
Advanced Studies in the Humanities Lecture Series

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Programa de Doctorado Estudios Avanzados en Humanidades

Especialidades en Historia, Arte, Filosofía y Ciencias de la Antigüedad



Aimed at the doctoral program’s interdisciplinary audience, this shared activity will bring every year a number of international guest lectures representative of research innovation in the humanities. The Advanced Studies in the Humanities Lecture Series is made possible by the joint contribution of the doctoral program along with its participating departments, through their areas, research projects and other institutions.

Lectures are grouped according to the program’s four research lines:

Research Line 1: Identities, Power, and Society in the Mediterranean World and its Historical Context: From its Origins to the Current World

Research Line 2: History of Art

Research Line 3: Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship

Research Line 4: Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity

Open to the participation of both undergraduates and graduate students, they articulate with other activities in the doctoral program: the seminars and workshops, the seminar in doctoral research, and the lectures.

Please note the list keeps growing and dates are tentative. As new lectures are invited and dates approach, we’ll post times and venues.

Academic Year 2018/2019

Lecture 2 (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

In defense of Utopias

Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark (The Åland Islands Peace Institute)

Wednesday, october 31, 2018, 11 hs. 

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Sala de Juntas Rodríguez de Berlanga

Lecture 1 (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

Wittgenstein on Thinking. Learning and Teaching

Dr. Patrick Quinn (University College Dublin)

Friday, October 19, 2018, 10 hs.

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Sala de Juntas Rodríguez de Berlanga



Academic Year 2017/2018

Lecture 3 (Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity)

Il libro undicesimo delle Metamorfosi e il significato della religione isiaca per Apuleio

Dr. D. Claudio Moreschini (Istituto Patristico Augustinianum, Roma)

Friday, September 14, 12 hs.

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Sala de Juntas Rodríguez de Berlanga

Lecture 2 (Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity)

Religious fundamentalism in Rome?

Prof. Greg Woolf (Institute of Classical Studies - University of London)

Thursday, May 24th, 12 hs.

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Sala de Juntas Rodríguez de Berlanga


Lecture 1 (Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity)

Challenge of Writing Plutarch's Theology

Prof. Dr. Rainer Hirsch-Luipold (University of Bern)

Monday, 7 May 2018, 12 hs.

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Sala de Juntas Rodríguez de Berlanga


Academic Year 2016/2017

Lecture 9 (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

Wittgenstein oggi: problemi e bivi interpretativi

Luiggi Perissinotto (University - Ca' Foscari. Venezia -Italy-)

Wednesday, 29 november 2017, 9:30 h

Sala de Juntas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.

Lecture 8 (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

On Human Rights: Historical and Theoretical Issues

Dr. Joao Cardoso Rosas (University of Minho, Portugal)

Friday, 1 december 2017, 9:30 h

Sala de Juntas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.

Lecture 7 (Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity)

Heracles, Theseus e i Feaci sui rilievi del trono di Amicle. Antenati eroici e austere virtù spartane

Dr. Massimo Nafissi

Professor of History of Greece. University of Perugia (Italy)

Friday, 17 november 2017, 12. hs.

Sala de Juntas Rodríguez de Berlanga

Lecture 6 (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

Dialogue, Democracy, and Emancipation

Dr. Leszek Koczanowicz

Professor of Philosophy and Political Science, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty in Wroclaw

Tuesday, 2 May 2017, 11:30

Sala de Juntas Rodríguez de Berlanga


Lecture 5 (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

Why Should I be Responsible For My Negligent Act? Refuting the Sceptical View on Responsibility in Negligence

Dr. Verónica Rodríguez-Blanco

Professor of Moral and Political Philosophy (Jurisprudence), University of Surrey Centre of Law and Philosophy

Thursday, 27 April 2017, 18:30

Sala de Juntas Rodríguez de Berlanga


Lecture 4 (Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity)

The Contribution of the Phoenicians to Latin medicine in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Dr. Charles Burnett 

Professor of the History of Islamic Influences in Europe at the Warburg Institute, University of London and Co-Director of the Centre for the History of Arabic Studies in Europe.

