. Boletín De La Asociación De Geógrafos Españoles, (91). (Cuartil JCR Q3)
Jiménez-Marín, A.; Pérez-Ruiz, J. A Robust Optimization Model to the Day-Ahead Operation of an Electric Vehicle Aggregator Providing Reliable Reserve. Energies 2021, 14, 7456. (Cuartil JCR Q3)
Miramontes Carballada, Ángel, Lois González, R., Perles Roselló, M. J., & Miranda Páez, J. (2021). Riesgo de contagio por COVID-19 en un entorno urbano (Málaga, noviembre del 2020). Boletín De La Asociación De Geógrafos Españoles, (91). Recuperado a partir de (Cuartil JCR Q3)
Lois González, R. C., Miramontes Carballada, Ángel, Miranda Páez, J. & Perles Roselló, M. . J. (2021). Presentación del número monográfico. Boletín De La Asociación De Geógrafos Españoles, (91). Recuperado a partir de (Cuartil JCR Q3)
Hormigo, J., Muñoz, S.D. Efficient Floating-Point Givens Rotation Unit. Circuits Syst Signal Process 40, 2419–2442 (2021). (Cuartil JCR Q3)
Villalba, J., Hormigo, J. High-Radix Formats for Enhancing Floating-Point FPGA Implementations. Circuits Syst Signal Process (2021). (Cuartil JCR Q3)
Hendrix, E.M.T., G.-Tóth, B., F. Messine and Casado, L.G (2021), On derivative based bounding for simplicial branch and bound, RAIRO -Operations Research, 55, 3, 2023-2034, (Cuartil JCR Q3)
M. Trinidad-Fernandez, D. Beckwee, A. Cuesta-Vargas, M. Gonzalez-Sanchez, F.A. Moreno, J. Gonzalez-Jimenez, E. Joss, P. Vaes, "Differences in movement limitations in different low back pain severity in functional tests using an RGB-D camera", Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 116, pp. 110212, 2021. (Cuartil JCR Q3)
JH Sánchez, FJ Rubio-Hernández, NM Páez-Flor. Time-dependent viscous flow behavior of a hydrophobic fumed silica suspensión. Processes 9 (2021) 807. (Cuartil JCR Q3)
FJ Rubio-Hernández. Electroviscous effects in stationary solid phase suspensions. Fluids 6 (2021) 69. (Cuartil JCR Q3)
Hendrix, E.M.T., Casado, L.G. and G-Tóth, B. (2021), On monotonicity and search traversal in copositivity detection algorithms, Central European Journal of Operations Research, (Cuartil JCR Q4)