
Seguimiento y Evaluación IMEE

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Once enrolled in the Doctoral Programme, the Ph.D. student will be able to access the DAD application. In this application, the student will be able to manage all the necessary procedures in the development of his/her doctorate until the completion and defense of the doctoral thesis. (see application operation manual). The necessary steps for the monitoring and evaluation of doctoral students are listed below:

 1.-Documentary Commitment of Supervision (CDS)

 As soon as the student has a tutor and a director, a Documentary Commitment to Supervision  (CDS) will be signed. This document seals the commitment between all parties and establishes, among other things, the rights and duties of tutors, supervisors, and Ph.D. students, conflict resolution procedures, aspects relating to intellectual or industrial property rights that may be generated by the thesis, and the criteria that will be used to evaluate the Ph.D. student. This document will be managed directly from the DAD application through the 'Status' tab (see application operation manual).


2.-Activity Document

 The personalized Activities Document is a document that will contain the individualized control record defined in article 2.5 of R.D.90/2011. All activities of interest for the development and evaluation of the Ph.D. student will be recorded in this document. The records made by the Ph.D. student will be authorized and certified by the tutor and thesis supervisor. The annual reports made by the tutor and thesis supervisor, as well as the annual evaluations made by the Academic Committee, will also be recorded. The Activity Document for all doctoral programs will be created, updated, and maintained electronically, using the DAD computer application (see application operation manual).


3.-Research Plan and Thesis Project

All doctoral students must prepare, before the end of the first year, a Research Plan and Thesis Project, which must be approved by their tutor and thesis supervisor and approved by the program’s Academic Committee. The Research Plan and Thesis Project of this Doctoral Programme must include the following sections:

 A brief study on the state of the art in the subject of the thesis that demonstrates sufficient knowledge of the relevant literature to begin work on the thesis.

  1. The definition of a clear research problem to be addressed by the thesis work, or a question to be solved.
  2. The objectives to be achieved in the research work.
  3. The methodology. A work plan and timetable to try to tackle the research successfully, together with a plan for dissemination of the results (publications, congresses, etc.).
  4. The means necessary for the development of the work
  5. The competencies to be developed

The Research Plan and Thesis Project is a document that makes it possible to assess whether or not the student has a specific work plan for the completion of the thesis. This document is prepared under the supervision of the thesis supervisor and will be submitted for assessment in the first year. The procedure for the approval of the Research Plan and Thesis Project will be done using the DAD application (see application operation manual).


4.-Annual Evaluation

Once the steps described above have been completed, the Ph.D. student is ready to carry out the annual assessment. The annual evaluation in our Doctoral Programme is carried out by means of a training activity that we have called: Follow-up Workshops.

The evaluation criteria for each year are reflected in the Documentary Commitment to Supervision.

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