Friday, 16 December 2016, 16:30

Sala de Juntas Rodríguez de Berlanga


Lecture 3 (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

Two Concepts of Liberty Revisited: Conceptual Clarification and the History of Ideas

Dr. Mario Ricciardi

Professor, Philosophy of Law, Università degli Studi di Milano

Monday, 12 December 2016, 18:30

Sala de Juntas Rodríguez de Berlanga

Lecture 2 (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

Farewell to Anarchy: The Myth of International Anarchy and the Birth of Anarchophilia in International Relations

Dr. Paul-Erik Korvela

Professor, Political Science, University of Jyväskylä

Monday, 24 October 2016, 18:30

Seminario 5

Lecture 1 (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

The Politics of Dissensus and Political Liberalism

Dr. Jan Harald Alnes

Professor of Philosophy, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Monday, 3 October 2016, 11:00

Sala de Juntas


Academic Year 2015/2016

Lecture 7  (Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity)

The Myth Instinct: New Perspectives on Athena, Hephaistos and Divine Violence

Dr. Susan Jane Deacy

Professor, Classics, University of Roehampton

Tuesday, 21 June 2016, 16:00

Sala María Zambrano

Lecture 6  (Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity)

The Beginning, Middle, and End of Sacrifice

Dr. Jan N. Bremmer

Professor, Religious Studies and Theology, University of Groningen

Monday, 20 June 2016, 16:00

Aula 8

Lecture 5 (Identities, Power, and Society in the Mediterranean World and its Historical Context: From its Origins to the Current World)

Fiscalité Urbaine et Pouvoir Politique à l'Europe du Moyen Âge

Dr. Denis Menjot

Professeur, Histoire Médiévale, Université Lumière-Lyon 2

Lundi, 20 juin 2016, 16:00

Sala de Juntas

Lecture 4  (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

Ostracism and Democratic Self-Defence in Athens: A Participatory Procedure of Militant Democracy

Dr. Anthoula Malkopoulou

Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow, Uppsala University, Sweden

Monday, 13 June 2016, 19:15

Sala de Juntas


Lecture 3  (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

On the Authority of Society Over Its Members: A Reading of J. S. Mill's Utilitarianism and On Liberty

Dr. Roar Anfinsen

Professor, Philosophy, Uit The Arctic University of Norway

Tuesday, 17 May 2016, 18:30

Sala de Juntas

Lecture 2  (History of Art)

Architettura Tardobarroca a Napoli: La Diffusione di un Nuovo Linguaggio

Dr. Rosa Maria Giusto

Architetto, Dottore di Ricerca in Storia e Critica dell'Architettura, Università degli Studi di Salerno

Lunedì, 30 novembre 2015, 16:30

Aula 3 del Aulario Juan Antonio Ramírez

Lecture 1  (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

Towards a Political Reading of John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism

Recommended readings: J. S. Mill's On Liberty, Utilitarianism, and Considerations on Representative Government (Chapters 1-3)

Dr. Jan Harald Alnes

Professor of Philosophy, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Friday, 2 October 2015, 11:00

Seminario 5


Academic Year 2014/2015

Lecture 9 (History of Art)

The Poetic Writing of Plastic Artists

Dr. Jacqueline Rattray

Lecturer, Modern Literature, University of London

Monday, 4 May 2015, 10:30

Aula 4, Aulario Severo Ochoa


Lecture 8  (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

Somaesthetics: From Pragmatist Philosophy to Contemporary Art

Dr. Richard Shusterman

Dorothy F. Schmidt Eminent Scholar in the Humanities, Florida Atlantic University

Friday, 17 April 2015, 18:30

Aula 21


Lecture 7  (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

Death Penalty and Natural Law: On the Right to Life and Death from Hobbes to Rousseau

Dr. Gabriella Silvestrini

Professor of the History of Political Thought, Università del Piemonte Orientale

Wednesday, 15 April 2015, 17:00

Seminario 4


Lecture 6 (History of Art)

Differencing the Canon: Feminist Desire and the Writing of Art's Histories

Dr. Griselda Pollock

Professor, Social and Critical Histories of Arts, University of Leeds

Wednesday, 8 April 2015, 19:00

Auditorio, Museo Picasso Málaga, Plaza de la Higuera


Lecture 5 (Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity)

