
Supplementary Courses

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The supplementary courses associated with the PhD Psychology Program will be run during the first year of the PhD Program. If the Academic Committee has considered it necessary for the student to attend a supplementary course, the student needs to successfully complete the course before submitting the subject of their PhD project for approval.

The objective of these courses is to provide the student with required methodological knowledge and for them to acquire the skills needed to perform quality research in Psychology. The courses include training in research methods and techniques, statistics, and research epistemology.

These supplementary courses also form part of some Masters programs, which, if completed, entitle direct access to the Psychology PhD program. Depending on the line of research and the student's interests, the Academic Committee may recommend the student to complete a supplementary course from one of the applicable Masters degrees.


See below for the names of the modules from the available UMA Masters that are considered supplementary courses:


Masters Degree in General Healthcare Psychology

> Research Design, Methods, and Techniques in Healthcare Psychology. 6 ECTS


Masters Degree in "Social and Community Research and Intervention"

> Techniques and resources in Social Intervention. 6 ECTS


Masters Degree in "Research in Physical Activity and Sport"

Research methods in Physical Education and Sports Sciences. 6 ECTS

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