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Multi-Robot System for Cooperation with First Response Human and Canine Rescue Teams in Catastrophe Scenarios

Subprograma: RETOS
Referencia: DPI2015-65186-R
Investigador Principal 1: GARCIA CEREZO, ALFONSO
Investigador Principal 2: MANDOW ANDALUZ, ANTONIO


In emergency response protocols, First Response aims to collect and assess relevant information from the disaster zone prior to the decision of sending rescue workers. First Response is a significant application for Rescue Robotics, as it is a potentially hazardous activity in which first responders usually race against time under difficult perceptual conditions.

The mission of the FIRST-ROB project is to develop a comprehensive and user-centered mechatronic multi-robot system to cooperate with First Response teams with the ultimate goals of reducing the risks for workers and improving their efficiency. Thus, the coordinated efforts of human first responders would be supported not only by canine units but also by a robotic team. The system will integrate data from the robots and specific canine-mounted devices to produce crucial information for the rescue teams, including situation awareness, zone mapping, and accessibility, as well as to facilitate early detection and prioritization (i.e., triage) of victims.

The FIRST-ROB robotic team will be constituted by at least one unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) and one aerial vehicle (UAV), both in semi-autonomous operation. The UGV will be equipped with multispectral vision, 3D LIDAR, gas monitoring sensors, and communication systems suitable for complex environments, as well as a light manipulator with a sensorized hand for measuring force, pressure, temperature, pulse rate, and arterial pressure. The UAV will carry a multispectral camera and a small manipulator with tactile sensors. Furthermore, augmented reality systems will be used by first responders for improved perception, and both human and canine units will be monitored through individual transmitters. The control and monitoring station will be designed to be installed in a road vehicle. The functions performed by this station will include robot tele-operation with haptic interfaces, generation of information for augmented reality, and communication with the Emergency Response Coordination Centre. End users and emergency response experts will be actively involved in the project through the support of the Universidad de Málaga Chair for Security, Emergency and Catastrophes. Furthermore, the project pursues the use of the resulting system in realistic emergency drills with professional rescue response teams.



Television coverage of public demonstration (june 2018), "En Red", Andalucía TV:





Pastor, F., Gandarias, J.M., García-Cerezo, A.J., Gómez-De-Gabriel, J.M.
Using 3d convolutional neural networks for tactile object recognition with robotic palpation
(2019) Sensors, 19 (24), art. no. 5356, .

Gómez-de-Gabriel, J.M., Muñoz-Ramírez, A.J., Palacios, M., Parras, L.
Rapid end-of-arm-tooling manufacturing of vacuum grippers
(2019) International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 32 (12), pp. 1231-1241.

Sánchez-Ibánez, J.R., Pérez-del-Pulgar, C.J., Azkarate, M., Gerdes, L., García-Cerezo, A.
Dynamic path planning for reconfigurable rovers using a multi-layered grid
(2019) Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 86, pp. 32-42. 

Gandarias, J.M., Garcia-Cerezo, A.J., Gomez-De-Gabriel, J.M.
CNN-Based Methods for Object Recognition with High-Resolution Tactile Sensors
(2019) IEEE Sensors Journal, 19 (16), art. no. 8695719, pp. 6872-6882.

Socarrás Bertiz, C.A., Fernández Lozano, J.J., Gomez-Ruiz, J.A., García-Cerezo, A.
Integration of a Mobile Node into a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network for Urban Environments
(2019) Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 19 (1), . 

Gómez-de-Gabriel, J.M., Fernández-Madrigal, J.A., López-Arquillos, A., Rubio-Romero, J.C.
Monitoring harness use in construction with BLE beacons
(2019) Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 131, pp. 329-340.

Martínez, J.L., Morán, M., Morales, J., Reina, A.J., Zafra, M.
Field navigation using fuzzy elevation maps built with local 3D laser scans
(2018) Applied Sciences, 8 (3), art. no. 397, .

Gandarias, J.M., Gómez-de-Gabriel, J.M., García-Cerezo, A.J.
Enhancing perception with tactile object recognition in adaptive grippers for human-robot interaction
(2018) Sensors, 18 (3), art. no. 692, .

Morales, J., Plaza-Leiva, V., Mandow, A., Gomez-Ruiz, J.A., Serón, J., García-Cerezo, A.
Analysis of 3D scan measurement distribution with application to a multi-beam lidar on a rotating platform
(2018) Sensors, 18 (2), art. no. 395, .

García, J.M., Martínez, J.L., Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A.
Caster-leg aided maneuver for negotiating surface discontinuities with a wheeled skid-steer mobile robot
(2017) Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 91, pp. 25-37.

