Toscano-Moreno M., Mandow A., Martínez M.A., García-Cerezo A.
Velocity-Based Heuristic Evaluation for Path Planning and Vehicle Routing for Victim Assistance in Disaster Scenarios.
(2020) Robot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference. ROBOT 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1093. Springer.
Pastor F., Gandarias J.M., García-Cerezo A.J., Muñoz-Ramírez A.J., Gómez-de-Gabriel J.M.
Grasping Angle Estimation of Human Forearm with Underactuated Grippers Using Proprioceptive Feedback
(2020) Robot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference. ROBOT 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1093. Springer
Castellano-Quero M., Fernández-Madrigal JA., García-Cerezo A.J.
Integrating Multiple Sources of Knowledge for the Intelligent Detection of Anomalous Sensory Data in a Mobile Robot
(2020) Robot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference. ROBOT 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1093. Springer
Pastor, F., Gandarias, J.M., García-Cerezo, A.J., Gómez-De-Gabriel, J.M.
Using 3d convolutional neural networks for tactile object recognition with robotic palpation
(2019) Sensors, 19 (24), art. no. 5356, .
Gómez-de-Gabriel, J.M., Muñoz-Ramírez, A.J., Palacios, M., Parras, L.
Rapid end-of-arm-tooling manufacturing of vacuum grippers
(2019) International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 32 (12), pp. 1231-1241.
Sánchez-Ibánez, J.R., Pérez-del-Pulgar, C.J., Azkarate, M., Gerdes, L., García-Cerezo, A.
Dynamic path planning for reconfigurable rovers using a multi-layered grid
(2019) Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 86, pp. 32-42.
Gandarias, J.M., Garcia-Cerezo, A.J., Gomez-De-Gabriel, J.M.
CNN-Based Methods for Object Recognition with High-Resolution Tactile Sensors
(2019) IEEE Sensors Journal, 19 (16), art. no. 8695719, pp. 6872-6882.
Socarrás Bertiz, C.A., Fernández Lozano, J.J., Gomez-Ruiz, J.A., García-Cerezo, A.
Integration of a Mobile Node into a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network for Urban Environments
(2019) Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 19 (1), .
Bertiz, C.A.S., Lozano, J.J.F., Gomez-Ruiz, J.A., García-Cerezo, A.
Integration of a mobile node into a hybrid wireless sensor network for urban environments
(2019) Sensors, 19 (1), art. no. 215, .
Rubio, P.M., Fernández Quijano, J., Zambrana López, P., Fernández Lozano, J.J., García Cerezo, A., Ortega Casanova, J.
Intelligent control for improving the efficiency of a hybrid semi-submersible platform with wind turbine and wave energy converters: Fuzzy control system for the wind turbine [Control inteligente para mejorar el rendimiento de una plataforma semisumergible híbrida con aerogeneradores y convertidores de oleaje: Sistema de control borroso para la turbina]
(2019) RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial, 16 (4), pp. 480-491.
Gómez-de-Gabriel, J.M., Fernández-Madrigal, J.A., López-Arquillos, A., Rubio-Romero, J.C.
Monitoring harness use in construction with BLE beacons
(2019) Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 131, pp. 329-340.
Lara Hurtado, F.J., Fernández Lozano, J., Vázquez Martín, R.
Una red de sensores inalámbrica basada en hardware y software abierto para colaboración con aplicaciones de robótica a misiones de búsqueda y rescate.
(2019) XL Jornadas de Automática: libro de actas, Ferrol, 4-6 de septiembre de 2019 (pp. 735-740).
Toscano Moreno, M., Arregui, A., Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A.
Modelado y verificación mediante lógica lineal temporal de un grupo de dos ascensores con sistema de control de destino.
(2019). XL Jornadas de Automática: libro de actas, Ferrol, 4-6 de septiembre de 2019 (pp. 617-622).
Gandarias, J.M., Pastor, F., García-Cerezo, A.J., Gómez-De-Gabriel, J.M.
