
Line of research: Psychology and social intervention

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This line of research brings together researchers investigating the most recent aspects of social and community psychology. Research is organized around the following topics:

  • Quality of life and community and organizational intervention 
  • Psychosocial intervention in developing countries 
  • Research and intervention in foster care  and adoption
  • Psychosocial assessment and intervention in vulnerable populations
  • Psycho-environmental research and intervention


This line of research is headed by nine faculty members. Their expertise is shown by their contributions to numerous scientific publications, their doctoral theses, and their participation in competitive publicly-funded research projects




Luis Gómez Jacinto 

University of Malaga

María Isabel Hombrados Mendieta 

University of Malaga

Miguel Ángel García Martín 

University of Malaga

Patricia García Leiva 

University of Malaga

Isabel Bernedo Muñoz 

University of Malaga

Jesús M. Canto Ortiz 

University of Malaga

María Ángeles Peláez Fernández 

University of Malaga

María Pilar Moreno Jiménez 

University of Malaga


Teams associated with this line of research

>The causal cognition group

>Quality of life and community and organizational intervention

>Group challenges of the 21st century


Ongoing projects and recent publications


Title: Psychosocial factors of radicalization and extremism among immigrant youth.

Reference: PSI2017-85941-R

Funding entities: 2017 call for R&D and innovation projects by the programa estatal de investigacion, desarrollo e innovacion orientada a los retos de la sociedad (The National Spanish program for R&D and innovation focussed on society’s challenges). Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness

Duration: 2018-2022

Head researchers: María Isabel Hombrados Mendieta and Luis Gómez Jacinto.


Title: El papel de los estereotipos en las relaciones intergrupales en el contexto multicultural de la provincia de Málaga. [Stereotyping roles in intergroup relationship in the multicultural context of the province of Malaga]

Reference: AYUDA_18_B3_02

Funded by: University of Malaga

Head researchers: Jesús M. Canto Ortiz


Title: Evaluación del proyecto piloto Quarteira Decide. [Evaluation of the Quarteira Decide pilot project]

Reference: 8.07/5.38.5867

Funded by: Associação Oficina de Planeamento e Participação, Portugal

Duration: 15 March, 2021 to 14 March, 2024. It will be automatically renewed unless otherwise communicated by either party.

Head researchers: Patricia García Leiva

Participating entities: Universities of Malaga and Huelva (Spain), Coglobal, Associação Oficina de Planeamento e Participação (Portugal)


Title: Análisis de factores personales y contextuales y su impacto en la salud y bienestar docente: implicaciones de la inteligencia emocional para los docentes en activo y el profesorado novel. [Analysis of personal and contextual factors and their impact on teachers’ health and well-being: implications of emotional intelligence on in-service teachers and new teachers.]

Reference: UMA18-FEDERJA-147

Funded by: R&D and innovation projects within the framework of the ERDF for Andalusia 2014‐2020. Modality B: Proyectos de Investigación orientados a los Retos de la Sociedad Andaluza. [Research Projects oriented to the Challenges of the Andalusian Society.]

Duration: Start date: 2019; End date: 2022

Head researchers: Natalio Extremera Pacheco


Title: Implementation of a psychoeducational intervention program to improve visits between fostered children and their biological families.

Reference: EDU2016 77094-P. Proyecto de Excelencia I+D, de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia (Subprograma Estatal de Generación del Conocimiento)

Funded by: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

Duration: 1 November, 2016 to 28 February, 2021

Head researchers: Isabel María Bernedo and María Jesús Fuentes Rebollo.


Title: Motivos sociales, sentido de comunidad e integración social en el análisis de las conductas de riesgo de los jóvenes inmigrantes [Analysis of risk behaviors of immigrant youth based on social motives, sense of community and social integration].

Reference: PSI2017-85941-R

Funded by: Framework of the ERDF for Andalusia

Duration: 15 November, 2019 to 15 November, 2023

Head researchers: María Isabel Hombrados Mendieta


>Salas-Rodríguez J, Gómez-Jacinto L, Hombrados-Mendieta I and del Pino-Brunet N (2022) Applying an Evolutionary Approach of Risk-Taking Behaviors in Adolescents. Front. Psychol. 12:694134. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.694134. IF JCR = 2.99. JCR ranking = Q2

>Peláez-Fernández, M.A., Rey, L., & Extremera, N. (2022). Pathways from emotional intelligence to well-being and health outcomes among unemployed: Mediation by health-promoting behaviours. Journal of Health Psychology, 27(4), 879-889.

>Canto, J. M., San Martín, J. & Perles, F. (2021). Exploring the role of aggressor´s social class in rape and its relation to right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36, 5635-5658. IF= 6.144; Q1

>Bernedo, I. M., Oliver, J., Urbano-Contreras, A. & González-Pasarín, L. (2022). Perceived Stress, Resources, and Adaptation in Relation to the COVID-19 Lockdown in Spanish Foster and Non-Foster Families. Child & Family Social Work, 27(1), 55-66 IF: 2.38; Q1

>Hidalgo, M. C., Moreno-Jiménez, P., Muiños, G., & Hernández, B. (2021). Neighborhood Care and Neighborhood Bonds: An Unequal Relationship. Environment and Behavior, 53(6), 571–600. IF: 2.89; Q1

>Salas, M. D., Bernedo, I. M., García-Martín, M. A., & Fuentes, M. J. (2021). Behavioral Observation and Analysis of Participants in Foster Care Visits. Family Relations, 70, 540-556 IF: 1,317; Q1.

>Casado F, Hidalgo, MC, García-Leiva P. Energy efficiency in households: The effectiveness of different types of messages in advertising campaigns. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Journal of Experimental Psychology: 2017. 53: 198-205. IF JCR = 3.494. JCR ranking = Q1

(Latest update: February, 2022)

If you would like further information on this line of research, please get in touch with María Isabel Hombrados Mendieta (; member of the Academic Committee for the PhD Program).


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