García, J.M., Medina, I.J., Martínez, J.L., García-Cerezo, A., Linares, A., Porras, C.
Lázaro: A mobile robot with an arm developed to contact with the ground [Lázaro: Robot Móvil dotado de Brazo para Contacto con el Suelo]
(2017) RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial, 14 (2), pp. 174-183.

Plaza-Leiva, V., Gomez-Ruiz, J.A., Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A.
Voxel-based neighborhood for spatial shape pattern classification of lidar point clouds with supervised learning
(2017) Sensors, 17 (3), art. no. 594, .

Conference papers

Toscano-Moreno M., Mandow A., Martínez M.A., García-Cerezo A.
Velocity-Based Heuristic Evaluation for Path Planning and Vehicle Routing for Victim Assistance in Disaster Scenarios.
(2020) Robot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference. ROBOT 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1093. Springer.

Pastor F., Gandarias J.M., García-Cerezo A.J., Muñoz-Ramírez A.J., Gómez-de-Gabriel J.M.
Grasping Angle Estimation of Human Forearm with Underactuated Grippers Using Proprioceptive Feedback
(2020) Robot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference. ROBOT 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1093. Springer

Castellano-Quero M., Fernández-Madrigal JA., García-Cerezo A.J.
Integrating Multiple Sources of Knowledge for the Intelligent Detection of Anomalous Sensory Data in a Mobile Robot
(2020) Robot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference. ROBOT 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1093. Springer

Lara Hurtado, F.J., Fernández Lozano, J., Vázquez Martín, R.  
Una red de sensores inalámbrica basada en hardware y software abierto para colaboración con aplicaciones de robótica a misiones de búsqueda y rescate.
(2019)  XL Jornadas de Automática: libro de actas, Ferrol, 4-6 de septiembre de 2019 (pp. 735-740).

Toscano Moreno, M., Arregui, A., Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A.
Modelado y verificación mediante lógica lineal temporal de un grupo de dos ascensores con sistema de control de destino.
(2019). XL Jornadas de Automática: libro de actas, Ferrol, 4-6 de septiembre de 2019 (pp. 617-622).

Gandarias, J.M., Pastor, F., García-Cerezo, A.J., Gómez-De-Gabriel, J.M.
Active Tactile Recognition of Deformable Objects with 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
(2019) 2019 IEEE World Haptics Conference, WHC 2019, art. no. 8816162, pp. 551-555.

Sanchez, M., Martinez, J.L., Morales, J., Robles, A., Moran, M.
Automatic Generation of Labeled 3D Point Clouds of Natural Environments with Gazebo
(2019) Proceedings - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM 2019, art. no. 8722866, pp. 161-166.

Mandow, A., Morales, J., Gomez-Ruiz, J.A., Garcia-Cerezo, A.J.
Optimizing Scan Homogeneity for Building Full-3D Lidars Based on Rotating a Multi-Beam Velodyne Range-Finder
(2018) IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, art. no. 8593916, pp. 4788-4793.

Fernandez-Lozano, J.J., Mandow, A., Martin-Guzman, M., Martin-Avila, J., Seron, J., Martinez, J.L., Gornez-Ruiz, J.A., Socarras-Bertiz, C., Miranda-Paez, J., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Integration of a Canine Agent in a Wireless Sensor Network for Information Gathering in Search and Rescue Missions(2018) IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, art. no. 8593849, pp. 5685-5690.

Gómez-De-Gabriel, J.M., Gandarias, J.M., Pérez-Maldonado, F.J., García-Núñcz, F.J., Fernández-García, E.J., García-Cerezo, A.J.
Methods for Autonomous Wristband Placement with a Search-and-Rescue Aerial Manipulator
(2018) IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, art. no. 8594202, pp. 7838-7844.

Sánchez, M.,  J.L. Martínez, y J. Morales
Generación de nubes de puntos 3D etiquetadas de entornos naturales con el simulador Gazebo
(2018) XIV Simposio CEA de Control Inteligente. Málaga, 27-29 de Junio 2018

Toscano-Moreno, M, Mandow, A. Martínez, M.A., García-Cerezo, A.
Trabajo en Curso: Planificador Estratégico para Operaciones de Rescate Mediante Vehículos Terrestres No Tripulados
(2018) XIV Simposio CEA de Control Inteligente. Málaga, 27-29 de Junio 2018

Pomares, A., Martinez, J.L., Mandow, A., Martinez, M.A., Moran, M., Morales, J.
Ground Extraction from 3D Lidar Point Clouds with the Classification Learner App
(2018) MED 2018 - 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, art. no. 8442569, pp. 400-405.

Herrera, I.E., Mandow, A., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Using Particle Swarm Optimization for Fuzzy Antecedent Parameter Identification in Active Suspension Control
(2018) MED 2018 - 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, art. no. 8442790, pp. 320-325.