Active Tactile Recognition of Deformable Objects with 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
(2019) 2019 IEEE World Haptics Conference, WHC 2019, art. no. 8816162, pp. 551-555.
Sanchez, M., Martinez, J.L., Morales, J., Robles, A., Moran, M.
Automatic Generation of Labeled 3D Point Clouds of Natural Environments with Gazebo
(2019) Proceedings - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM 2019, art. no. 8722866, pp. 161-166.
Martínez, J.L., Morán, M., Morales, J., Reina, A.J., Zafra, M.
Field navigation using fuzzy elevation maps built with local 3D laser scans
(2018) Applied Sciences, 8 (3), art. no. 397, .
Gandarias, J.M., Gómez-de-Gabriel, J.M., García-Cerezo, A.J.
Enhancing perception with tactile object recognition in adaptive grippers for human-robot interaction
(2018) Sensors, 18 (3), art. no. 692, .
Morales, J., Plaza-Leiva, V., Mandow, A., Gomez-Ruiz, J.A., Serón, J., García-Cerezo, A.
Analysis of 3D scan measurement distribution with application to a multi-beam lidar on a rotating platform
(2018) Sensors, 18 (2), art. no. 395, .
Mandow, A., Morales, J., Gomez-Ruiz, J.A., Garcia-Cerezo, A.J.
Optimizing Scan Homogeneity for Building Full-3D Lidars Based on Rotating a Multi-Beam Velodyne Range-Finder
(2018) IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, art. no. 8593916, pp. 4788-4793.
Fernandez-Lozano, J.J., Mandow, A., Martin-Guzman, M., Martin-Avila, J., Seron, J., Martinez, J.L., Gornez-Ruiz, J.A., Socarras-Bertiz, C., Miranda-Paez, J., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Integration of a Canine Agent in a Wireless Sensor Network for Information Gathering in Search and Rescue Missions(2018) IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, art. no. 8593849, pp. 5685-5690.
Gómez-De-Gabriel, J.M., Gandarias, J.M., Pérez-Maldonado, F.J., García-Núñcz, F.J., Fernández-García, E.J., García-Cerezo, A.J.
Methods for Autonomous Wristband Placement with a Search-and-Rescue Aerial Manipulator
(2018) IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, art. no. 8594202, pp. 7838-7844.
Pomares, A., Martinez, J.L., Mandow, A., Martinez, M.A., Moran, M., Morales, J.
Ground Extraction from 3D Lidar Point Clouds with the Classification Learner App
(2018) MED 2018 - 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, art. no. 8442569, pp. 400-405.
Herrera, I.E., Mandow, A., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Using Particle Swarm Optimization for Fuzzy Antecedent Parameter Identification in Active Suspension Control
(2018) MED 2018 - 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, art. no. 8442790, pp. 320-325.
Fernández-Lozano, J.J., Gomez-Ruiz, J.A., Martín-Guzmán, M., Martín-Ávila, J., Carlos, S.B., García-Cerezo, A.
Wireless Sensor Networks for Urban Information Systems: Preliminary Results of Integration of an Electric Vehicle as a Mobile Node
(2018) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 694, pp. 190-199.
Gandarias, J.M., Gómez-De-Gabriel, J.M., García-Cerezo, A.J.
Tactile Sensing and Machine Learning for Human and Object Recognition in Disaster Scenarios
(2018) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 694, pp. 165-175.
Martinez, J.L., Morales, J., Mandow, A., Pedraza, S., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Inertia-based ICR kinematic model for tracked skid-steer robots
(2017) SSRR 2017 - 15th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, Conference, art. no. 8088158, pp. 166-171.
DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2017.8088158
García, J.M., Martínez, J.L., Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A.
Caster-leg aided maneuver for negotiating surface discontinuities with a wheeled skid-steer mobile robot
(2017) Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 91, pp. 25-37.
DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2016.12.007
García, J.M., Medina, I.J., Martínez, J.L., García-Cerezo, A., Linares, A., Porras, C.
