Inicio - Doct. IMEE
The Doctoral Program in Mechanical Engineering and Energy Efficiency is the concretion, within the new organization established by RD 99/2011, of the will of research professors from nine different Departments with teaching at the Higher Polytechnic School and the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering to create a common work space to contribute to the scientific and research work within the University of Malaga.
The fundamental objective of this Doctoral Program is to train highly qualified researchers in the field of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Efficiency as a common denominator, to exploit synergies and promote the transversality of the teachings. The subjects dealt with in this field of science, because of their breadth, interest for the industry and the complexity of many of their subjects, lead to the development of a very active public and private research around the world, giving rise to a number very high Doctoral Thesis. For this reason the research lines of the Program include research, development and innovation that encompass any of the qualifications taught at the Higher Polytechnic School and the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering.
Research lines:
● Mechanical and Materials Engineering
● Energy and Renewable Systems
● Mathematical Modeling in Mechanical Engineering
● Corporate Reputation, Design and Representation in Mechanical Engineering
Web of the program:
Academic coordination:
Dr. Juan Jesús Castillo Aguilar, (+34 951952372)