Fernández-Lozano, J.J., Gomez-Ruiz, J.A., Martín-Guzmán, M., Martín-Ávila, J., Carlos, S.B., García-Cerezo, A.
Wireless Sensor Networks for Urban Information Systems: Preliminary Results of Integration of an Electric Vehicle as a Mobile Node
(2018) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 694, pp. 190-199.

Gandarias, J.M., Gómez-De-Gabriel, J.M., García-Cerezo, A.J.
Tactile Sensing and Machine Learning for Human and Object Recognition in Disaster Scenarios
(2018) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 694, pp. 165-175.

Gandarias, J.M., Gomez-De-Gabriel, J.M., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Human and object recognition with a high-resolution tactile sensor
(2017) Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, 2017-December, pp. 1-3.

Martinez, J.L., Morales, J., Mandow, A., Pedraza, S., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
Inertia-based ICR kinematic model for tracked skid-steer robots
(2017) SSRR 2017 - 15th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, Conference, art. no. 8088158, pp. 166-171.

Muñoz-Ramírez, A.J., Luque Bedmar, J.M., Gómez-de-Gabriel, J.M., Mandow, A., Serón, J., García-Cerezo, A.

(Control a Baja Velocidad de una Rueda con Motor de Accionamiento Directo mediante Ingeniería Basada en Modelos

(2017) XXXVIII Jornadas de Automática, pp. 799-805.

Gandarias, J.M., Gómez-de-Gabriel, J.M., García-Cerezo, A.J.
Clasificación de información táctil para la detección de personas
2017) XXXVIII Jornadas de Automática, pp. 732-737.
Ikonen, E., Najim, K., Garcia-Cerezo, A.
MacPherson suspension system modeling and control with MDP
(2017) 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2016, art. no. 7849869, .

García, J.M., Martínez, J.L., Mandow, A., García-Cerezo, A.
Slide-down prevention for wheeled mobile robots on slopes
(2017) ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Part F128050, pp. 63-68.

Mandow, A., Cantador, T.J., Reina, A.J., Martínez, J.L., Morales, J., García-Cerezo, A.
Building fuzzy elevation maps from a ground-based 3D laser scan for outdoor mobile robots
(2016) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 417, pp. 29-41.

Herrera, Isabel Elena; Mandow, Anthony; García-Cerezo, Alfonso.
Identificación de Parámetros Borrosos para el Control de Suspensión Activa mediante Enjambre de Partículas.
XXXVII Jornadas de Automática, pp. 396-401, Madrid, España. Septiembre 2016.

Jorge L. Martínez, Jesús Morales y Manuel Zafra.
Obtención de barridos láser 3D nivelados con el robot móvil Andábata en movimiento. 

(2016) XXXVII Jornadas de Automática 2016, Madrid, pag. 661-666.

Garcia-Cerezo, Alfonso Jose; Mandow-Andaluz, Antonio.
Tecnología Robótica de Primera Intervención para la Cooperación con Equipos Humanos y Unidades Caninas en Emergencias y Catástrofes. 

(2016) Workshop en Robótica y sistemas no tripulados para aplicaciones de seguridad. Organizado por la REDROM (Red Nacional de Robótica y Mecatrónica). Diciembre, 2016- CSIC. Madrid, España.

Martín-Guzmán, Miguel; Martín-Ávila, Juan; Martinez-Rodriguez, Jorge Luis; Fernandez-Lozano, Juan Jesus; García-Hernández, José Manuel; Miranda-Paez, Jesus; Mandow-Andaluz, Antonio; Garcia-Cerezo, Alfonso Jose.
Coordinación de un perro de rescate sensorizado y UAV para búsqueda de víctimas - Ejercicio piloto. 
XXXVI Jornadas de Automática. Septiembre/2015. Bilbao, España

Plaza-Leiva, V., Gomez-Ruiz, J.A., Mandow, A., Garcia-Cerezo, A.J.
Multi-layer Perceptrons for Voxel-Based Classification of Point Clouds from Natural Enviroments. 

(2015) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9095, pp. 250-261.

Plaza-Leiva, Victoria; Gomez-Ruiz, Jose Antonio; Mandow-Andaluz, Antonio; Morales-Rodriguez, Jesús; Garcia-Cerezo, Alfonso Jose.  
Occupancy Grids Generation based on Geometric-Featured Voxel Maps.  
(2015) 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. Torremolinos – Spain.

García-Caicedo, Jesús Marcey; Martinez-Rodriguez, Jorge Luis; Mandow-Andaluz, Antonio; Garcia-Cerezo, Alfonso Jose.  
Steerability analysis on slopes of a mobile robot with a ground contact arm.  
(2015) 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. Torremolinos, España.

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