Seminario "Smart Materials in Robotics and Microtechnology. 

Ponente: Moustapha Hafez is a Director of Research at CEA LIST, Palaiseau, France.

Organiza: Fernando Vidal Verdú.

Línea:  Sistemas Eléctricos y Electrónicos Inteligente

Lugar: Aula 0.26, Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales

Fecha y hora: 

   - jueves 29 de noviembre de 10:30 a 14:00 y

   - viernes 30 de noviembre de 10:30 a 14:00 

No es necesaria pre-inscripción; entrada libre hasta completar el aforo.

Contenido: Different stimuli cause some materials called "active", "smart" or "intelligent" to respond with a change in shape and/or in length. The output strain can then be used to introduce motion or dynamics into a system. Depending on the stimulus-response-direction an active material can be used as both actuator and sensor. The applied driving forces can be broadly classified into three categories: Electrical fields, thermal fields and magnetic fields. Common materials include electrostrictive and piezoelectric ceramics, shape memory alloys, magnetostrictive materials, and electrorheological/magnetorheological fluids. A new class of electroactive polymers (EAP) emerged and start to find new applications in robotics and microtechnology due to their unique properties such as extremely large actuation strains. The course aims to get a better understanding of the different active materials field and their application to robotics and microtechnology. The course will start by introducing the working principles of the different smart materials. The different manufacturing methods and the best technologies to shape them to desired dimensions will then be covered. A comparison of the different active materials will be discussed revealing the advantages and limitations of each technology. Finally illustrative applications of the active materials will be presented. Part of the course will be taught by investigating into details different case studies.

Bio: Moustapha Hafez is a Director of Research at CEA LIST, Palaiseau, France. M. Hafez is the head of the Sensory and Ambient Interfaces Laboratory. His research interests lie in the field of tactile technology, haptics, mechatronics and smart materials. He is the co-inventor of more than 30 patents and has co-authored more than 150 publications in International journals and conferences.

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