Grandes Estadistas Atenienses

Dr. Delfim Ferreira Leão

Professor, Estudos Clássicos, Universidade de Coimbra

Quarta-feira, 25 Março 2015, 12:00

Sala de Juntas

Lecture 4 (Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity)

Mœurs et Politique à Athènes au Vème Siècle à Partir des Vies de Plutarche 

Dr. Pauline Schmitt-Pantel

Professeure, Histoire Grècque, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne

Mercredi, 25 mars 2015, 10:30

Sala de Juntas


Lecture 3 (Identities, Power, and Society in the Mediterranean World and its Historical Context: From its Origins to the Current World)

How Did Kinsmen Influence the Careers of Clerics? Uncles and Nephews Among the Clergy, 800-1200

Dr. Julia Barrow

Professor in Medieval Studies, University of Leeds

Thursday, 27 November 2014, 12:00

Aula Magna, Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación

Lecture 2 (Identities, Power, and Society in the Mediterranean World and its Historical Context: From its Origins to the Current World)

Écrit et Gouvernement Urbain en France au Moyen Âge et aux Temps Modernes

Dr. Florent Garnier

Professeur, Histore du Droit et des Institutions, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole

Vendredi, 14 Novembre 2014, 12:00

Aula 14

Lecture 1 (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

A Critique of the Idea that 'Recognition' is the Essential Substance of Justice

Dr. Petter Nafstad

Professor of Philosophy, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Thursday, 6 November 2014, 15:30

Aula 21


Academic Year 2013/2014

Lecture 1  (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

The Logic of Controversies in Science and Philosophy (with Two Case Studies from Economics and Ethics)

Dr. Sergio Cremaschi

Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Piemonte Orientale

Tuesday, 11 March 2014, 18:30

Sala de Juntas


Lecture 2 (History of Art)

Incontri tra Femminismo, Modernità e Rappresentazione: l'Opera di Suzanne Santoro, la Cooperativa Beato Angelico e gli Anni Settanta

Dr. Carla Subrizi

Docente, Storia dell'Arte, Università di Roma 'La Sapienza'

Mercoledi, 12 Marzo 2014, 18:30

Auditorio, Museo Picasso Málaga, Plaza de la Higuera


Lecture 3 (Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity)

As Tapeçarias da História de Alexandre Magno e a Influência de Plutarco

Dr. Luísa de Nazaré Ferreira

Professora, Estudos Clássicos, Universidade de Coimbra

Terça-feira, 18 Março 2014, 10:30

Sala de Juntas


Lecture 4 (History of Art)

Memorie di Spettacolo nel Ciclo Rubensiano per Maria de'Medici

Dr. Sara Mamone

Professore, Arte e Spettacolo, Università degli Studi di Firenze

Mercoledi, 26 Marzo 2014, 16:30

Aula 6, Aulario Juan Antonio Ramírez


Lecture 5 (Philosophy, Science, and Citizenship)

Helping the Distant Needy: Charity or Duty?

Dr. Roar Anfinsen

Professor of Philosophy, University of Tromsø

Tuesday, 8 April 2014, 17:00

Sala de Juntas


Lecture 6 (Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity)

L'Influsso delle Traduzione Latine delle Vite Parallele di Plutarco nell'Arte Senese del Rinascimento

Dr. Marilena Caciorgna

Ricercatrìce, Studi Classici, Università di Siena

Venerdi, 25 Aprile 2014, 12:00

Aula 16, Aulario Gerald Brenan


Lecture 7 (History of Art)

Asia in Amsterdam: Chinese Filigree in Europe

Dr. Jet Pijzel-Dommisse

Curator, Decorative Arts, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag

Tuesday, 13 May 2014, 17:00

Salón de Actos del Rectorado, Paseo del Parque (Avenida de Cervantes)


Lecture 8 (Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity)

Knowledge's Silent Stream: Esotericism and Mysticism from the Pre-Socratics to the Gnostics

Dr. Lautaro Roig Lanzilotta

Professor of Classical Philology and Religious Studies, University of Groningen

Thursday, 22 May 2014, 12:00

Sala de Juntas

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