Lázaro: A mobile robot with an arm developed to contact with the ground [Lázaro: Robot Móvil dotado de Brazo para Contacto con el Suelo]
(2017) RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial, 14 (2), pp. 174-183.
DOI: 10.1016/j.riai.2016.09.012
Plaza-Leiva, V., Gomez-Ruiz, J.A., Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A.
Voxel-based neighborhood for spatial shape pattern classification of lidar point clouds with supervised learning
(2017) Sensors (Switzerland), 17 (3), art. no. 594, .
DOI: 10.3390/s17030594
Fernandez de Canete, J., Del Saz-Orozco, P., Baratti, R., Mulas, M., Ruano, A., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Soft-sensing estimation of plant effluent concentrations in a biological wastewater treatment plant using an optimal neural network
(2016) Expert Systems with Applications, 63, pp. 8-19.
DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2016.06.028
Bauzano, E., Estebanez, B., Garcia-Morales, I., Munoz, V.F.
Collaborative Human-Robot System for HALS Suture Procedures
(2016) IEEE Systems Journal, 10 (3), art. no. 6730672, pp. 957-966.
DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2014.2299559
López-Casado, C., Pérez-del-pulgar, C., Muñoz, V.F.
Development of a scheduler for heterogeneous telescope networks with different decision algorithms
(2016) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 473, pp. 375-378.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40159-1_33
Mandow, A., Cantador, T.J., Reina, A.J., Martínez, J.L., Morales, J., García-Cerezo, A.
Building fuzzy elevation maps from a ground-based 3D laser scan for outdoor mobile robots
(2016) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 417, pp. 29-41.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-27146-0_3
Fernández-Lozano, J.J., Martín-Guzmán, M., Martín-Ávila, J., García-Cerezo, A.
A wireless sensor network for urban traffic characterization and trend monitoring
(2015) Sensors (Switzerland), 15 (10), pp. 26143-26169.
DOI: 10.3390/s151026143
López-Casado, M.C., Pérez Del Pulgar, C.J., Cabello-Castillo, J., Muñoz, V.F., Lara, O., Castro-Tirado, A., Štrobl, J., Maureira, E., Sánchez, F.M., González, E.
A fuzzy logic based decision algorithm for a heterogeneous telescope network
(2015) Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2015-June (June), art. no. 7125360, pp. 1814-1819.
DOI: 10.1109/ICIT.2015.7125360
Gomez-De-Gabriel, J.M., Mandow, A., Fernandez-Lozano, J., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Mobile Robot Lab Project to Introduce Engineering Students to Fault Diagnosis in Mechatronic Systems
(2015) IEEE Transactions on Education, 58 (3), art. no. 6914629, pp. 187-193.
DOI: 10.1109/TE.2014.2358551
Plaza-Leiva, V., Gomez-Ruiz, J.A., Ababsa, F.-E., Mandow, A., Morales, J., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Occupancy grids generation based on Geometric-Featured Voxel maps
(2015) 2015 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2015 - Conference Proceedings, art. no. 7158838, pp. 766-771.
DOI: 10.1109/MED.2015.7158838
Martin-Guzman, M., Marton-Avila, J., Fernandez-Lozano, J.J., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
A rapid deployment wireless sensor network for sustainable urban mobility
(2015) 2015 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2015 - Conference Proceedings, art. no. 7158883, pp. 967-972.
DOI: 10.1109/MED.2015.7158883
Garcia, J.M., Martinez, J.L., Mandow, A., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Steerability analysis on slopes of a mobile robot with a ground contact arm
(2015) 2015 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2015 - Conference Proceedings, art. no. 7158761, pp. 267-272.
DOI: 10.1109/MED.2015.7158761
Martínez, M.A., Martínez, J.L., Morales, J.
Motion detection from mobile robots with fuzzy threshold selection in consecutive 2D laser scans
(2015) Electronics, 4 (1), pp. 82-93.
DOI: 10.3390/electronics4010082
Martínez, J.L., Morales, J., Reina, A.J., Mandow, A., Pequeño-Boter, A., García-Cerezo, A.
