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The Master's in Peace Culture, Conflict, Education and Human Rights has been delivered as an Official Master' Programme by the Universities of Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada and Málaga since 2009/2010 (in accordance with the Royal Decree 1393/2007, October 29th).
Further information on Official Master's Degree:
- Coordinating University: University of Granada.
- Universities Council Resolution –successful verification-: 08/03/2010.
- Council of Ministers Agreement –official nature of degree-: 12/11/2010 (BOE 16/12/2010)
- Degree Code according to the Spanish Registry of Universities, Centres and Qualifications (RUCT): 4311932.
- Master's Sites:
Academic Committee -University of Málaga-:
Dra. Mª. Teresa Castilla Mesa.
Dr. Victor Martín Solbes.
Enrolment -University of Málaga-:
Administration Office - School of Education (UMA).
School of education
University Campus Teatinos
Tel- 952 13 24 34