Line of research: Clinical and health psychology
This line of research brings together researchers investigating different aspects of clinical and health psychology. Research is organized around the following topics:
- Psychological aspects of chronic pain
- Psychological well-being and positive psychology
- Use and assessment of healthcare services, psychotherapy, and information systems
- Psychology and diabetes: assessment, diagnosis and psychological treatments
This line of research is headed by seven faculty members. Their experience is demonstrated by their contributions to numerous scientific publications, the development of PhD theses, and their participation in publicly funded research projects awarded by competive calls.
Name | Institution |
University of Malaga | |
University of Malaga | |
University of Malaga | |
University of Malaga | |
University of Malaga | |
University of Malaga
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University of Malaga
Teams associated with this line of research
>Andalusian psychosocial research group (GAP)
>Assessment of social and psychological intervention programs
>Mind Lab: individual differences in cognition, emotion, and emotional regulation
Active projects and recent publications
Title: Análisis de factores personales y contextuales y su impacto en la salud y bienestar docente: implicaciones de la inteligencia emocional para los docentes en activo y el profesorado novel. [Analysis of personal and contextual factors and their impact on teachers’ health and well-being: implications of emotional intelligence on in-service teachers and new teachers.]
Reference: UMA18-FEDERJA-147
Funded by: R&D and innovation projects within the framework of the ERDF for Andalusia 2014‐2020. Modality B: Proyectos de Investigación orientados a los Retos de la Sociedad Andaluza. [Research Projects oriented to the Challenges of the Andalusian Society.]
Duration: 2019-2022
Head researchers: Natalio Extremera Pacheco.
Participating entities: University of Malaga
Title: Emotional regulation in anger and aggression: The impact of cognitive factors
Reference: PY20_00155
Funded by: PAIDI 2020 projects Junta de Andalucía [Andalusian Regional Government]
Duration: 1 January, 2021 to 30 December, 2022
Head researchers: Natalio Extremera Pacheco.
Participating entities: University of Malaga and University of Cordoba. Camilo José Cela University Sunshine Coast University (Australia), Stanford University (USA).
Title: Variables predictoras del abuso de opioides prescritos en los pacientes con dolor crónico no oncológico: desarrollo de una escala de detección de riesgo. [Predictor variables of prescribed opioid abuse in patients with nononcologic chronic pain: designing a risk screening scale]
Reference: PID2019-106086RB-I00
Funded by: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. R&D and innovation projects
Duration: 20 June, 2020 to 20 June, 2024
Head researchers: Carmen Ramírez Maestre and Alicia E. López Martínez
Participating entities: University of Malaga, Área Integrada de Gestión de la Agencia Sanitaria Costa del Sol [Integrated Management Area of the Costa del Sol Health Agency], FIMABIS (Andalusian Public Foundation for Biomedical and Health Research in Malaga), Pain Unit of the Quirón Salud Hospital in Malaga, Pain Unit of the Regional University Hospital of Malaga, Pain Unit of the Virgen de la Victoria University Hospital, University of Washington.
Title: Eficacia y coste-eficacia de una aplicación WEB para tratar síntomas depresivos en personas adultas con diabetes tipo 1: un ensayo clínico contralado (WEB_TDDI1 study).[Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a web-based application to treat depressive symptoms in adults with type 1 diabetes: a controlled clinical trial (WEB_TDDI1 study)].
Reference: UMA20-FEDERJA008
Funded by: Framework of the ERDF Operational Program 2014-2020 for Andalusia (Phase II).
Duration: 29 October, 2021 to 30 June, 2023
Head researchers: María Teresa Anarte Ortiz
Participating entities: University of Malaga Regional University Hospital of Malaga
>Arrivillaga, C., Rey, L., & Extremera, N. (2022). Psychological distress, rumination and problematic use of smartphones among Spanish adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the incidence of psychotic disorders: Journal of Affective Disorders, 296 1-8. IF JCR =4.839. JCR ranking = Q1 (53/208).
>Cano-López, J.B., García-Sancho, E., Fernández-Castilla, B., & Salguero, J.M. (2021, advance online). Empirical evidence of the metacognitive model of rumination and depression in clinical and nonclinical samples: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cognitive Therapy and Research. IF JCR = 2.503. JCR ranking = Q3 (81/130).
>Carreira M, Ruiz de Adana M, Domínguez M, Valdés S, Almaraz MC, Olveira, Anarte MT (2021). Development and Validation of the Depression Inventory for type 1 Diabetes (DID-1). International Journal Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 1-17. JCR impact factor = 3.390. JCR ranking = Q1 (42/176).
>Chamizo-Nieto, M. T., & Rey, L. (2021, advance online). Cybervictimisation and depressive symptoms among adolescents: A moderated mediation model. Current Psychology, IFJCR = 4.297. JCR ranking = Q1 (23/140).
>Esteve, R., Bernardes, S. F., López-Martínez, A. E., Martín-Delgado, C. E., & Ramírez-Maestre, C. (2021, advance online). The Informal Social Support for Autonomy and Dependence in Pain Inventory Spanish version. Health & Social Care in the Community, 1111/hsc.13632. JCR impact factor = 2.821 JCR ranking = Q1 (7/44).
>Esteve, R., Reyes-Pérez, A., Ramírez-Maestre, C., Gutiérrez-Extremera, A., Fuentes-Bravo, R., de la Vega, R., Ruiz-Párraga, G.T., Serrano-Ibáñez, E.R., & López-Martínez, A.E. (2021, advance online). Diagnostic and Predictive Capacity of the Spanish versions of the Opioid Risk Tool and the Screener and Opioid Assessment for patients with pain—revised: A preliminary investigation in a sample of people with noncancer chronic pain. Pain and Therapy. JCR impact factor= 5.725. JCR ranking = Q1 (37/208).
>Moreno-Küstner, B., Guzman-Parra, J., Pardo, Y., Sanchidrián Barragán, Y., Díaz-Ruiz S., Mayoral-Cleríes F. (2021) Excess mortality in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders in Malaga (Spain): A cohort study. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 30, e1, 1-9. JCR impact factor= 6.892. JCR ranking = Q1 (11/144).
>Ortiz-Calvo, E., Martínez-Alés, G., Mediavilla, R., González-Gómez, E., Fernández-Jiménez, E., Bravo-Ortiz, M.F., Moreno-Küstner, B. (2022) The role of social support and resilience in the mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic among healthcare workers in Spain. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 148, 181-187.
>Salguero, J.M., Ramos-Cejudo, J., García-Sancho, E., Arbulu, I., Zaccagnini, J.L., Bjureberg, J., Gross, J.J. (2021). Testing the impaired disengagement hypothesis: The role of attentional control and positive metacognitive beliefs in depression. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 146, 103961. JCR impact factor= 4.473. JCR ranking = Q1 (26/130).
>Varela-Moreno E., Carreira Soler, M., Guzmán-Parra. J., Jódar Sánchez F., Mayoral-Cleries, F., & Anarte, M.T. (2022). Effectiveness of eHealth-Based Psychological Interventions for Depression Treatment in Patients with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes
(Latest update: February, 2022)
If you would like further information on this line of research, please get in touch with Alicia E. López Martínez (; member of the Academic Commission for the Doctorate Program).