
Supervisión de tesis IMEE

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IMEE Thesis Supervision


The University of Malaga, through the CIPD, has defined the Guide of Good Practices of the Doctoral Programs of the University of Malaga, which serves as a common reference for all Doctoral Programs. The Guide of Good Practices should be considered together with the current regulations of the University of Malaga, especially those related to doctoral studies, which establish recommendations and criteria for the direction and monitoring of the training activities of the doctoral student and his doctoral thesis.

The figure of the thesis supervisor (or supervisors) is essential in the monitoring of the doctoral program. For this reason, the choice of this figure falls to the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program in accordance, mainly, with the student's entry profile, his/her preferences, and the availability of researchers who can act as directors.


Promotion of the direction and supervision of theses.

It is an objective of this doctoral program that all its faculty direct at least one thesis at any given time, and defend at least one thesis every 5 years. To encourage the direction of doctoral theses, the University, as stated in its new Research Plan, will allocate an amount (around 1,000 Euros) to all thesis directors for each thesis defended, in order to cover some of the needs associated with the defense of the thesis (binding, protocol expenses), as well as for other research expenses that the director may require. This amount, previously assigned to the departments, is now assigned to the directors, who may make use of it by justifying the corresponding invoices and receipts. Of course, the amount depends on whether the thesis has an international mention or not, the quantity and quality of the publications that support the thesis, etc. Likewise, the University has defined in its Teaching Organization Plan a recognition of 15 ECTS credits for thesis direction and tutoring.


Thesis co-direction

Each doctoral student will have, in addition to the tutor, one or two directors. Whenever possible, the figure of the tutor and the supervisor should coincide. Normally, the tutor and the supervisor will not coincide when the supervisor is not part of the faculty assigned to the Doctoral Program, or when the supervisor is not from the University of Malaga. According to the PhD strategy of the University of Malaga, co-direction is especially interesting in the following cases:

1. when the thesis raises an interdisciplinary theme that requires the participation of directors from different areas or branches.

2. To enhance internationalization, through co-direction by international researchers whenever possible and beneficial to the doctoral student.

3. Co-direction by researchers from companies or research institutes is also recommended, in order to enhance the relationship with the productive and industrial fabric.

At any time during the thesis writing process, the doctoral student may request, if there are justified and motivated reasons, a change of both the director and the title of the thesis. The request must be made by the student to the coordinator of the corresponding Doctoral Program, who will transfer it to the Academic Committee for its consideration.


Thesis co-supervision

In line with the University of Malaga's strategy for doctoral training, co-supervision agreements with other international universities will be encouraged in order to promote interaction with international groups and for graduates to obtain doctoral degrees from both universities. The University of Malaga will promote this type of activities as far as possible, and specifically through grants from its own Research Plan, and through scholarships and grants arranged with other organizations such as, for example, the Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Posgrado (AUIP). Likewise, the PhD Program in Mechanical Engineering and Energy Efficiency will promote the co-supervision of theses through collaboration with other universities, this point is already reflected by the numerous collaborations existing between the faculty belonging to the PhD Program and both foreign and national Universities.


Participation of international experts

The Doctoral Regulations of the University of Malaga include the possibility of having international experts in the preparation of reports prior to the defense of the theses and in the thesis tribunals. Although this is an essential requirement in theses that opt for the mention of International Doctor, in this Doctoral Program, one of the members of the tribunal or one of the substitutes must belong to a University, higher education or research center of the University of Malaga. 

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