Construction and calibration of a low-cost 3D laser scanner with 360° field of view for mobile robots
(2015) Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2015-June (June), art. no. 7125091, pp. 149-154.
DOI: 10.1109/ICIT.2015.7125091
Morales, J., Martínez, J.L., Mandow, A., Reina, A.J., Pequeño-Boter, A., García-Cerezo, A.
Boresight calibration of construction misalignments for 3D scanners built with a 2D laser rangefinder rotating on its optical center
(2014) Sensors (Switzerland), 14 (11), pp. 20025-20040.
DOI: 10.3390/s141120025
Seron, J., Martinez, J.L., Mandow, A., Reina, A.J., Morales, J., Garcia-Cerezo, A.J.
Automation of the arm-aided climbing maneuver for tracked mobile manipulators
(2014) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 61 (7), art. no. 6555902, pp. 3638-3647.
DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2013.2272275
Reina, A.J., Martínez, J.L., Mandow, A., Morales, J., García-Cerezo, A.
Collapsible cubes: Removing overhangs from 3D point clouds to build local navigable elevation maps
(2014) IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM, art. no. 6878213, pp. 1012-1017.
DOI: 10.1109/AIM.2014.6878213
Morales, J., Martinez, J.L., Mandow, A., Reina, A.J., Seron, J., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Improving 3D scan matching time of the coarse binary cubes method with fast spatial subsampling
(2013) IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), art. no. 6699804, pp. 4168-4173.
DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2013.6699804
Martinez, J.L., Mandow, A., Reina, A., Cantador, T.J., Morales, J., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Navigability analysis of natural terrains with fuzzy elevation maps from ground-based 3D range scans
(2013) IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, art. no. 6696559, pp. 1576-1581.
DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2013.6696559
Hurel, J., Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A.
Kinematic and dynamic analysis of the McPherson suspension with a planar quarter-car model
(2013) Vehicle System Dynamics, 51 (9), pp. 1422-1437.
DOI: 10.1080/00423114.2013.804937
Martínez, J.L., Reina, A.J., Morales, J., Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A.J.
Using multicore processors to parallelize 3D point cloud registration with the Coarse Binary Cubes method
(2013) 2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM 2013, art. no. 6518558, pp. 335-340.
DOI: 10.1109/ICMECH.2013.6518558
Fernandez De Canete, J., Garcia-Cerezo, A., Garcia-Moral, I., Del Saz, P., Ochoa, E.
Object-oriented approach applied to ANFIS modeling and control of a distillation column
(2013) Expert Systems with Applications, 40 (14), pp. 5648-5660.
DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2013.04.012
Morales, J., Mandow, A., Martínez, J.L., Reina, A.J., García-Cerezo, A.
Driver assistance system for passive multi-trailer vehicles with haptic steering limitations on the leading unit
(2013) Sensors (Switzerland), 13 (4), pp. 4485-4498.
DOI: 10.3390/s130404485
Morales, J., Martinez, J.L., Mandow, A., Garcia-Cerezo, A.J.
Steering the last trailer as a virtual tractor for reversing vehicles with passive on-and off-axle hitches
(2013) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 60 (12), art. no. 6413219, pp. 5729-5736.
DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2013.2240631
Ezeta, J.H., Mandow, A., Cerezo, A.G.
Active and semi-active suspension systems: A review [Los sistemas de suspension activa y semiactiva: Una revision]
(2013) RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial, 10 (2), pp. 121-132.
DOI: 10.1016/j.riai.2013.03.002
Morales, J., Mandow, A., Martinez, J.L., Mertínez, J.L., Garcia-Cerezo, A.J.
Driver assistance system for backward maneuvers in passive multi-trailer vehicles
(2012) IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, art. no. 6385799, pp. 4853-4858.
DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2012.6385799
Hurel, J., Mandow, A., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Tuning a fuzzy controller by particle swarm optimization for an active suspension system
(2012) IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), art. no. 6388697, pp. 2524-2529.
DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2012.6388697
Serón, J., Martinez, J.L., Mandow, A., Garcia-Cerezo, A.J., Morales, J., Reina, A., Garcia, J.
Terrace climbing of the Alacrane mobile robot with cooperation of its onboard arm
(2012) International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, AMC, art. no. 6197043, .
DOI: 10.1109/AMC.2012.6197043
Hurel, J., Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A.
Nonlinear two-dimensional modeling of a McPherson suspension for kinematics and dynamics simulation
(2012) International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, AMC, art. no. 6197009, .
DOI: 10.1109/AMC.2012.6197009
Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A.J.
Guest Editorial
(2011) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 58 (12), art. no. 6021407, pp. 5286-5287.
DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2011.2165021
Vidal-Verdú, F., Barquero, M.J., Castellanos-Ramos, J., Navas-González, R., Sánchez, J.A., Serón, J., García-Cerezo, A.
A large area tactile sensor patch based on commercial force sensors
(2011) Sensors, 11 (5), pp. 5489-5507.
DOI: 10.3390/s110505489
Gómez-De-Gabriel, J.M., Mandow, A., Fernández-Lozano, J., García-Cerezo, A.J.
Using LEGO NXT mobile robots with Lab VIEW for undergraduate courses on mechatronics
(2011) IEEE Transactions on Education, 54 (1), art. no. 5430870, pp. 41-47.
DOI: 10.1109/TE.2010.2043359
Morales, J., Martínez, J.L., Mandow, A., Pequeño-Boter, A., García-Cerezo, A.
Simplified power consumption modeling and identification for wheeled skid-steer robotic vehicles on hard horizontal ground
(2010) IEEE/RSJ 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2010 - Conference Proceedings, art. no. 5649292, pp. 4769-4774.
DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2010.5649292
Martínez, J.L., Morales, J., Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A.
Incremental closed-form solution to globally consistent 2D range scan mapping with two-step pose estimation
(2010) International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, AMC, art. no. 5463992, pp. 252-257.
DOI: 10.1109/AMC.2010.5463992
Garcia-Gonzalez, A., Gonzalez-Herrera, A., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Damage localization based on modal parameters using the finite element method and neural networks
(2010) Civil-Comp Proceedings, 93, .
Garcia-Gonzalez, A., Gonzalez-Herrera, A., Velasco, J.F., Garcia-Cerezo, A., Diaz Santiago, J.M.
A comparison of neural networks and model updating methods for damage localization
(2010) Civil-Comp Proceedings, 93, .
Vidal-Verdú, F., Barquero, M.J., Serón, J., García-Cerezo, A.
Large area smart tactile sensor for rescue robot
(2009) 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Robotic and Sensors Environments, ROSE 2009 - Proceedings, art. no. 5355985, pp. 6-10.
DOI: 10.1109/ROSE.2009.5355985
Martínez, J.L., Mandow, A., Reina, A., Morales, J.
Outdoor scene registration from 3D laser range data with coarse binary cubes
(2009) IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), art. no. 5415309, pp. 2308-2313.
DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2009.5415309
Morales, J., Martínez, J.L., Mandow, A., Medina, I.J.
Virtual steering limitations for reversing an articulated vehicle with off-axle passive trailers
(2009) IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), art. no. 5415436, pp. 2385-2390.
DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2009.5415436
Morales, J., Martínez, J.L., Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A.J., Pedraza, S.
Power consumption modeling of skid-steer tracked mobile robots on rigid terrain
(2009) IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 25 (5), pp. 1098-1108.
DOI: 10.1109/TRO.2009.2026499
Morales, J., Martínez, J.L., Mandow, A., Seron, J., Alfonso, G.-C., Alejandro, P.-B.
Center of gravity estimation and control for a field mobile robot with a heavy manipulator
(2009) IEEE 2009 International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM 2009, art. no. 4957112, .
DOI: 10.1109/ICMECH.2009.4957112
Alfonso, G.-C., Jesús, G.-D.-G., Jesús, F.-L., Mandow, A., Munoz, V.F., Fernando, V.-V., Janschek, K.
