
Movilidad IMEE

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 Mobility and placements for doctoral students in international universities and research centers form part of the University of Malaga's strategy for doctoral training. This Doctoral Programme aims to encourage and promote these mobility actions and not only those aimed at the achievement of theses with the mention of International Doctor or those that are developed on a co-supervision basis.

The International Graduate Centre and Doctoral School of the University of Malaga, through its Doctoral School, has regulated the financing of the doctoral training of its students with the Aid Plan for Doctoral Students of the University of Malaga, approved by the Governing Council on 18 April 2013. This Plan includes two specific sections of aid for the mention of International Doctor and for the completion of theses on a co-supervision basis. In addition, the University of Malaga's Own Research Plan has a set of annual grants for stays of varying lengths in foreign centers and a series of grants for attending conferences and seminars, with the aim of encouraging and promoting this type of activity among doctoral students at the University of Malaga. The University of Malaga also participates and collaborates with various institutions and organizations to promote mobility and internationalization: AUIP, Universia, etc. The website of the Doctoral School will keep updated information on the different calls for applications. This Doctoral Programme can offer different types of grants for mobility, based on the agreements signed with several entities. Likewise, due to international collaborations, Ph.D. students are guaranteed to be hosted at one of the following institutions, either on a co-tutelle basis or for research stays:

 ●     Cornell University (USA)

●     Harvard University (USA)

●     Boston University (USA)

●     University of Naples (Italy)

●     Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

●     Montforten University (UK)

●     University of Skövde (Sweden)

●     Polytechnic University of Bucharest (Romania)


As far as possible, all full-time doctoral candidates will be required to carry out at least one continuous stay of 3 months in a foreign institution, and part-time doctoral candidates will be required to carry out at least 2 stays of one or one and a half months in foreign institutions. These stays would take place in the second year for full-time students and in the third or fourth year for part-time students.


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