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Algunas de nuestras publicaciones:

García-Orza, J., Gutiérrez-Cordero, I., Larios, C., Csilinkó, A., & Álvarez-Montesinos, J. A. (2023). Length is not all that matters: testing the role of number identity and the ratio of fillers in comparisons of multi-digits with different digit length. Psychological Research87(1), 176-193.

García-Orza, J., Gutiérrez-Cordero, I., & Guandalini, M.  (2020). Saying thirteen instead of forty-two but saying lale instead of tale: is number production special? Cortex, 128, 281-296. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2020.03.020.

Rodríguez-Santos, J.M., García-Orza, J., Calleja, M., Damas, J., & Iza, M. (2018). Nonsymbolic Comparison in Deaf Students: No Evidence for a Deficit in Numerosity Processing. American Annals of the Deaf, 163(3), 374-393. doi: 10.1353/aad.2018.0024. PMID: 30100592.

> García-Orza J, Estudillo AJ, Calleja M, Rodríguez JM. (2017). Is place-value processing in four-digit numbers fully automatic? Yes, but not always. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24(6), 1906-1914. doi: 10.3758/s13423-017-1231-x.

> García-Orza, J., Comesaña, M., Piñeiro, A., Soares, A. P., & Perea, M. (2016). Is VIRTU4L larger than VIR7UAL? Automatic processing of number quantity and lexical representations in leet words. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 42, 855-865. doi: 10.1037/xlm0000211

> Estudillo, A.J., Bermudo-Romero,S., Casado, N., Prasad-Das, J., y García-Orza, J. (2015). Automaticity in subtractions depends on problem-size. Anales de Psicología, 31 (2), 697-704. doi:

> Rodríguez-Santos JM, Calleja M, García-Orza J, Iza M, Damas J. (2014). Quantity processing in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children: Evidence from Symbolic and Nonsymbolic Comparison Tasks. American Annals of the Deaf, 159(1), 34-44. DOI:10.1353/aad.2014.0015

> García-Orza, J. (2012). Dislexia y Discalculia: ¿extraños compañeros de viaje? Conferencia para el XXVIII Congreso de Aelfa, Madrid. Julio, 2012. En Actas del XXVIII Congreso de Aelfa pp. 142-151.

> García-Orza, J., Perea, M., Abu Mallouh, R., & Carreiras, M. (2012). Physical similarity (and not quantity representation) drives perceptual comparison of numbers: Evidence from two Indian notations. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 19, 294–300.DOI 10.3758/s13423-011-0212-8

> García-Orza, J. & Damas, J (2011). Sequential processing of two-digit numbers: evidence of decomposition from a perceptual number matching task. Zeirschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology, 219 (1), 23-29.

> García-Orza, J. & Perea, M. (2011). Position coding in two-digit Arabic numbers: Evidence from number decision and same-different tasks. Experimental Psychology, 58(2), 85-91.

> García-Orza, J., Perea, M., y Muñoz, S. (2010). Are transposition effects specific to letters? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,63, 1603-1618.

> Tejedor, B.; Santos, M.A., García Orza, J., Carratala, C. y Navas, M. (2009). Variables explicativas de la ansiedad a las matemáticas: un estudio en una muestra de 6º de Primaria. Anuario de Psicología, 40 (3), 345-355.

> García-Orza, J. y Muñoz Moreno, S. (2009). Insospechadas habilidades matemáticas: multiplicamos sin saberlo. Ciencia Cognitiva (revista electrónica), 3 (2), 46-48.

> Lara, V., García Orza, J. y Carratalá, P. (2009). Cuando 7+3 parece correcto: resolución automática de las restas en una tarea de verificación. Escritos de Psicología, 2 (3),35-39.

> García Orza, J.; Damas, J., Matas y Rodríguez, J.M.  (2009). 2x3 =’ primes naming ‘6’: evidences from unconscious masked priming. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 71 (3), 471-480.

> García-Orza, J., León-Carrión, J. & Vega, O. (2003). Dissociating Arabic numeral reading and basic calculation: a case study. Neurocase, 9, 129-139.

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