Using LEGO robots with LabVIEW for a summer school on mechatronics
(2009) IEEE 2009 International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM 2009, art. no. 4957243, .
DOI: 10.1109/ICMECH.2009.4957243
González, J., Blanco, J.L., Galindo, C., Ortiz-de-Galisteo, A., Fernández-Madrigal, J.A., Moreno, F.A., Martínez, J.L.
Mobile robot localization based on Ultra-Wide-Band ranging: A particle filter approach
(2009) Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 57 (5), pp. 496-507.
DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2008.10.022
Morales, J., Martínez, J.L., Martínez, M.A., Mandow, A.
Pure-pursuit reactive path tracking for nonholonomic mobile robots with a 2D laser scanner
(2009) Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2009, art. no. 935237, .
DOI: 10.1155/2009/935237
Martinez, J.L., Morales, J., Mandow, A., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Steering limitations for a vehicle pulling passive trailers
(2008) IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 16 (4), pp. 809-818.
DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2007.916293
García-Cerezo, A., Mandow, A., Martínez, J.L., Gómez-de-Gabriel, J., Morales, J., Cruz, A., Reina, A., Serón, J.
Development of ALACRANE: A mobile robotic assistance for exploration and rescue missions
(2007) SSRR2007 - IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics Proceedings, art. no. 4381269, .
DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2007.4381269
Mandow, A., Martínez, J.L., Morales, J., Blanco, J.L., García-Cerezo, A., González, J.
Experimental kinematics for wheeled skid-steer mobile robots
(2007) IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, art. no. 4399139, pp. 1222-1227.
DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2007.4399139
Martínez, J.L., Reina, A., Mandow, A.
Spherical laser point sampling with application to 3D scene genetic registration
(2007) Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, art. no. 4209236, pp. 1104-1109.
DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2007.363132
Muñoz, V.F., García-Morales, I., Perez Del Pulgar, C., Gomez-DeGabriel, J.M., Fernández-Lozano, J., Garcia-Cerezo, A., Vara-Thorbeck, C., Toscano, R.
Control movement scheme based on manipulability concept for a surgical robotic assistant
(2006) Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2006, art. no. 1641191, pp. 245-250.
DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2006.1641191
Morales, J., Martínez, J.L., Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A.J., Gómez-Gabriel, J.M., Pedraza, S.
Power analysis for a skid-steered tracked mobile robot
(2006) 2006 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM, art. no. 4018399, pp. 420-425.
DOI: 10.1109/ICMECH.2006.252564
Martínez, J.L., González, J., Morales, J., Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A.J.
Mobile robot motion estimation by 2D scan matching with genetic and iterative closest point algorithms
(2006) Journal of Field Robotics, 23 (1), pp. 21-34.
DOI: 10.1002/rob.20104
Martínez, J.L., Pequeño-Boter, A., Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A., Morales, J.
Progress in mini-helicopter tracking with a 3D laser range-finder
(2005) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 16, pp. 648-653.
Martínez, M.A., Martínez, J.L.
Specification of operations for a manipulator on a mobile robot using grafcet
(2005) Robotica, 23 (6), pp. 789-791.
DOI: 10.1017/S0263574705002006
Martínez, J.L., Mandow, A., Morales, J., Pedraza, S., García-Cerezo, A.
Approximating kinematics for tracked mobile robots
(2005) International Journal of Robotics Research, 24 (10), pp. 867-878.
DOI: 10.1177/0278364905058239
Fernández-Lozano, J., Gómez-De-Gabrie, J.M., Muñoz, V.F., García-Cerezo, A., García-Morales, I., Vara, C.
An integrated architecture for tele-collaboration in robotic assisted minimally invasive surgery
(2004) Robotics: Trends, Principles, and Applications - Proceedings of the Sixth Biannual World Automation Congress, WAC, pp. 491-496.
Muñoz, V.F., Garcia-Morales, I., Fernández-Lozano, J., Gómez-De-Gabriel, J.M., García-Cerezo, A., Vara, C.
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